Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow

When faced with a daunting task that looms before you like a mountain, where do you turn for the strength to sustain you today and the hope to carry you through tomorrow? This sermon reminds us that we don’t need to face life’s challenges alone. Through the indwelling Holy Spirit, we have an inexhaustible supply of power for today, and through the sure promise of Christ’s return, we have an anchor of unwavering hope for a glorious future. Our coming Savior is both our Priest and our King—the answer to our desperate need for redemption and righteous rule. Do you lack strength for today’s battles? Do you lack hope for the future? Find encouragement in the truth of God’s Word today!

God’s Promise of Love and Restoration

In this world, we can never be entirely certain that those who profess to love us will remain by our side during our darkest moments of failure and sin. Past experiences have left us guarded and skeptical, doubting that unwavering, unfaltering love truly exists. To make matters worse, Satan continuously tries to convince us that we’re unworthy of love. Thankfully, we have one friend who has never abandoned anyone and has promised to love us despite our shortcomings. He is the very life within us, a wall of protection around us, and the hope we have for today and for all eternity. Do you know this one true friend?

Persevering When it Seems Pointless

You’ve been laboring diligently for God, but the results don’t seem as impressive as you’d hoped. Maybe your service, your ministry, your attempts to live for God feel small and insignificant compared to others or your own past experiences, leaving you asking, “Was God ever in this? Is He truly with me?” Don’t be discouraged. God has not abandoned you. Even if your efforts for Him seem trivial, they will never be in vain! God can do immeasurably more than you can imagine even through the smallest act of obedience, so remain faithful and leave the results to Him.

Overcoming Spiritual Complacency

One of the great dangers of the Christian life is not that we will suddenly decide to hate God, but rather, that we will slowly grow cold towards Him as time goes by. The cares and pursuits of this world can diminish our passion for God little by little until it is nothing more than a dying ember. Perhaps you’ve unintentionally drifted from your first love and now your life feels empty and aimless. Ask the Spirit of God to stir the fire in you and make the Lord your greatest treasure once again. When you value Him above all else, your heart and priorities will naturally follow, leading you back to the only source of true fulfillment, and giving your life the meaning and direction you long for!

The Significance of Our Money – Part 2

In teaching about money, Jesus reminded us that we are to be rich toward God. He used an encounter with a man and a parable to teach us to be on our guard against greed, to view our money/resources as God’s and that accumulating money/resources for ourselves is futile. How are you viewing and handling the money/resources that God has given you? Are you being rich toward God?

The Significance of Our Money – Part 1

In teaching about money, Jesus reminded us that we are to be rich toward God. He used an encounter with a man and a parable to teach us to be on our guard against greed, to view our money/resources as God’s and that accumulating money/resources for ourselves is futile. How are you viewing and handling the money/resources that God has given you? Are you being rich toward God?

Faithfulness in the Face of Opposition

Have you ever started something for God, only to face discouragement and opposition that made you want to quit? In the book of Ezra, the Israelites encountered this very situation as they rebuilt the temple. But through the preaching of God’s Word, their passion was reignited, and they were empowered to persevere. Despite opposition, the people returned to the task with renewed vigor. Discover how staying close to God’s Word can help you overcome attacks, despondency, and spiritual decline. If you’ve grown weary in your journey, find encouragement in His Word today. It will guide, strengthen, and empower you to carry on, even in the most challenging of times.

God Can Move the Immovable

God can work in surprising ways to accomplish His purposes in your life. Just as He stirred the heart of a pagan king to release the Israelites from exile, God can use unexpected people and circumstances to move on your behalf. Regardless of the opposition or obstacles that stand in your way, take heart knowing that no barrier is too great for our God to overcome! Even what seems like chaos is orchestrated by God’s unseen hand. When problems or discouragement arise, trust in God’s faithfulness and power, knowing that He can do the impossible!

We Are God’s Holy Temple

Throughout the Old Testament, God gave meticulous instructions for how worship was to be conducted in the temple, because that was where His glory resided. No one was at liberty to worship God according to their own whims or preferences. Today, this holds even greater significance for us because, as Christians, we are now the temple of God, and His presence dwells in us! Knowing that the Creator of the universe lives in us by His Spirit is an extraordinary honor but also a profound responsibility. Do we take this privilege seriously? Is our inner sanctuary a place that reflects God’s honor and glory?

Divine Delays: When Prayers Seem Unanswered

Martha has just endured the heartbreaking loss of her brother, and now, disappointment is mingled with grief because Jesus didn’t respond to her plea for help in time. Yet, in the depths of her despair, a glimmer of hope persists as she turns to Jesus with her burden. Her unwavering faith amidst sorrow serves as a powerful challenge for us all—to lean on Jesus in our darkest hours. Witnessing Jesus’ transformative power, Martha’s “what now?” becomes an “even now” moment, displaying His sovereignty even in life’s chaos. If you’re grappling with unanswered prayers, take heart and continue to trust in Him. His timing is perfect, no matter what trials you are facing.

Finding Hope When Hope is Gone

As the prophet Jeremiah stood amidst the smoldering ruins of his beloved city, he was overcome with grief and hopelessness. What made it even more painful is that he knew this devastation could have been avoided if the nation had only listened to God. But at his lowest point of despair, he remembered God’s faithfulness, and calling this to mind renewed his faltering hope. When your world seems to be crumbling around you, and you feel overwhelmed by the struggles and pain of life, shift your focus back to God’s goodness, trusting that He is ruling over it all and that your hope should rest in Him alone.

Where Will You Stand When It Matters Most?

We all assume that if we were ever faced with the choice of standing up for Christ or being put to death, we would stand boldly in our faith without wavering. But would we? World War II exposed the stark contrast between Christians who turned a blind eye to evil and those like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who stood against it, even at the cost of their own lives. In Ezekiel’s time, God searched for one person willing to stand in the gap for Him, but He found no one! Instead, His people chose to go along with the wickedness around them. As our world continues to drift further away from God, Christians must consider their own response. Will you be the one to stand in the gap for God, even when it seems like no one else will?