Sermons from Ezekiel

We Are God’s Holy Temple

Date: April 7, 2024 | Speaker:

Throughout the Old Testament, God gave meticulous instructions for how worship was to be conducted in the temple, because that was where His glory resided. No one was at liberty to worship God according to their own whims or preferences. Today, this holds even greater significance for us because, as Christians, we are now the temple of God, and His presence dwells in us! Knowing that the Creator of the universe lives in us by His Spirit is an extraordinary honor but also a profound responsibility. Do we take this privilege seriously? Is our inner sanctuary a place that reflects God’s honor and glory?

Where Will You Stand When It Matters Most?

Date: March 17, 2024 | Speaker:

We all assume that if we were ever faced with the choice of standing up for Christ or being put to death, we would stand boldly in our faith without wavering. But would we? World War II exposed the stark contrast between Christians who turned a blind eye to evil and those like Dietrich Bonhoeffer who stood against it, even at the cost of their own lives. In Ezekiel’s time, God searched for one person willing to stand in the gap for Him, but He found no one! Instead, His people chose to go along with the wickedness around them. As our world continues to drift further away from God, Christians must consider their own response. Will you be the one to stand in the gap for God, even when it seems like no one else will?

God Can Rewrite Your Story!

Date: February 25, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt trapped by your past or current circumstances, like you’re destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over? It may seem as though the deck has been stacked against you because of your upbringing, but there is a way to break free from those shackles. Don’t believe the lie that your past has already written the script for your future and you have no way to change it! Through Christ, you can rise above whatever has enslaved you and create a new legacy of faith for yourself and future generations. The choice is yours. Will you turn to the Lord and discover the life and freedom that await you?

Heart Insurance: Safeguarding Your Faith

Date: February 18, 2024 | Speaker:

Our society spends millions of dollars annually to ensure the safety of material possessions and personal well-being. We have insurance for our house, car, health, life, and even our pets! We put our money in FDIC-insured bank accounts, buy identity protection, and keep our valuables under lock and key. But do we go to the same lengths to protect ourselves from the idols that contend for the throne of our hearts? It’s so easy to make small compromises in our faith that don’t seem to pose any threat, but if left unchecked, those very things can eventually lure us away from God. Discover how an entire nation was destroyed because they failed to guard their hearts against sin, and learn from their example how to keep our hearts a holy place, untainted by the idols of this age.

The Cost of God’s Enduring Grace

Date: February 11, 2024 | Speaker:

If you ever feel like God is being unfair or that His judgments are too harsh, just remember the enduring patience and boundless love He extended to His rebellious people for 390 years! Today’s sermon reveals the unimaginable lengths God goes to in order to call His people back to Himself, even amidst their defiance. The fact is that God has patiently endured humanity’s betrayal for centuries, and He is still extending His patience to us today. God’s grace outlasts our sin, offering redemption and restoration to all who turn to Him. May we gain a deeper gratitude for God’s mercy and the profound sacrifice that opened the way to redemption through Jesus Christ.

Beyond Your Abilities: Finding Strength in God’s Spirit

Date: February 4, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever been prompted by God to do something so daunting or beyond your abilities that it left you paralyzed in fear? Maybe it was an invitation to teach your first Sunday School class, share your faith with an unfriendly neighbor, or go on a mission trip to a dangerous land. Even though you may feel incapable, don’t spend one more day hesitating! God has promised to empower you for whatever He calls you to do, regardless of the challenges you may face. God gave Ezekiel a task that terrified him, but his response challenges us to find strength in God’s Spirit and trust in His ultimate plan, no matter how overwhelming it may seem. Remember, the same God who empowered Ezekiel will empower you!

The Incomprehensible Majesty of God

Date: January 28, 2024 | Speaker:

It has been said that what comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. Your view of God—right or wrong—will define your entire relationship with Him, so make absolutely sure it is based on truth. Our tendency is to create a god who is just like us; one we can manage and manipulate. But the God of heaven is not confined by our limited intellect or controlled by our expectations. The complexity of His glory extends far beyond our wildest imagination. Have you reduced God to something He is not? Have you created a god in your own image? You need a fresh look at who God really is and allow His vastness to bring you to your knees before Him!

Stop Trying to Earn God’s Approval

Date: January 21, 2024 | Speaker:

Are you still trying to earn God’s love by keeping a long list of religious rules? Does the constant effort to be good enough leave you weary and wondering if you will ever measure up? It’s time to let go of the burdensome shackles of performance-based religion and embrace the incredible benefits of the new covenant Jesus made possible through his sacrificial death on the cross. It’s no longer about observing external rules and regulations. Jesus fulfilled all of those old requirements on your behalf, washed all your sins away, and you can now stand completely righteous before God! Don’t live another day trying to please God through your own efforts. Start living in the new life of God’s grace, forgiveness, and acceptance!

Will You Defend God’s Honor?

Date: February 21, 2021 | Speaker:

On our list of priorities, plans and life’s goals, how high have we placed “bringing honor and glory to God?” Is that even on our list? Is it something we ever think about? At critical times throughout history there have been moments when God searched for just one person who would stand up for Him. Sometimes He found that person. Sometimes He did not. Are you committed to standing alone for God, if necessary, and using your life to bring Him glory?

The Truth Will Set You Free

Our Redeeming God and His New Covenant

Date: April 29, 2018 | Speaker:

Starting with the fall of Adam and Eve, we see clearly the sobering consequences of sin. To know the truth is to know that our God is unchanging about sin. He is holy and righteous, and our sins cannot be overlooked. But God has provided a way for us to be saved from our sins. He offers this path of salvation through a new covenant; the Messianic Covenant. We either accept this new covenant and abide by the terms, or we reject it altogether and choose our own path; a choice that Jesus described as leading to destruction. Join us as we uncover the truth about God’s New Covenant offer, and the reason it is described as such good news!

Choose Who You’re Going to Be

Date: September 17, 2017 | Speaker:

In a world of more than 7 billion people, it is easy to feel that your life has no significance to God. But as we look through the Bible, we do not see God using hundreds or thousands of people to bring about His plans. Instead, we see Him using individual men and women. God is still looking for just one willing person to stand up and say, “God, I choose to be identified with you. Please use my life for your glory.” Will you be that one?

Living Water

Date: March 17, 2013 | Speaker:

If we only had hours to live, we would make sure our last instructions for our loved ones were the most important. That was the case for Jesus, as well. Join us as we take a look at some of the final instructions Jesus left with His loved ones.