Missions Ministry

The purpose of LifePoint Church’s Missions Ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples to carry out the Great Commission so that all might see, hear and experience God’s love.

God has given all believers a biblical mandate to proclaim the gospel to all nations and people groups. This mandate of action is the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20: Then Jesus came to them and said “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.”

We strive to honor God and be faithful in achieving this biblical mandate in our community and the world.

Global Impact

Entire families, single adults and college students from LifePoint are taking bold steps of faith to be the hands and feet of Jesus in places like Kenya, Liberia, Thailand, England, Asia, Guatemala, India, Egypt and other parts of the Middle East. God has also blessed our sermon podcast ministry to reach into over 60 countries, being heard more than 19,000 times every month.

Southeast Asia

We have partnered with a group of local pastors in southeast Asia that are very active in church planting, disciple-making, and caring for children. These pastors, along with supporting organizations here in the US, work to free thousands of children working in slavery. By drilling wells in areas with unreached people groups, these pastors are also able to provide fresh drinking water as a way to present the Gospel in remote villages.

We are so blessed to be able to support these efforts through prayer and financial support. These individuals and organizations face intense persecution for the amazing work that they are doing for the Lord. Because of this, we have opted not to share specific names and locations to ensure their safety.

Community Focus

In addition to the global impacts, LifePoint Church also strives to share the love of Christ in our local community.

LifePoint has reached out to the Sterling Community in downtown Greenville. With a simple plan to give away free tacos and prayer, we began our Prayer & Tacos Ministry, which has since been changed to Prayer & Pizza. We have been blessed to be able to share the gospel through this ministry. By serving the people of this community each week, they now excitedly look for us every Wednesday evening. Some come hungry for pizza, others for much needed prayer and discipleship. Many come just to visit or play a little basketball. This ministry has inspired other opportunities for getting involved in the Sterling Community such as coming alongside the community center and helping with their Fall Festival and Christmas party. In past years, we had the opportunity to bring our annual Vacation Bible School to the community center so more children could attend. We are so thankful for the partnership the Lord has given us in the Sterling Community Center.

For more information, contact David Cannon.

Upcoming Local Outreach Events