Sermons from 1 Corinthians

Why Should I Believe in the Church?

Date: March 30, 2008 | Speaker:

Do followers of Jesus really need to be part of a church family? Can’t we do just fine living the Christian life by ourselves? What’s the point of the church anyway? Isn’t the church just full of hypocrites? Despite its flaws and failures over the years, the church is still the greatest and most important organism on this planet, because it is the living Body of Christ — the one and only entity that God has chosen to spread the message of salvation to all mankind! Find out today why we need the church and why the church needs us.

Why Should I Believe in Jesus?

Date: March 23, 2008 | Speaker:

Jesus made some pretty outrageous claims during His time on  earth… claiming to be sent from God, claiming to be equal with God, claiming to have always existed, claiming to have the power to forgive sins, and most of all, claiming to rise from the dead. Why should anyone believe His claims? Today’s message looks at seven major historical evidences that lend remarkable proof to the claims of Jesus. If He truly was who He claimed to be, then the most important question in all of life is, “What will I do with Jesus?”

A God Worth Serving

Date: January 20, 2008 | Speaker:

There are two kinds of Christians: those who serve the Lord with joy and gladness, and those who do it out of a sense of obligation and duty. The first group understands how much the Lord has done for them and they serve Him out of a heart overflowing with gratitude. The second group has forgotten the extent of love the Lord has shown them, and some of them even think God owes them something. The Bible says that each one of us has a vital role to play in the Body of Christ, and that we must each do our part. Are you doing your part with a joyful spirit or with a complaining attitude?