Sermons from Joel

God is Still Good When Things are Bad

Date: August 14, 2022 | Speaker:

Where do you turn when life turns bad? What do you when your world is filled with chaos, heartache or pain? If you are in a place right now where you feel broken, empty and alone, and it seems like God is miles away, don’t stay there another minute! God is waiting for you to turn around and come back to Him. He will meet you with open arms of forgiveness, but He will go far beyond that… He longs to pour out His goodness and blessings upon you, and to restore the wasted years in your past. Even when things are bad, God is still good, so run to Him today!

The Destructive Consequences of Our Sin

Date: August 7, 2022 | Speaker:

One little bug can’t harm a whole crop, but a swarm of locusts can devour and destroy an entire countryside in just minutes! We may not think that our “little” sins will ever harm anyone else, but the ripple effects might actually be felt for generations to come. The book of Joel describes a time when God’s people and their land suffered complete devastation as a result of their sin, and there was only one way to fix it. God called them to be genuinely brokenhearted, to repent of their sin, and to return to Him. If they did this, He promised to restore what they had lost and pour out His blessings upon them once again. If you are away from God right now and suffering the consequences of your sin, you don’t have to stay there! Return to Him today and receive the forgiveness and blessing He longs to give you.

Turning and Trusting – Part 1

Date: May 2, 2021 | Speaker:

In the book of Joel, God offers the people of Judah an opportunity to turn to Him despite their past sins and the judgement before them. He does this because of His great love. Even now, God offers us a similar opportunity. His love for us is great and He can change our hearts to desire Him more than anything else in this world. Is that your heart’s desire today?