Sermons by Kevin Hodge

An Extraordinary Response to an Intentional Encounter Part 1

Date: August 16, 2020

As a tax collector, Levi was an unlikely candidate for the gospel. However, Jesus had a plan to further His Kingdom and that plan included Levi. When Christ came calling, Levi trusted Christ and obeyed Him. In these uncertain times, God is still calling unlikely candidates to trust and obey Him so that His name might be exalted. How is God calling you today?

Looking Forward

Date: December 1, 2019

Scripture promises a new heaven and a new earth for followers of Christ. Peter reminds us of how this promise should impact our lives today. The goals that we are striving for in the future will always impact our choices in the present. Knowing that we will one day see Christ should motivate us to live holy lives here and now. Are we looking forward to that day, and are we living expectant, intentional holy lives in light of it?