Sermons about Forgiveness

Blessed are the Merciful

Date: August 5, 2018 | Speaker:

Deeply ingrained in every human heart is a desire for justice. This is part of the image of God that has been imprinted on our nature, but because of sin, our desire for justice has been distorted. It now lurks inside us, keeping track of all the ways other people have offended us, and constantly demanding that they pay for what they’ve done. But rather than seeking revenge, Jesus said His followers should be quick to show mercy by forgiving the debts of others, even if they don’t deserve it. After all, God forgave us of all our sin, and we did nothing to deserve it!

Are You a Debt Collector?

Date: March 4, 2018 | Speaker:

There’s a lot of debt collecting taking place in the world, and not just the financial kind. When someone hurts us, we tend to hold that person in debt, convinced that they owe us something, and demanding that they pay us back for the wrong they’ve done. But Jesus says we must release others and forgive them, just as our heavenly Father has canceled our debt and forgiven us. So, are you a debt collector or a debt releaser?

Our God of Restoration

Date: February 11, 2018 | Speaker:

Do you wonder if God could ever forgive you for what you’ve done? Do you think His calling on your life has surely been revoked considering the mistakes you have made? Are you convinced God has rejected you forever? Scripture gives us a clear understanding on questions such as these. A broken and repentant heart, God will not reject. Listen as we bring into focus God’s desire to restore His children who have gone astray.

How Christmas Changes Your Past

Date: December 3, 2017 | Speaker:

Matthew begins his gospel by listing the genealogy of Jesus, and he includes people in that list who did some very evil things. Why would Matthew want to highlight the dirt instead of sweeping it under the rug? Because he wanted us to know that the forgiveness Christ came to bring is available to everyone, regardless of their past. Have you ever brought your past to Jesus, or are you still carrying it all by yourself?

Restoring Broken Things

Date: August 20, 2017 | Speaker:

It is amazing to see how a skilled artist can take broken pieces of glass and carefully assemble them into a stained glass window to create a beautiful work of art. This reminds us how we were once broken and shattered by sin, but Jesus restored us into something beautiful by His grace, and now our lives can reflect His glory!

What the Gospel Means For Us

Date: May 28, 2017 | Speaker:

When we were little kids, there were certain stories we loved hearing again and again. They never got old, no matter how many times the book was read to us. What about the Gospel story? Have you grown tired of it yet, or does it become more wonderful each time you hear it? Once we come to understand and appreciate exactly what Christ has done for us, this is one story that will become our favorite of them all.

Living For the One Who Died For Us

Date: February 12, 2017 | Speaker:

Our salvation is worth far more than silver and gold. In fact, all the riches in the world would never be enough to buy it. So how can we possibly repay the One who came and died in our place to save us? There is one way. We can live for Him. So, are we living our lives in a way that reflects our gratitude to the One who gave His life for us?

Don’t Forget Who You Are

Date: January 15, 2017 | Speaker:

Although we may know the truth, suffering and trials can sometimes give us a kind of spiritual amnesia and cause us to turn inward and become self-focused. In those times, we need to be reminded that God has not abandoned us, and that there is still a bigger mission beyond our present circumstances. If you are in a place like that right now, this message will bring clear direction and renewed hope to you!

You Refuse to Come to Me

Date: August 21, 2016 | Speaker:

Jesus told the most religious people in Jerusalem that even though they diligently studied the Scriptures, they still did not have the very life of which the Scriptures spoke. How is that possible? It’s possible because we can read the Bible, go to church and do all kinds of religious things, yet still completely miss Jesus! You may be religious, but have you ever come to Jesus to find the life, forgiveness and hope that only He provides?

Do You Want to Get Well?

Date: July 31, 2016 | Speaker:

Surely no one would ever walk up to a sick person and ask if he really wanted to get well; unless the one asking the question knew that this person had deeper issues that first needed to be dealt with. Even as Christians, we can get stuck in ruts of sin or excuses that keep us immobilized, and sometimes we prefer to just stay there. Are there any ruts in your life that you need to get out of?

Evidence of a Thankful Heart

Date: July 17, 2016 | Speaker:

Have you ever looked down on someone because of their sinful lifestyle? What that actually reveals is that we do not understand what awful sinners we ourselves are. Today we look at a man who didn’t think he was a sinner, and a woman who knew she was, and how her awareness of her great sin caused her to express extravagant thankfulness to Jesus.

Encouragement for Every Believer

Date: February 21, 2016 | Speaker:

As we face the struggles and uncertainties of life that often come our way, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, alone and afraid. In those times, we can find great encouragement by remembering the things that are already true of us in Christ. If you are facing difficult times, let these truths from God’s Word be the encouragement you need to find renewed hope and strength for the future.