Sermons about God's Love

God’s Love is Bigger Than Your Failures

Date: September 8, 2019 | Speaker:

Jacob had ruined his life. He had lied to and cheated his family, and now he was about to pay! When his brother threatened to kill him, Jacob fled for his life, and while running away from his sin, he ran straight into God! Surprisingly, God met Jacob in love, and it changed his life. Sometimes we also try to run from the consequences of our sin, but we must remember that God’s love is greater than our sin! He longs to restore us to Himself if we will just surrender.

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Comfort

Date: December 16, 2018 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is their favorite time of the year. They enjoy fireplaces, hot chocolate and gatherings with family and friends. But for others, Christmas is the most difficult time of the year. For them it stirs painful memories of a broken relationship, or a loved one who is no longer alive. When Jesus came into the world, He brought us the gift of comfort. If you’re hurting today, you don’t have to suffer alone. Jesus longs to give you this gift of comfort!

The Truth Will Set You Free

Our Unchanging God of Righteousness

Date: April 15, 2018 | Speaker:

In order to understand our need of freedom from sin, we must first understand our God. Many know He is a God of love, but He is also a God of righteousness, and our knowledge of these two qualities must be kept in balance. Listen as we take a look at what Scripture tells us about our righteous God, including an eye-opening glimpse at some of His righteous acts.

Are You a Debt Collector?

Date: March 4, 2018 | Speaker:

There’s a lot of debt collecting taking place in the world, and not just the financial kind. When someone hurts us, we tend to hold that person in debt, convinced that they owe us something, and demanding that they pay us back for the wrong they’ve done. But Jesus says we must release others and forgive them, just as our heavenly Father has canceled our debt and forgiven us. So, are you a debt collector or a debt releaser?

Our God of Restoration

Date: February 11, 2018 | Speaker:

Do you wonder if God could ever forgive you for what you’ve done? Do you think His calling on your life has surely been revoked considering the mistakes you have made? Are you convinced God has rejected you forever? Scripture gives us a clear understanding on questions such as these. A broken and repentant heart, God will not reject. Listen as we bring into focus God’s desire to restore His children who have gone astray.

Do You Know Who You’re Talking To?

Date: January 28, 2018 | Speaker:

How do you come to God in prayer? Do you see Him as a distant being who probably has little or no personal interest in you, or perhaps as a stern boss you are reluctant to approach? The opening line of the Lord’s Prayer teaches us the correct view we must have of God. He is our loving Father, but He is also the holy God of heaven, and in that, we find both the comfort and the confidence we need to pray.

Living in View of God’s Love

Date: January 14, 2018 | Speaker:

Life is short and the world is filled with trouble as a result of man’s sin, and we all feel the impact of that. Is there somewhere we can turn to find true, lasting love and satisfaction that can actually make us rejoice and be glad regardless of what is going on around us? The world promises satisfaction, but it never lasts. Only the Bible has the answer. Have you found it yet?

Giving Thanks for God’s Goodness

Date: November 26, 2017 | Speaker:

We use the word “good” to describe all kinds of things from food, to events, even the weather. It has become such an overused and common word that when the Bible describes God as being good, it doesn’t really impact us. Yet if we stop to truly consider all the ways God’s goodness has transformed our lives, we will be overwhelmed with thankfulness for who He is and for all He has done for us!

Remembering God’s Deliverance

Date: November 5, 2017 | Speaker:

We humans are very good at forgetting things, and the more time that passes, the easier it is for old memories to fade away. This is why God told His people constantly to stop and remember what He had done for them, and to pass those memories on to future generations. When is the last time you intentionally stopped to remember and celebrate something good God had done for you or your family? Why not do it today?

Restoring Broken Things

Date: August 20, 2017 | Speaker:

It is amazing to see how a skilled artist can take broken pieces of glass and carefully assemble them into a stained glass window to create a beautiful work of art. This reminds us how we were once broken and shattered by sin, but Jesus restored us into something beautiful by His grace, and now our lives can reflect His glory!

Choosing to Trust in God’s Control

Date: August 6, 2017 | Speaker:

Do you trust God? The real answer to that question is found, not in what you say, but in how much of your life you are still trying to control. This is actually a symptom of pride, because you are telling God you can handle things without Him. God asks us to place our lives under His control, and trust in His wisdom instead of our own. When we do, we will begin living the way He designed us to live, and we will be the recipients of His promised care.

What Suffering is Designed to Do

Date: July 2, 2017 | Speaker:

Human reasoning would have us believe that if God really loved us, He would protect us from all pain, heartache and suffering. It is vital, then, that we do not face the hardships of life with human reasoning, but rather, with the mind of Christ. What attitude did Christ have when He endured all the physical and emotional suffering that came His way, and what can we learn by having that same attitude?