Our Story
One seemingly ordinary Thursday night, a group of friends got together and began a six-week Bible study. Six weeks. That was all.
Four years later we were still meeting every Thursday night! Clearly, God was up to something, and from that Bible study, LifePoint Church was born.
Since those humble beginnings, God’s goodness and faithfulness have been nothing short of astounding. After outgrowing our first meeting place, we prayed an impossible prayer, asking God to provide a facility on the east side of Greenville with multiple children’s classrooms, a nursery, a kitchen, and of course, a much larger auditorium—all on a very limited budget so the church could remain debt-free. God miraculously provided a space with six times the occupancy limit, and after months of hard work by our own people, LifePoint held its first service in this newly renovated facility—still debt-free! Once again, we marveled at God’s incredible kindness and provision.
But the real story of LifePoint Church isn’t about buildings and classrooms—it’s about transformed lives. People have been saved and baptized, broken marriages have been restored, and lives that seemed ruined have found new hope and purpose. Men and women are growing in their faith, and boys and girls are being shaped through our various children’s ministries. Someone once said, “I’d rather be a redeemed person than a perfect person,” and we wholeheartedly agree! LifePoint Church is made up of people who have been redeemed and transformed by the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.
And who would ever want to keep this to themselves? God has stirred our hearts to impact our communities with the Gospel like never before. Our partnership with Miracle Hill Ministries has given us ongoing opportunities to develop personal, hands-on relationships with orphaned and homeless children. It has been inspiring to see the children of LifePoint embracing boys and girls who have no families, celebrating their birthdays, hosting Christmas parties, giving of their own possessions, and sharing the love of Jesus with them.
Entire families, single adults and college students continue to take bold steps of faith to be the hands and feet of Jesus in many different parts of Greenville, and even as far away as Kenya, Liberia, Thailand, England, Asia, Guatemala, India, Egypt and other parts of the Middle East. God has also blessed our sermon podcast ministry to reach into over 60 countries, being heard more than 19,000 times every month.
God has opened doors for us to invest our time, ourselves, and our resources to send Bibles into Iraq and Afghanistan, install water wells in India, and free children from slavery in the rock quarries so they can find new life in Christ! Additionally, we have taken a step of faith to increase our investment locally, ensuring our own city continues to be impacted for eternity.
But this is only the beginning. The best is yet to come. We are filled with great anticipation to see what God will do next. These are exciting days! If you are tired of just being just a nameless face in a huge church crowd, and if you long to be part of a church family where you matter and can invest your life into something that will make a difference for all eternity, we invite you to join us and find your place in God’s great mission. LifePoint Church is praying for more strong followers of Christ to come and serve with us in the greatest cause on earth. Will you be one of them? Why not come worship with us this Sunday? We would love to meet you!