Sermons by Kevin Hodge

We Have Hope

Date: December 29, 2024

Life can be difficult and for many of us we are still praying, waiting and seeking God on a number of items in our lives. However, God’s Word reminds us never to give up and to keep focusing on the eternal. Our Hope is in Him. Heaven is our Home.

The Significance of Our Money – Part 2

Date: May 5, 2024

In teaching about money, Jesus reminded us that we are to be rich toward God. He used an encounter with a man and a parable to teach us to be on our guard against greed, to view our money/resources as God’s and that accumulating money/resources for ourselves is futile. How are you viewing and handling the money/resources that God has given you? Are you being rich toward God?

The Significance of Our Money – Part 1

Date: April 28, 2024

In teaching about money, Jesus reminded us that we are to be rich toward God. He used an encounter with a man and a parable to teach us to be on our guard against greed, to view our money/resources as God’s and that accumulating money/resources for ourselves is futile. How are you viewing and handling the money/resources that God has given you? Are you being rich toward God?

But Because You Say So, I Will

Date: September 17, 2023

When Jesus called Simon and the other disciples to follow Him, He displayed His power through a miraculous catch of fish. This encounter changed these men’s lives forever and reminds us of what Jesus can do in us and through us when we step out in obedience to Him. Jesus used these men to impact the world for the Kingdom and it all started with Simon’s obedience to put his net out into deep water. Are you ready and willing to obey Him however He may lead?

Faith > Fear

Date: April 2, 2023

In Mark’s account of Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee, Mark records four questions. One question was a result of fear, two questions were to challenge why we fear, and one question was to remind us why we don’t have to fear. Life can be difficult and God often allows things into our life that we may not understand. However, these four questions remind us that Jesus is in control and and therefore we don’t have to fear because we can have faith in Him.

The Touch of the Savior

Date: January 29, 2023

Jesus’ healing of the leper was an amazing display of Jesus’ power. It was also a beautiful reminder of Jesus’ love and what we have in Him. Life is full of difficulties and it often leaves us feeling alone, hurt, and like no one cares. However we are reminded that we serve a Savior who cares about our every need and we serve Savior who can restore our every longing. Are you looking to Him today?

Jesus Can

Date: September 18, 2022

Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee with his disciples and encountered a man possessed with demons. Jesus loved this man and displayed his power over the enemy by commanding the demons out of him and setting this man free. This passage reminds us that there is always hope for the hopeless and that when Jesus moves in our lives, then He gives us a message to carry to the world. Is your hope in the Jesus Who Can?

The Joy of Obedience – Part 2

Date: May 1, 2022

Haggai was sent by God to a disobedient people challenging them “to consider their ways” and the results of their disobedience. The people responded to God, obeyed Him and experienced Him in an amazing way. There was joy in their obedience! Are you experiencing the joy that God gives through obedience to Him?

The Joy of Obedience – Part 1

Date: April 24, 2022

Haggai was sent by God to a disobedient people challenging them “to consider their ways” and the results of their disobedience. The people responded to God, obeyed Him and experienced Him in an amazing way. There was joy in their obedience! Are you experiencing the joy that God gives through obedience to Him?

Courageous Faith

Date: September 5, 2021

The Centurion courageously and desperately sought after the only One who could change his servant’s situation. In the process, the Centurion displayed amazing faith in what Jesus could do and ultimately saw Jesus bring glory to God by healing his servant. Even though we may not always see the rewards of our faith on this earth like the Centurion did, we can trust that God is working in all our situations to bring glory and honor to Him. Are you desiring to bring God glory by desperately seeking and trusting Him with the situations in your life?

Courageous Love

Date: August 29, 2021

Joseph of Arimathea went from a secret follower of Christ to a man who used what God had given him to courageously and sacrificially love His Lord. Christ’s death on the Cross changed Joseph and the Cross can change you as well. How is the Cross impacting you today? Are you courageously and sacrificially loving Jesus with what He has given you?

Turning and Trusting – Part 2

Date: May 9, 2021

The Bible tells us that those who trust in God are “blessed”. However, trusting in God during uncertain times can be difficult. Jeremiah 17 reminds us that God has provided us with everything we need to trust in Him and when we stay connected to Him during challenging times, God uses us to impact the lives of those around us and to ultimately bring Him glory. God is worthy and able to carry us through whatever journey we are on. Are you trusting in Him today?