Sermons about God's Will

Disappointed With Jesus

Date: August 7, 2016 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt disappointed with Jesus? Have there been times when you cried out to Him for help, but He didn’t show up the way you prayed and hoped He would? We must learn that His delays always have a purpose, and in those times when we cannot see the power of Jesus, we must continue to trust in the person of Jesus. Although He may delay, He always knows what He is doing and He knows what is best!

Launching Into the Great Commission

Date: June 28, 2015 | Speaker:

When a teaching series comes to an end, it’s easy to move on with life and never actually put what we’ve heard into action. Today we conclude our Saved & Sent series by hearing testimonies of what God is doing in different people, and we commit as a church to launch into the Great Commission like never before. What will you do with the things you’ve heard in this series? Will you file them away and forget them, or will you commit to putting them into action for the glory of God?

Fully Committed to God’s Will

Date: March 15, 2015 | Speaker:

Have you ever had a task before you that you dreaded so much, you tried to find ways to delay it or to keep from having to do it at all? Maybe it was a difficult exam, a dentist appointment, or a meeting with your boss. But none of those events come close to the crushing pressure that Jesus faced as He made His way to the cross. So then, what caused Him to pick up the pace and walk boldly towards Jerusalem, straight into the suffering that awaited Him, and what can we learn from His example?

Confidence in the Absolute Providence of God

Date: February 8, 2015 | Speaker:

Just a quick glance at the headlines reminds us that we live in a world filled with trouble. Terrorism, wars, toppling governments, economic instability — it’s enough to make us want to run and hide. But even though we live in a world of fear, we do not have to live in fear! The Bible reminds us that God is in complete control of all things, and that nothing happens in the world at large or in our own lives that is outside of His providence. Knowing this truth will bring us peace even in the most troubling times of life.

Seeing Your Pain as Part of God’s Plan

Date: October 5, 2014 | Speaker:

When difficult or painful circumstances come into your life, do you ever stop to consider that they may have been divinely orchestrated by God to bring about His ultimate purpose in your life? Many Christians see hard times as a sign that God has abandoned them or that He is not being kind to them. But the Bible teaches us that God is at work even in the worst moments of our lives, and if we will surrender them to Him, He will bring about a life of fruitfulness for His glory!

How To Be Thankful

Date: December 1, 2013 | Speaker:

Knowing the importance of giving thanks is one thing, but actually doing it can be challenging. We don’t naturally give thanks when circumstances in life seem wrong; when our car breaks down on the freeway or we get in an accident, or we lose our job, or anything else that we would determine as less than desirable for ourselves. But it is in the context of life’s circumstances that we glorify God; the way we respond and react in life reveals great truth about who we are. We can prepare ourselves for life so that we respond and react in a way that glorifies God; thanksgiving.

Enduring Trials for God’s Glory

Date: April 21, 2013 | Speaker:

Some people teach that God never uses pain or trials or sickness to bring about His will. While this may sound good, it is absolutely not biblical. As we will see today, God uses many things, including suffering, to bring about His purpose. The question is not whether we will face trials, but whether we will respond to them in ways that glorify God. If you are in the middle of a painful, confusing time in life right now, we pray that this message will be a great encouragement to you!

The Strange Leading of the Holy Spirit

Date: April 7, 2013 | Speaker:

The great church in Philippi began, not through clever planning and brilliant strategy, but because of “failed” plans by a missionary team. They had planned to take the Gospel into Asia, but the Holy Spirit would not allow them to go there, and sent them instead to the city of Philippi where they were severely beaten and thrown into prison. Surely this could not be God’s will for them! Yet out of that hardship came a beautiful church. Are you learning to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, even when His plans don’t make sense?

When God Intersects Your Path

Date: March 3, 2013 | Speaker:

We all spend the first part of our life trying to build our own empire — getting the right education, finding the best career that will pay us the most money, buying a nice house, marrying the person of our dreams. But at some point, crisis slams into our life, and we begin questioning everything we’re living for. It is at this stage that we become most receptive to God’s voice. Unfortunately, many of us spend far too long in the first stage, ignoring the calls of God, and continuing to ask God to bless our plans instead of getting on board with His plans. But God created us for something bigger than building our own empire. He created us to build His kingdom! What stage of life are you in?

Following Jesus, No Strings Attached

Date: February 10, 2013 | Speaker:

Today’s advertising experts would have to admit that Jesus had the worst marketing campaign in history! Instead of advertising all the good things up front and putting the bad things in fine print, He came right out and said that if anyone wanted to follow Him, they first had to deny themselves, take up a cross, abandon every other allegiance in life, give up everything they had, and follow Him, possibly even to the death. He made it painfully clear that no one could be His disciple if they were still holding onto anything that came before Him. And still today, He requires that we follow Him, no strings attached!

Whatever He Says to You, Do It!

Date: January 20, 2013 | Speaker:

The last time we ever hear Mary the mother of Jesus speak is when she points people to Jesus and says, “Whatever He says to you, do it!” After this, we never hear her speak another word in the Bible. What a powerful final statement to leave with the world, and it is still the greatest advice for anyone who will listen. If we ever hope to become bold followers of Jesus, we must make these words our life’s anthem, and be willing to do whatever Jesus tells us to do.