Sermons about Gospel

Can I Know God Without Knowing Jesus?

Date: April 24, 2016 | Speaker:

The most outrageous claim the Bible makes is that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven. What an offensive, closed-minded thing to say! But what if it’s true, and what evidence can you examine to know for sure? Today we explore this claim to find out if believing in Jesus really matters.

God’s Love Came to Us

Date: April 17, 2016 | Speaker:

God showed us what love looks like by sending His Son into the world to save us while we were still in our sin. He took the initiative and came to us without waiting for us to come to Him. And now we have been called to take His love and truth into the world to those who do not know Him. Are we taking the initiative to love others the way He loved us?

Does It Really Matter What We Believe?

Date: April 10, 2016 | Speaker:

Does it really matter what we believe, or is it good enough just to believe in “something”? The Bible warns us not to believe everyone who claims to speak for God, because although they may stand behind a pulpit and teach from the Bible, there are many false prophets who are leading people astray. So how do you know if what you’re hearing is the truth or not? Join us today as we find out.

Are You Following the Right Christ?

Date: March 6, 2016 | Speaker:

Just because someone teaches from the Bible, does that mean they are teaching the truth? John warns us that there are many “antichrists” already among us, and some are inside our churches! How can we identify these people to make sure we are not following false teachers, and how can we know for sure that our own faith is real and not counterfeit?

Are You Undergoing the Change?

Date: February 14, 2016 | Speaker:

There are certain chemicals which, when combined, produce tremendous change. Once they come in contact with each other, they cannot stay the same. In a similar way, a genuine encounter with God always produces change. John says if we claim to have had an encounter with God, but our lives have not been radically changed as a result, then we do not really know Him. Does your life show proof of this change?

What You Heard from the Beginning

Date: February 7, 2016 | Speaker:

As John the Apostle writes to his beloved children in Ephesus, he desires to stir their hearts into remembering their beginnings; when they first believed in the Lord Jesus for salvation; when they first received the gospel in faith. But why is it so important to be reminded of our beginnings in the gospel? Do we have any control for how much the gospel affects us now compared to when we first believed?

The Cure for Our Greatest Problem

Date: January 31, 2016 | Speaker:

The world has tried every imaginable way to end war and crime and hatred and violence, yet despite all their best efforts to bring lasting peace to mankind through education, politics and money, nothing has changed. And nothing ever will change until we recognize and admit that our greatest problem is sin, and our greatest need is a Savior.

The Preparation for Christmas

Date: December 20, 2015 | Speaker:

As we rush all over town preparing for Christmas, have we ever stopped to consider all that God did to prepare mankind for the coming of His Son into the world that first Christmas so long ago? The lengths God went to may surprise you, but even after all that, most people still rejected Him. What about you? In all your preparations for Christmas, have you prepared your own heart to receive Him?

The Need for Christmas

Date: December 13, 2015 | Speaker:

What is the greatest need in the world today? Is it a stronger economy, better government, less war? While those things are important, they pale in comparison to man’s greatest need, and that need was met in the One who came that very first Christmas so long ago. That Baby in the manger was the Savior of the world who came to forgive our sins and restore our broken relationship with God. Have you ever recognized your need for Christmas?

While We Were Still Sinners

Date: November 29, 2015 | Speaker:

Who would you die for? Most of us would be quick to say that we would die for our children, our spouse, and perhaps even a small select group of others; but that’s the easy answer. Would you die for a murderer? Would you die for a rapist? Would you die for a member of ISIS? The fact is, Jesus did die for those people, and His selfless sacrifice makes it possible for all of us sinners to be made right with God forever!

What If We Loved Like Jesus?

Date: October 4, 2015 | Speaker:

Jesus said the two most important commandments are to love God and love others. As the church, we typically spend most of our time together expressing our love for God, but how well are we doing at loving others, especially those who are not like us? Are we better at pointing fingers of criticism at the lost than we are at going out and actually loving them? What would happen if the church learned how to love like Jesus?

Dying to Live

Date: July 5, 2015 | Speaker:

No doubt, many people saw Jesus hanging on the cross and thought, “What a waste! He could have done so much more good if He hadn’t died.” But Jesus compared Himself to a kernel of wheat, which will never become more than a single seed unless it falls into the ground and dies. Only by dying can it spring to life and produce many more seeds. As His followers, we have been called to die to our own life just as Jesus did. Until we die, we will never begin to truly live!