Plan a Visit

Considering a first visit to LifePoint? We would love to have you as our guest this coming Sunday! The information below will help you get started and know what to expect. Just click on any section you’re interested in to learn more.

We are people from all backgrounds, spanning every age group and stage of life, with various abilities, interests, dreams and personalities… but we are all united around one person — Jesus Christ. Our purpose for existing is to help others find and follow Jesus.

If you are interested, you can read more about our story to see some of what God is doing in and through LifePoint.


LifePoint is conveniently located just over a mile from Haywood Mall in Greenville, between Haywood Road and Pleasantburg Drive.

Green Gate Office Park
25 Woods Lake Road, Building 8
Greenville, SC 29607

Driving Directions


Every Sunday
Worship service – 10:30 am
Children’s church – 10:30 am

Various Times
Men’s & women’s Bible studies
Other special events

See All Events

Look for our name above the double glass doors. This is where you will enter. Our greeters will be outside to welcome you and show you where to go. If you have children, our Children’s Ministry team will escort you to the check-in desk to make sure your little ones are all taken care of. They will also be happy to answer any questions you may have. If we can answer any questions before you visit, just click here to drop us a quick email.

We have safe and clean children’s areas with trained volunteers who will love your children and take excellent care of them. Below is a summary of each of our children’s areas so you can know what to expect:

Infant (Birth – 1.5 Years)

We know that leaving your new baby for the first time can be overwhelming. The volunteers in our infant classrooms have been chosen for this age group because of their love for babies and their training to care for all of the needs of your infant. We hope that the following information will help you and your baby have a great experience on Sunday morning.

  • Please bring diapers, bottles, pacifiers, and any special blankets that will soothe your baby through the morning.
  • Label all items that belong to your baby.

We will promote your child from this classroom based on development. Around 15 months we will move them up to the toddler room. Our nursery coordinator will communicate with you before this change is made, if it is done prior to our Promotion Sunday each August.

For questions or more information, please contact our Nursery leader, Ginger Tchimou.

Toddler (1.5 Years – 3.5 Years)

This is a fun and active stage in your child’s lives. We are excited to care for them and look forward to teaching them that God loves them, God made them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever!

Toddlers will enjoy a variety of age-appropriate centers which include a praise & worship music area, busy wall, book nook, magnets, and many more!

Please read the information below to help us make sure your child’s experience is great!

  • Please label your child’s bags and cups with their names.
  • We provide toys, activities, and snacks in the classrooms. If your child has any allergies or special dietary needs and cannot eat what we have provided, please inform the teachers and bring appropriate snacks for them.

When your child reaches 3.5 years of age and is potty-trained, they will promote to the preschool class. Our toddler room coordinator will communicate with you before this change is made, if it is done prior to our Promotion Sunday each August.

For questions or more information, please contact our Toddlers leader, Ginger Tchimou.

Preschool (3.5 Years – K5)

Your 3.5 year old – kindergartner will enjoy Bible stories, music, and crafts in the LifePoint Preschool class through our Play & Worship curriculum!

This curriculum is all about teaching them about Jesus in a way that young children can understand! Each week features activities so fun, it’s practically impossible for even the wiggliest or squirmiest children not to be fully engaged. The irresistible songs and simple object lessons make teaching Bible truths fun and applicable for this energetic age group. Occasionally we will have a snack, so please let us know of any allergies or dietary restrictions.

Your child will promote to elementary once they have completed kindergarten on our Promotion Sunday each August.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • You will check your preschool aged child in at the Children’s Check-In desk in the main foyer where you and your child will get name tags. These name tags are used for picking up your child after the service.
  • You will be shown the Preschool classroom upon check-in at the Children’s Check-In desk.
  • Your child will then accompany you into the auditorium for Worship.
  • The Worship leader will dismiss the kids. Preschool teachers will be eagerly awaiting your arrival in the Preschool room.
  • We ask that you please take your child to the restroom before dropping them off in the Preschool class.
  • After the service, please pick your child up from the preschool classroom. Be sure to bring your name tag. For security reasons, we cannot release your child without seeing your name tag.

For questions or more information, please contact our Preschool leader, Shannon Daughtry.

Elementary (1st – 5th Grade)

First through fifth graders will have a great time at LifePoint! Our elementary class is currently using a curriculum called Dig In: Digging into the Heart of God. Digging Into the Heart of God brings a fresh approach to growing a lifelong relationship with God. As kids explore God’s character throughout the Bible, God transforms them from the inside out. Kids discover what it means to reflect God’s Heart in everyday life.

Later in the lesson, the elementary class takes the Bible lesson a little bit further through a segment of our curriculum called “Digging Deeper”. This segment allows us to take what we are learning and apply it to our elementary students’ lives and really dig in deeper to the Word of God.

On communion Sundays and holidays, elementary children will remain in the service with their parents. We have sermon notes available for children to use when they remain in the service. These are available on the Get Connected wall at the back of the auditorium.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • You will check your elementary school aged child in at the Children’s Check-In desk in the main foyer where you and your child will get name tags. These name tags are used for picking up your child after the service.
  • Your child will then accompany you into the auditorium for Worship.
  • The Worship leader will dismiss the kids. Elementary teachers will be in the kitchen to escort your children to their classroom.
  • The elementary classroom is located at the opposite end of Building 8. We will go out the main entrance and walk down the sidewalk to the elementary classroom. One teacher leads the kids and the other teacher follows at the back of the line.
  • Parents are encouraged to walk down to the elementary room on their first visit with their child to see where the classroom is.
  • Your child will be brought to the preschool classroom before the service ends for pick up.
  • On communion Sundays and holidays, elementary children will remain in the service with their parents.

For questions or more information, contact our Elementary leader, Shannon Daughtry.

For safety and security reasons, parents must remain on the premises during the time their child is in our care.

All Children’s Ministry leaders and volunteers must meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Must have faithfully attended LifePoint for at least 6 months.
2. Must complete our Starting Point Class.
3. Must clear a criminal background check.

Your child’s safety is of the utmost importance to us. Every volunteer and staff member complete a background check and training to ensure your child’s safety.

Upon arrival, someone at our Children’s Check-In Desk will walk you through the process of registering your child for one of our classrooms. You will then be shown to the classrooms so you can familiarize yourself with the area.

Each week when you are checked in using our computerized check in system, you will be given a randomly generated security code assigned only to your family. This code changes weekly. The code will print on a name tag for the child and one will be printed for you, the parent or guardian. This tag will also include any medical notes, such as allergies, that your child may have so all volunteers will be aware. This tag must be presented in order to pick up your child.

**Please note we do not allow elementary aged children to check in or pick up their siblings.**

If you have a nursery and/or toddler aged child, they can go back to their classrooms as soon as they are checked in.

If you have a preschool and/or elementary aged child, they will accompany you into the auditorium for Worship. The Worship leader will dismiss the kids after a few songs. The kids will meet in our kitchen, where teachers will be eagerly awaiting them, to walk down to the elementary room together. Parents are welcome and encouraged to walk with us the first time so they can see where this classroom is located. Your child will be brought to the preschool classroom before the service ends for pick up.

After the service, please bring your tag to the classrooms to pick up your child.

Is your child too sick for class today?

Try again next week

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher within the past 24 hours
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Persistant and/or productive cough or sore throat
  • Constant runny nose with yellow/green tint
  • Diarrhea, vomiting, complaints of stomachache
  • Pink eye or other eye infections
  • Undiagnosed rashes
  • Pale/flushed skin color
  • Extreme fatigue/lethargy
  • Any symptoms of common childhood diseases such as chicken pox, strep throat, hand foot and mouth, head lice, pertussis, etc.

Use discretion

  • Fever free for 24 hours
  • Sporadic cough
  • Minimal green/yellow runny nose

OK to come in

  • Mild, infrequent cough
  • Clear runny nose
  • Active, playful, and rested

If your child begins to display any concerning symptoms while in class, we will come notify you.

Please note that teachers cannot administer medication. If a child requires medication during the service, we ask that the parent administer it.

For questions or more information about our wellness policy, please contact one of our Children’s Ministry Leaders.

For safety and security reasons, parents must remain on the premises during the time their child is in our care.

All Children’s Ministry leaders and volunteers must meet the following minimum requirements:
1. Must have faithfully attended LifePoint for at least 6 months.
2. Must complete our Starting Point Class.
3. Must clear a criminal background check.

The short answer is, all kinds. We enjoy singing not only the worship songs of today, but also the hymns of the past. But while we use many styles of music, we are very careful to make sure that the songs we choose are Biblically correct, and that they serve as a help to worship, not a distraction. What is most important is that our worship is not about us. It is about Him. It is about coming together as a church, laying down our personal preferences and lifting our hearts and voices in unified worship to our heavenly Father.

At LifePoint we believe the Bible is the Word of God, and it is our sincere desire to preach the Bible in all its truth without watering anything down. But we also want to teach it in love and in ways that we can all apply to our daily lives, just as Jesus did. So why not find out for yourself? You can click the button below to listen to any of our sermons online right now.

Listen Online

We encourage people to dress comfortably. For some, that may mean dressing up, but for most it simply means wearing casual clothes. Contrary to church tradition, the New Testament clearly teaches us that the church building is not the “house of God.” It is nothing more than a building. So we do not want to burden people unnecessarily by requiring them to dress up in fancy clothes they do not normally wear just to “go to church.” Wherever we go, we are God’s house, so there is no need to put on special clothes on Sunday when the church gathers together. The Bible simply tells us to dress modestly and decently.

At LifePoint you will find:

  • Real people with real issues, hopes, dreams, successes and failures
  • People from all kinds of places — all discovering how to know and love God
  • People who genuinely care about you and your family
  • A friendly, loving atmosphere
  • An opportunity to join others in something bigger than ourselves

No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, we would love to hear your story and help you find hope, forgiveness and purpose through the life-changing message of Jesus Christ!

Read Testimonials