Sermons about God's Love

The Mirage of Earthly Hope

Date: July 23, 2023 | Speaker:

What are you depending on to keep you firmly anchored when the storms of life begin to blow? Your 401k? Your good health? A secure job? Friends or family? While those things may offer peace of mind today, there’s no guarantee any of them will be here tomorrow. In a society driven by the pursuit of possessions, wealth, and pleasure, it is vital to recognize the profound importance of placing your trust and hope in something greater than the transient offerings of this world. There’s only one place to find that unfailing security and eternal peace, and you can find it today!

A Matter of Urgency

Date: June 11, 2023 | Speaker:

God is sovereign, and His power and authority rules over all creation. In this sovereignty, God presents all people with a choice… Follow His way that leads to life, or follow our own that leads to death. For those who choose His way, he then assigns to a mission… Tell others of the same choice He offers to them. They can accept or reject His way that leads to life. The mission is a matter of urgency! May this reminder inspire us all to action!

That’ll Be the Day!

Date: May 28, 2023 | Speaker:

You don’t have to look far in this world to encounter corruption, deception, injustice, and far worse. It’s obvious that our world is broken, and the reason for that is sin. All of man’s best efforts to bring peace and harmony to the world have failed miserably because the only One who can fix it is God. And there is coming a dark and dreadful Day when He will judge the world for their sin. That will be a terrifying Day for all who are unsaved! But there is also going to be a grand and glorious Day when He will welcome His children into heaven and sing songs of joy over them. What an incredible Day that will be! When the time comes, you will be at one of those two Days — judgment or joy. Which one will it be?

What Kind of Love is This?

Date: May 14, 2023 | Speaker:

Imagine seeing a job listing for someone willing to always be the lowest employee in the company; to be hated and ignored by everyone; to be lied about and ridiculed, and to eventually be fired for the wrongs that others had done. Who in their right mind would apply for that job? The amazing thing is, when Jesus came to earth, He willingly accepted a role far worse than that! He left heaven and submitted himself to the cruel hands of men; was hated and rejected by the very people He came to save; suffered indescribable anguish and physical abuse at their hands, and was finally nailed to a cross for the sins they had committed. What kind of love would cause Him to do all that? It’s the greatest love the world has ever known, and He did it all for you!

The Touch of the Savior

Date: January 29, 2023 | Speaker:

Jesus’ healing of the leper was an amazing display of Jesus’ power. It was also a beautiful reminder of Jesus’ love and what we have in Him. Life is full of difficulties and it often leaves us feeling alone, hurt, and like no one cares. However we are reminded that we serve a Savior who cares about our every need and we serve Savior who can restore our every longing. Are you looking to Him today?

Are God’s Judgements Fair?

Date: October 30, 2022 | Speaker:

Some people think that God is being unfair when He dispenses justice and judgement, yet they also think it’s unfair when justice and judgement are not handed down to someone who has wronged them. God has put certain unbreakable physical laws in place, and He has also put immutable spiritual laws in place… break either of them and you will suffer the inevitable consequences. Is there something you feel that God has been unfair about? Always remember that His law is perfect and His judgements are always right, even if it doesn’t feel that way. Be assured that you can trust Him, regardless of how things look today.

Are You Cheating on God?

Date: October 23, 2022 | Speaker:

Millions of people have experienced the sickening heartache of discovering that their spouse has been unfaithful to them. It is a pain that cuts very deep, leaves scars and destroys lives. In the Bible, God describes His people as His bride who has continuously committed adultery with other lovers. The anguish God feels is almost unbearable to read. Sadly, you and I are all guilty of the same thing because sin is spiritual adultery. Through the vivid imagery of the book of Hosea we get a sobering look at what our sin actually does to God, and we hear once again the call to return to Him and make things right.

God is Still Good When Things are Bad

Date: August 14, 2022 | Speaker:

Where do you turn when life turns bad? What do you when your world is filled with chaos, heartache or pain? If you are in a place right now where you feel broken, empty and alone, and it seems like God is miles away, don’t stay there another minute! God is waiting for you to turn around and come back to Him. He will meet you with open arms of forgiveness, but He will go far beyond that… He longs to pour out His goodness and blessings upon you, and to restore the wasted years in your past. Even when things are bad, God is still good, so run to Him today!

Does Everyone Deserve God’s Grace?

Date: July 31, 2022 | Speaker:

“Grace.” It’s a beautiful word and something that we all hope will be shown to us when we sin. But could you name people who you feel don’t deserve grace — people who have personally wronged you and hurt you, or those who are committing terrible evil in the world in general? If so, this message will help you see that you don’t deserve grace any more than they do, and yet God has lavished His grace upon you. The Bible says you have been given grace upon grace! Having freely received God’s grace despite our sin, do we really have grounds for withholding grace from others? Maybe it’s time to find out for sure!

Colossians – Part 4

Date: February 20, 2022 | Speaker:

Paul’s letter to the believers in Colossae is packed full of encouragement for them, warnings about false teachings, and instructions on relating to one another. Join us as we step through this powerful letter and apply the truths found here to our own lives, church, and relationships.

Glory of God

Date: December 26, 2021 | Speaker:

The glory of God is expressed in the person, character and nature of Jesus Christ. The cross is the ultimate expression of the glory of God on earth with reference to God the Father (His love, grace, mercy) and to Jesus Christ (His humble submission in obedience to the will and predetermined plan of God the Father). The outworking of the glory of God in the cross is salvation and eternal life to lost humanity. When born again believers live out the character of Jesus Christ, believers are glorifying God and reflecting His light. This is only able to be achieved through the ministry of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

Rejoicing at His Birth

Date: December 12, 2021 | Speaker:

Expectant parents eagerly await the birth of their first baby, and when it arrives, they share the good news with everyone! The birth of Jesus was highly anticipated and joyfully announced by angels. But sadly, Jesus was hated and rejected most of His life, even right up to His death. This Christmas, let’s take some time to fully appreciate all that He endured to bring salvation to us.