Sermons from Luke

Divine Delays: When Prayers Seem Unanswered

Date: March 31, 2024 | Speaker:

Martha has just endured the heartbreaking loss of her brother, and now, disappointment is mingled with grief because Jesus didn’t respond to her plea for help in time. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a glimmer of hope persists as she turns to Jesus with her burden. Her unwavering faith amidst sorrow serves as a powerful challenge for us all—to lean on Jesus in our darkest hours. Witnessing Jesus’ transformative power, Martha’s “what now?” becomes an “even now” moment, displaying His sovereignty even in life’s chaos. If you’re grappling with unanswered prayers, take heart and continue to trust in Him. His timing is perfect, no matter what trials you are facing.

Stop Trying to Earn God’s Approval

Date: January 21, 2023 | Speaker:

Are you still trying to earn God’s love by keeping a long list of religious rules? Does the constant effort to be good enough leave you weary and wondering if you will ever measure up? It’s time to let go of the burdensome shackles of performance-based religion and embrace the incredible benefits of the new covenant Jesus made possible through his sacrificial death on the cross. It’s no longer about observing external rules and regulations. Jesus fulfilled all of those old requirements on your behalf, washed all your sins away, and you can now stand completely righteous before God! Don’t live another day trying to please God through your own efforts. Start living in the new life of God’s grace, forgiveness, and acceptance!

Where is the Peace the Angel Promised?

Date: December 24, 2023 | Speaker:

Whatever happened to the “peace on earth” that the ‌angels promised at the birth of Jesus? Instead of tranquility, the world remains plagued by wars, famines, disasters, and diseases. Our sins not only bear responsibility for these issues but also for separating us from God. Consequently, humanity’s greatest need is not global harmony but reconciliation with God, and that is precisely what Jesus came to provide. Genuine peace cannot be attained through earthly pursuits, but you can experience peace with God right now by placing your trust in Christ for salvation. Do you possess the true, lasting peace that only the Prince of Peace can give?

But Because You Say So, I Will

Date: September 17, 2023 | Speaker:

When Jesus called Simon and the other disciples to follow Him, He displayed His power through a miraculous catch of fish. This encounter changed these men’s lives forever and reminds us of what Jesus can do in us and through us when we step out in obedience to Him. Jesus used these men to impact the world for the Kingdom and it all started with Simon’s obedience to put his net out into deep water. Are you ready and willing to obey Him however He may lead?

God Will Make All Things Right

Date: May 7, 2023 | Speaker:

We all experience seasons of trouble and darkness in life that are sometimes so severe we wonder if help and relief will ever come. All life and hope seem to be gone forever. But God sees life where we only see deadness; He sees hope even when all our hope has faded. Do you feel trapped in the dark right now, certain that no light will shine there again? It’s in those exact moments that you need to trust God more than any other. He has not forgotten you or abandoned you. Hold on and trust unflinchingly in His promises. Things may be bad now, but a better day is coming, and in the end, God will make all things right!

Where is Your Road Taking You?

Date: April 9, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever been making good time on a trip, but didn’t realize you were on the wrong road? That’s not a big problem when you’re in a car, but if you’re on the wrong road of life it will have eternal consequences. When it comes to life, remember this — what determines your destination tomorrow ‌is the direction you choose to go in today. We’re all on a road to somewhere, and one day that road will come to an end. You will either find yourself exactly where you wanted to end up, or you’ll be somewhere you never intended to go. Your eternal destiny is in the balance. So, where are your choices taking you?

God, What Do You Want From Me?

Date: March 19, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever tried to please God by doing more religious things like increasing your church attendance, never missing your daily quiet time or giving more money to the church? The fact is, you can’t earn favor with God by doing any of those things. God is not looking for external shows of religion because it’s dangerously easy to be immersed in religious activities, yet be a complete hypocrite in God’s eyes. Today we explore what God actually requires of us, and the list may surprise you! So, are you doing what God wants?

Does Our Worship Please God?

Date: January 1, 2023 | Speaker:

If God gave us a worship checkup, how well would we do on that test? Our worship services may attract big crowds, may be exciting, and may even be the talk of the town… but does our worship actually please God? After all, His opinion is the only one that counts! Are we worshipping from the heart or simply out of routine? Are we worshipping with sin in our lives and assuming it doesn’t matter? Our worship is a direct reflection of the condition of our heart, so let’s ask God to show us what it really looks like through His eyes, and then be willing to surrender anything that is hindering us from offering pure worship to Him.

Desperate for Jesus

Date: November 27, 2022 | Speaker:

In our culture of platform building and rising celebrity status, we forget that Jesus values the least. He places honor on the poor, the broken, the messy, and the marginalized. Lepers in Jesus’ day were outcasts of society. They had absolutely no status and were looked down on as untouchables. Yet, when Jesus encountered 10 lepers pleading for help, He treasured each one of them, heard their cries, and healed them. All of us can identify with those lepers more than we may realize. Our lives have been eaten away by sin and we desperately need Jesus to cleanse us. Are you desperate enough to call out to Him for help and receive the healing He offers?

The Hope that God’s Judgement Brings

Date: November 6, 2022 | Speaker:

As God’s children we sometimes choose to disregard His commands and go our own way. If we continue to ignore His calls to repent, He will send discipline into our life to correct us, like any good parent would do. Feeling God’s discipline is never pleasant and it might even make us think that He doesn’t love us anymore, but the one who is disciplining us is the same loving Father who is always working for our good. If you’ve been away from God and feeling the sting of His chastisement, come back to Him today. Behind the dark clouds of God’s judgement is the sunshine of forgiveness and hope!

Prepare to Meet Your God!

Date: September 11, 2022 | Speaker:

No parent enjoys disciplining their children. It grieves us when they sin and have to be corrected. Throughout history God has disciplined His wayward children in hopes of bringing them back to Him. They refused to listen, so eventually God had to give this heartbreaking conclusion: “You have not returned to me… now prepare to meet your God!” That is a sobering statement, and we all need to be prepared for that day! When God looks at your life, would He have to conclude that you have not returned to Him? Why not come back to Him today while He is still calling?

The Danger of Holding Grudges

Date: August 21, 2022 | Speaker:

Everyone has stories of a relative who got offended about something at Thanksgiving dinner 40 years ago, and they still won’t speak to the family today! Holding grudges is like cancer. It spreads and kills if left untreated; but worst of all, it withholds the forgiveness from others that God has already shown to you. If someone has hurt you and you’re finding it hard to forgive them, come and hear what God’s Word says about it. You’ll gain the insight and encouragement you need to free the other person from the clutches of resentment, and you will free yourself at the same time!