Sermons from 1 John

Recognizing the Savior in a World That Won’t

Date: February 16, 2025 | Speaker:

One of the most tragic scenes in all of Scripture is when Jesus, the very architect of creation, entered His own world, only to be met with cold indifference. He wasn’t just ignored by strangers; He was rejected by His own people. They had the prophecies, the covenants and the history, all pointing to Jesus, yet they turned away because He didn’t fit their misguided expectations. We often do the same—wanting a God who fits neatly into our plans, who blesses but never disrupts. But true faith means trusting Him completely as both Savior and Lord of all. When you do, you’re not just forgiven; you become a child of God and an heir to His kingdom!

Can We Trust the New Testament? (Part 2)

Date: January 19, 2025 | Speaker:

Can the New Testament withstand the barrage of accusations leveled by critics who claim its authors fabricated events, distorted truth, or contradicted themselves? We confront these challenges head-on, examining whether the Bible is truly the inspired Word of God or a cleverly concocted myth. In a world where truth is often buried under layers of skepticism, this journey is your chance to rediscover the rock-solid foundation that has stood for thousands of years—challenged, questioned, and yet unshaken. Are you ready to wrestle with doubt and emerge with a faith built on evidence, conviction, and unshakable hope?

Beware of False Prophets

Date: July 9, 2023 | Speaker:

Every day you are surrounded by countless voices on every side, all trying to grab your attention, win your allegiance, and even get your money. The same is true in religious circles. Preachers and evangelists are everywhere telling you this and telling you that, but how do you navigate through all the noise and know what is true and what is false? This problem is not new, and the Bible gives us clearly defined ways to test all those voices and separate the good from the bad. Do you know how to tell the difference, or are you vulnerable to the deceptions that lead so many people astray? Don’t be fooled by smooth talk and grand promises! Make sure you are firmly grounded in God’s Word.

A Matter of Urgency

Date: June 11, 2023 | Speaker:

God is sovereign, and His power and authority rules over all creation. In this sovereignty, God presents all people with a choice… Follow His way that leads to life, or follow our own that leads to death. For those who choose His way, he then assigns to a mission… Tell others of the same choice He offers to them. They can accept or reject His way that leads to life. The mission is a matter of urgency! May this reminder inspire us all to action!

Surrendering the Throne of Your Heart

Date: August 8, 2021 | Speaker:

Could you honestly say that you have given God full reign in every area of your heart? Is there anything that you have been trying to keep disguised and hidden from His control? The fact is, we cannot ultimately keep anything from Him because His Word will always come to pass, regardless of our attempts to limit Him in certain areas. Why not surrender everything to Him today and learn that you can trust Him with your life!

Not All Prophets Are True Prophets

Date: June 20, 2021 | Speaker:

How do you know if the sermon you’re listening to is the true Word of God and not false teaching? Are you able to spot counterfeit Christianity? Not everyone who says they have a word from the Lord actually has a word from the Lord. So be alert and pray for discernment! Satan often uses false prophets to draw people away from the truth and ruin their lives. Don’t be one of them!

Christmas: The Wonder of WHY

Date: December 20, 2020 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is just another holiday. It has no more significance to them than New Year’s Day or Valentine’s Day. But the fact is, Christ’s coming into the world has eternal consequences for every one of us. Our sin had forever cut us off from God and put us under His wrath, and we had no way of rescuing ourselves. Christ came to save us from our sin and free us from the judgment of God, and that’s why we celebrate Christmas.

Nothing Can Separate Us

Date: April 5, 2020 | Speaker:

Hard times and trials are inevitable, but how can we know for sure that our commitment to follow Christ will continue to stand firm through those hard times? What is it that we can count on to hold us steady when the storms begin to blow? The Bible gives us the answer in three simple words. Every believer should make these words the foundation of their life and faith. Without them, we will surely fall.

But Take Heart

Date: February 16, 2020 | Speaker:

Life in this world can be difficult. Jesus knew this better than anyone, and he did not try to paint an unrealistic picture for His followers. But He also puts these difficulties in proper perspective. When trials and sorrows come our way, we should remember what He says! Listen and be encouraged by the hope Jesus brings to those who remain in Him.

Why Blood Was Required to Forgive Sins

Date: November 10, 2019 | Speaker:

Are you going to heaven when you die? How do you know that for sure? Do you think it’s because you’ve been a good person, or given money to the church, or because your parents were Christians? The truth is, none of those things will get you to heaven. There is only one way, and that is through the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ who gave His life as the required payment for sin. God’s judgement for sin is coming, and the only way you will be saved from that judgement is if you have applied the blood to your life.

The Gracious Wounds of God

Date: September 22, 2019 | Speaker:

At times in life we tend to go our own way instead of walking with God. In fact, sometimes we don’t just walk away from Him, we actually run! But if we truly belong to Him, He will not let us run forever. Often He will have to break us, wound us, in order to keep us from going astray and forgetting our dependence upon Him. These wounds might be painful, but they are really the marks of grace. They are proof that He knows us and loves us enough to keep us close to His side.

A True Disciple is Obedient and Loving

Date: October 7, 2018 | Speaker:

We all have our own ideas of what love is, but the Bible provides the only true definition. It tells us that we cannot just say we love God and love others; our actions must back up our words. We prove our love for God, not by talking about it, but by obeying His commands. And we prove our love for others, not through words, but by serving them and sacrificing ourselves for them, just as Jesus did for us. If we don’t obey God, we don’t love Him. If we’re not serving others, we don’t love them. So, how is your love?