Sermons from Proverbs

The Rewards of Giving

Date: November 15, 2015 | Speaker:

There are many preachers who say that if you send money to their ministry, God will give you ten times more money in return because He wants you to be rich. But is that really true? The Bible does say that we will be rewarded and blessed for giving joyfully to God, but what exactly are those rewards, and is there anything that will prevent us from receiving them?

All She Had to Live On

Date: June 14, 2015 | Speaker:

Jim Elliot is quoted as saying “He is no fool, who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.” Jesus response to the widow who gave 2 copper coins is very revealing; he does not say she gave all her money, he says she gave all she had to live on. Luke 12:15 says “One’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”. If our life isn’t in our possessions, what is Jesus referring to when he says this widow woman gave all she had to live on?

Confidence in the Absolute Providence of God

Date: February 8, 2015 | Speaker:

Just a quick glance at the headlines reminds us that we live in a world filled with trouble. Terrorism, wars, toppling governments, economic instability — it’s enough to make us want to run and hide. But even though we live in a world of fear, we do not have to live in fear! The Bible reminds us that God is in complete control of all things, and that nothing happens in the world at large or in our own lives that is outside of His providence. Knowing this truth will bring us peace even in the most troubling times of life.

The Decline and Fall of America

Date: July 6, 2014 | Speaker:

At the very same moment our founding fathers declared our independence from Britain, they were also declaring our absolute dependence upon God. Regardless of what revisionists say, the facts clearly prove that America was founded on the principles of God’s Word. Because of this, America was once a nation blessed and protected by God, but since we have now forced God out of our country, we are in decline like never before and are facing His judgement. This message is a wake-up call for all who will listen!

The Fool and His Folly

Date: January 19, 2014 | Speaker:

In our generation today, as always, we need to clearly understand the truth. We need to understand who we are talking to when we are discussing Jesus Christ with unbelievers. We also need to know what assumptions they are making when they say things like, “All religions are basically the same,” or “No one can know for sure,” or “That’s just your interpretation!” There are certain assumptions being made at the foundation of these arguments against the gospel. When we shed light on these falsely assumed foundations, the truth can be seen more clearly.

How To Miss Heaven When You Die

Date: July 21, 2013 | Speaker:

There is a half-built highway bridge in Cape Town, South Africa that comes to an abrupt end and hangs perilously in midair. If you were to drive on this road, you would think it was taking you somewhere, but you would soon plunge off the end to your demise. The same is true with salvation. Many people follow patterns and lifestyles they think will take them to heaven, but when they reach the end of life, they will plunge into a godless eternity. What are you trusting in to make you right with God and take you to heaven when you die? Make absolutely sure it is not one of the false hopes for eternity the Bible warns us about!

What Will Be Written on Your Tombstone?

Date: February 19, 2012 | Speaker:

Whether we realize it or not, we will all leave some kind of monument after we die that others will remember us by. The Bible warns us how important it is for us to live in such a way that we will not only have a good name while we’re alive, but that even after we’re gone, our good name will linger on as a sweet fragrance to bless the lives of those who follow. Each day we live we’re adding a new page to the memoir of our life. What are you writing on your page today, and what will be written on your tombstone when your life is over?

The Power of Friendship

Date: October 24, 2010 | Speaker:

Even though people have more ways to connect and communicate than at any other time in history, studies show that people feel less connected by real relationships than ever before. Loneliness has been called the new American epidemic. How many true friends do you have who will stick with you and point you to God in the tough times? Are you being that kind of friend to anyone else? Today’s message shows us the importance of friendship in helping us live a faithful and effective Christian life.

Live Connected

Date: January 17, 2010 | Speaker:

We have all seen news stories of someone who went hiking alone and got stranded, or even died, and we wonder why anyone would do something so foolish. Yet we often do something just as dangerous when we attempt to live the Christian life alone. God created us for relationships, and it is vital that we “live connected” not only with other believers, but with those who do not know Jesus, so that they can see the Gospel on display in us. Are you living the Christian life alone? God wants you to live connected!

What Husbands Wish Their Wives Knew

Date: November 8, 2009 | Speaker:

Ladies, do you know the 3 most devastating things you can do to your husband to tear him down and destroy his sense of manhood? Are you currently doing any of these things to him? If you begin working on these 3 areas, you will be absolutely amazed to see him become the husband you’ve always dreamed of, and he will gladly go to the ends of the earth for you!

Dealing With Your Past

Date: October 25, 2009 | Speaker:

Far too many people who get married and have children, try to build their family on the shaky, cracked foundations of their past. But just as no building can stand tall and strong if built on a broken foundation, so no marriage will ever stand strong if problems from your past are not first dealt with. The Bible says if we hide our sins we will not prosper, but if we confess and forsake them, we will find mercy. Are there any areas of “rust” in your past that you have chosen to just paint over instead of dealing with? Rust will always eventually show through the paint! God calls us to deal with our past so that we can build a strong family on a clean, solid foundation.