Sermons from Lamentations

Finding Hope When Hope is Gone

Date: March 24, 2024 | Speaker:

As the prophet Jeremiah stood amidst the smoldering ruins of his beloved city, he was overcome with grief and hopelessness. What made it even more painful is that he knew this devastation could have been avoided if the nation had only listened to God. But at his lowest point of despair, he remembered God’s faithfulness, and calling this to mind renewed his faltering hope. When your world seems to be crumbling around you, and you feel overwhelmed by the struggles and pain of life, shift your focus back to God’s goodness, trusting that He is ruling over it all and that your hope should rest in Him alone.

The Cost of God’s Enduring Grace

Date: February 11, 2024 | Speaker:

If you ever feel like God is being unfair or that His judgments are too harsh, just remember the enduring patience and boundless love He extended to His rebellious people for 390 years! Today’s sermon reveals the unimaginable lengths God goes to in order to call His people back to Himself, even amidst their defiance. The fact is that God has patiently endured humanity’s betrayal for centuries, and He is still extending His patience to us today. God’s grace outlasts our sin, offering redemption and restoration to all who turn to Him. May we gain a deeper gratitude for God’s mercy and the profound sacrifice that opened the way to redemption through Jesus Christ.

Unwavering Joy in Uncertain Times

Date: August 20, 2023 | Speaker:

It is all too easy to derive our joy and contentment from our circumstances, our possessions, or our relationships, but that path eventually leads to disappointment. True contentment and unwavering confidence can never be found in the ever-changing situations of life, but rather by placing our trust in God alone. When we ground our faith in His character and faithful care, our peace and joy remain unshaken, even in the midst of adversity, pain, or loss. Are you still looking to the fleeting things of this world for security, or have you put your trust fully in God’s promises?

The Hope that God’s Judgement Brings

Date: November 6, 2022 | Speaker:

As God’s children we sometimes choose to disregard His commands and go our own way. If we continue to ignore His calls to repent, He will send discipline into our life to correct us, like any good parent would do. Feeling God’s discipline is never pleasant and it might even make us think that He doesn’t love us anymore, but the one who is disciplining us is the same loving Father who is always working for our good. If you’ve been away from God and feeling the sting of His chastisement, come back to Him today. Behind the dark clouds of God’s judgement is the sunshine of forgiveness and hope!

What Kind of Baggage Are You Passing Down?

Date: May 22, 2011 | Speaker:

The power that parents have to shape and influence their children for a lifetime is astounding. While our parents pass down many good things to us, they also pass down a certain amount of baggage, which, if not dealt with, will be carried through our entire life and passed on to our children. Are there any hurts or destructive patterns you are still carrying through life? Jesus invites you to lay that baggage down at the cross and find the strength to be the agent of change for your family.