Sermons from 1 Thessalonians

Guard Your Faith

Date: March 9, 2025 | Speaker:

Scripture tells us that faith is a treasure more valuable than gold. And like any treasure, it’s something we should guard and protect. Our faith is a target that this world and the kingdom of darkness is constantly trying to destroy. We must stay awake, be alert, and keep watch for the dangers seeking to shipwreck our faith. Join us as we highlight some of the Biblical reminders of how we can guard this precious treasure within us.

Giving Thanks When Life Is Hard

Date: November 26, 2023 | Speaker:

Ever find it challenging to muster gratitude when life throws you curveballs? The Bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances, but the only way that’s possible is when we realize that thankfulness is a choice, not a mood or a feeling. This isn’t about denying hardships; it’s about embracing a perspective that transcends them. You can discover the power of cultivating a heart of gratitude, not just when life is smooth sailing, but especially when the storm clouds gather. Learn how giving thanks, even when it seems counterintuitive, can anchor your faith and redirect your focus from the struggles to the sovereignty of a loving God.

You may find this sermon on a similar topic helpful: “Broken But Blessed”

Longing for His Return

Date: December 19, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever been stuck in a faraway airport after a long, exhausting trip, watching one flight after another being canceled? You’re tired and hungry, and all you want in that moment is to be home! The struggles and trials of life often remind us that our real home is in heaven, and make us wish we could be there now. In the midst of it all, remember, Jesus is coming back, and when He does, all things will be made new!

But Take Heart

Date: February 16, 2020 | Speaker:

Life in this world can be difficult. Jesus knew this better than anyone, and he did not try to paint an unrealistic picture for His followers. But He also puts these difficulties in proper perspective. When trials and sorrows come our way, we should remember what He says! Listen and be encouraged by the hope Jesus brings to those who remain in Him.

The Gifts of Christmas

The Gift of Comfort

Date: December 16, 2018 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is their favorite time of the year. They enjoy fireplaces, hot chocolate and gatherings with family and friends. But for others, Christmas is the most difficult time of the year. For them it stirs painful memories of a broken relationship, or a loved one who is no longer alive. When Jesus came into the world, He brought us the gift of comfort. If you’re hurting today, you don’t have to suffer alone. Jesus longs to give you this gift of comfort!

The Eternal Man

Date: January 26, 2014 | Speaker:

“This world is not our home; we are looking forward to our city in heaven, which is yet to come.” – Heb. 13:14 (NLT). God is bringing His plan of redemption to pass, and throughout history we can see the different ways that plan is being brought about. We are living in the age of grace and are looking forward to the age of the kingdom. 2 Cor. 6:2 says “Now is the day of salvation.” We should be getting acquainted with the eternal God today! How well do you know Him? Is He sitting on the throne of your heart, or are you?

How To Be Thankful

Date: December 1, 2013 | Speaker:

Knowing the importance of giving thanks is one thing, but actually doing it can be challenging. We don’t naturally give thanks when circumstances in life seem wrong; when our car breaks down on the freeway or we get in an accident, or we lose our job, or anything else that we would determine as less than desirable for ourselves. But it is in the context of life’s circumstances that we glorify God; the way we respond and react in life reveals great truth about who we are. We can prepare ourselves for life so that we respond and react in a way that glorifies God; thanksgiving.

The Natural Man

Date: November 17, 2013 | Speaker:

All mankind has a center to their being. At that center is a throne. The Natural Man himself is sitting on that throne. No matter what stage of life you are in; if Jesus is not sitting on that throne, you have not come to salvation.

Being Thankful in All Circumstances

Date: November 27, 2011 | Speaker:

We have been blessed with so much and have been given so much by God that we have come to expect it. We don’t really see our blessings as “blessings” anymore… we see them as the “normal” standard of life. Therefore, when anything in our life is taken away, we grumble and feel like we’re truly suffering, and we sometimes even get angry at God. If there is anything in your life that you are struggling to give thanks for, today’s message will help reset the benchmark on what true thanksgiving really is.

Live Connected

Date: January 17, 2010 | Speaker:

We have all seen news stories of someone who went hiking alone and got stranded, or even died, and we wonder why anyone would do something so foolish. Yet we often do something just as dangerous when we attempt to live the Christian life alone. God created us for relationships, and it is vital that we “live connected” not only with other believers, but with those who do not know Jesus, so that they can see the Gospel on display in us. Are you living the Christian life alone? God wants you to live connected!