Sermons from Romans

Are We Faithful?

Date: October 9, 2016 | Speaker:

We all know about the Apostle Paul and the astounding ways God used his life, but do we know the man who stood up for Paul when no one else wanted him, and who actually put Paul in a position to be used by God? The truth is, God’s work is not sustained and enriched by the prominent people in the spotlight, but by the mostly unknown men and women serving faithfully behind the scenes. Are we willing to be that person?

Are We Led by the Spirit?

Date: October 2, 2016 | Speaker:

“Don’t worry, I know where I’m going!” Have you ever said that to anyone in the car, and then you ended up getting lost? It’s one thing to be on the wrong road while driving, but it’s a far more serious thing to be on the wrong road in life. How do we find direction for daily decisions? Is there anything more reliable to go on than just our feelings or how things look, and if so, how do we discover it?

Are We Praying?

Date: September 25, 2016 | Speaker:

What is the greatest resource the church has? Is it gifted preachers? Entertaining programs? Abundant finances? Best-selling books? No, it is none of those things. When the early church was facing threats from the powerful Jewish leaders and the mighty Roman empire, they used the only resource they had — prayer, and that one resource alone was more powerful than every tool the church uses today!

Dying to Encounter Jesus

Date: August 14, 2016 | Speaker:

Two criminals were crucified beside Jesus; one on His right and one on His left. One of them cursed Jesus and was plunged into hell, but the other one cried out for mercy and was given eternal life in heaven. All of mankind is pictured in those two criminals. We will all die on one side of Jesus or the other; either rejecting Him or receiving Him. Which one are you? Are you ready to face eternity?

The Religious Man Who Went to Hell

Date: July 3, 2016 | Speaker:

“I’m not a bad person.” This is the response many people give when asked why God should allow them into heaven. But believing that we are good enough for heaven will actually send us to hell! No amount of religion or good deeds can ever save us. This only happens when we see our sin and admit our need for a Savior. So, are you good or are you saved?

Sustained Through Humility

Date: June 12, 2016 | Speaker:

Jesus Christ is a great man. He is wise, compassionate, gentle, approachable, loving, caring. As a man he is top of the charts for a potential husband. He is the Son of God and is one with his Father. His bride, the church, is made up of people, but what kind of people? And how does Jesus show his love for his bride?


Encouragement for Every Believer

Date: February 21, 2016 | Speaker:

As we face the struggles and uncertainties of life that often come our way, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, alone and afraid. In those times, we can find great encouragement by remembering the things that are already true of us in Christ. If you are facing difficult times, let these truths from God’s Word be the encouragement you need to find renewed hope and strength for the future.

The Preparation for Christmas

Date: December 20, 2015 | Speaker:

As we rush all over town preparing for Christmas, have we ever stopped to consider all that God did to prepare mankind for the coming of His Son into the world that first Christmas so long ago? The lengths God went to may surprise you, but even after all that, most people still rejected Him. What about you? In all your preparations for Christmas, have you prepared your own heart to receive Him?

While We Were Still Sinners

Date: November 29, 2015 | Speaker:

Who would you die for? Most of us would be quick to say that we would die for our children, our spouse, and perhaps even a small select group of others; but that’s the easy answer. Would you die for a murderer? Would you die for a rapist? Would you die for a member of ISIS? The fact is, Jesus did die for those people, and His selfless sacrifice makes it possible for all of us sinners to be made right with God forever!

The Motivation for Giving

Date: November 8, 2015 | Speaker:

Why should you take your hard-earned money and give part of it away? That is a valid question that needs to be asked, and today we will look into the Bible to see if we can find any valid answers. If there are no good reasons to give, then let’s not do it. But if there are good reasons, then let’s commit to becoming joyful, generous givers to the Lord!

He Gave His All For You

Date: August 30, 2015 | Speaker:

When Christ left heaven to come and save us, He didn’t stop halfway or just give His second-best. He gave up everything for us by willingly pouring out His blood on the cross. Knowing that Christ gave His all for us, we must ask ourselves the question, “Am I giving my all for Him?”