Sermons from 1 Peter

Can We Trust the New Testament? (Part 1)

Date: January 12, 2025 | Speaker:

Can the New Testament withstand the barrage of accusations leveled by critics who claim its authors fabricated events, distorted truth, or contradicted themselves? We confront these challenges head-on, examining whether the Bible is truly the inspired Word of God or a cleverly concocted myth. In a world where truth is often buried under layers of skepticism, this journey is your chance to rediscover the rock-solid foundation that has stood for thousands of years—challenged, questioned, and yet unshaken. Are you ready to wrestle with doubt and emerge with a faith built on evidence, conviction, and unshakable hope?

The Significance of Our Time

Date: June 30, 2024 | Speaker:

Time. It’s a word we use everyday. It’s also a word used often in Scripture. But have we ever focused on the significance God gives to it? Do we view it the way He wants us to view it? And even more than that, are we faithfully stewarding the time God has given us? Join us as we look at the significance of the time God has given to each one of us.

The Significance of Our Skills & Experience

Date: January 7, 2024 | Speaker:

God has given each of us particular abilities, but He has done so for a reason. He wants us to develop these abilities into skills in order to use them for His purposes. There are good works God has prepared for us to do which require these skills. Not only that, but our experience with these skills, and our life experiences in general, will be quite valuable. Join us as we consider the significance of our skills and experience.

Living for God in a Godless World

Date: December 10, 2023 | Speaker:

In the tapestry of our lives, every thread woven by God serves a purpose, even the dark and difficult strands that we wish weren’t there. God often places us in challenging circumstances to humble and refine us, so we must learn to embrace His purifying work, whatever it may be. As we stand firm in our faith, God’s purpose will be perfected in us, and His glory will shine like a beacon of hope to the lost world, guiding them to Him. Remember, our battles here are only temporary, and we have the bright promise of an eternal future in His presence where everything will be made new!

Thriving in a Culture of Compromise

Date: October 1, 2023 | Speaker:

We are constantly bombarded with societal pressures and temptations that seek to undermine our faith. The world around us often encourages us to abandon our godly principles for momentary pleasures or worldly success. In those moments, remember that your identity is not defined by the opinions or expectations of others. It is rooted in your relationship with God and His unwavering love for you. When faced with pressure to compromise, choose righteousness over conformity. God will equip you with everything you need to remain faithful amidst any intimidation or trial!

Are You Yielding to the Potter’s Hands?

Date: September 3, 2023 | Speaker:

Artists possess the extraordinary ability to see beauty and potential where others may see only the ordinary or mundane. They can look at a blank canvas and see a masterpiece; they can envision elegant vases and intricate sculptures in a simple lump of clay. The Bible says God is like a potter and we are like clay. If we are willing to surrender our lives to Him, He will transform us into something far more meaningful than we could ever create on our own. But if we resist Him, we will never become the masterpiece He desires. Just as the clay yields to the Potter’s skillful hands, are you willing to surrender your will and desires, allowing God to craft you into a vessel for His purpose and glory?

God’s Sustaining Power

Date: February 5, 2023 | Speaker:

Living in this world can be difficult. Jesus even warns us of the trouble and sorrow we will have. He also describes the way to His Kingdom as a hard way and few will choose to travel it. But for those who do choose to follow Christ in this way, God promises them a power to sustain them. He is able to keep those who are in covenant with Him, and He will be faithful to do it to the very end. Join us as we look at the wonderful promise of God’s sustaining power.

Alive for a Reason

Date: January 15, 2023 | Speaker:

Do you ever wonder why you’re here on this earth; why God is keeping you alive, and whether or not there is really any purpose to it all? Yes, the daily grind of life can sometimes feel like a pointless, monotonous routine, but the fact is, there’s much more to this life—to your life—than meets the eye. Regardless of who you are, where you live, your education, your occupation or your level of influence, you are still living and breathing for one reason: God has an assignment for you! You were saved, not as the final step in your spiritual journey, but as the first step to a mission God has created for you to carry out. Wherever God has placed you, He wants you to be a living testimony for Him right there, touching others with His love and pointing them to Him. The only question is, are you willing to accept your assignment and faithfully carry it out?

The Cost of the Incarnation

Date: December 11, 2022 | Speaker:

Imagine how shocked we would be to hear that all the world’s richest, most powerful people had abandoned their fortunes and moved into the worst part of town without even a penny to their name! We simply couldn’t imagine anyone doing that, and yet, someone actually did. When Jesus came to earth to rescue mankind from sin, He had to lay aside His glory and splendor, and He had to exchange His royal title as the Son of God to be called a lowly Son of man. He lived a life of poverty, ridicule and rejection, and in the end was put to death like a criminal. It cost Him everything to die for us… is it costing us anything to live for Him?

If God Came to Live With You…

Date: April 18, 2021 | Speaker:

Imagine if God announced to you and to the world that His presence was going to come down from heaven and take up permanent residence in your house. How would that news impact your life? If you’re saved, God is already living in a place far more personal than your house. He’s living in you! This is an amazing truth that should fill us with awe and transform our entire future! Can others see that you are the temple of God and that He lives inside you?

The Believer’s Position in the Grace of God

Date: January 3, 2021 | Speaker:

How many good works does it take to earn salvation? How clean do you have to make yourself before God will accept you? The fact is, salvation cannot be earned. Salvation is a gift from God, given out of His great love, mercy and grace to all who believe. It is only through faith in Christ Jesus that we can be transformed from death to life, from darkness to light, from hopelessness to having the unshakable certainty of eternity in heaven! Have you ever trusted in Christ to save you, or are you still trying to earn it?