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Having the Guts to Be Who God Wants You to Be

Date: January 9, 2011 | Speaker:

2009 and 2010 have been years of dramatic economic decline, collapsing financial institutions, staggering job loss and shrinking retirement accounts. Peopleโ€™s hearts are filled with fear and anxiety, wondering what the future holds. As we step into 2011, is it possible โ€” even thinkable โ€” that we could face this shaky new year with an unshakeable faith?

Living a Life of Dangerous Faith

Date: January 16, 2011 | Speaker:

When is the last time you took a step of faith that terrified you? How long has it been? Are you going through life with only โ€œmemoriesโ€ of times long ago when you stepped out on faith? If God seems to be cutting away the safety harnesses in your life and stripping you of the things youโ€™ve been depending on, it may be that He is inviting you into a fresh opportunity to walk with Him at a place where your faith will grow to a whole new level. Will you step out and risk something for Him this year instead of being content to live on yesterdayโ€™s faith?

Joseph: The Promise Believed

Date: December 5, 2010 | Speaker:

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember that Christmas is really all about a promise. Actually, it’s all about “The Promise.” When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God, Satan thought he had won, but in Genesis 3:15 God promised to one day send a Savior into the world who would crush Satan and conquer sin. From that moment on, mankind carried the heavy burden of sin, until that glorious night when The Promise was born in a manger, and proved once and for all that God always keeps His promises.

Mary: The Promise Conceived

Date: December 12, 2010 | Speaker:

As we celebrate Christmas, let’s remember that Christmas is really all about a promise. Actually, it’s all about “The Promise.” When Adam & Eve chose to disobey God, Satan thought he had won, but in Genesis 3:15 God promised to one day send a Savior into the world who would crush Satan and conquer sin. From that moment on, mankind carried the heavy burden of sin, until that glorious night when The Promise was born in a manger, and proved once and for all that God always keeps His promises.

Jesus: The Promise Received

Date: December 19, 2010 | Speaker:

The most amazing thought about Christmas is that the holy, all-powerful God of heaven came down and became one of us in order to show us the way. Christmas can all be summed up in four words: “God is with us.” Those four words forever changed history, and they are the same four words that can change every moment of our lives today. Whatever our circumstances, whatever life may bring, we can find peace and hope and meaning in knowing that God is with us!

Communion Service and Uganda Testimony

Date: November 28, 2010 | Speaker:

Join us today for a brief Thanksgiving communion devotional followed by a testimony from one of our members about her recent trip to Uganda to work with orphans. May you be challenged by her boldness and obedience to step out of her comfort zone and be used by God.

Losing My Religion

Date: September 26, 2010 | Speaker:

Jesus reserved His harshest wordsโ€“not for those who were down and out and lost in their sinโ€“but for those who claimed to be the most religious. Why? Because religion puffs us up and blinds us to our need of a Savior. It causes us to focus on external modification instead of heart transformation. We all have religious rules that we still struggle with which keep our hearts unchanged. What areas might God want you to lay aside in order to live out a fully surrendered relationship with Him?

Don’t Settle Where You Are

Date: October 3, 2010 | Speaker:

History tells us that a lot of people who made commitments to become pioneers actually ended up becoming settlers before they ever reached their destination. When the journey got rough, many chose to stop and find a place of comfort instead of pressing on towards their goal. The same will be true of us as followers of Christ unless we are willing to surrender everything that is holding us back. Is there anything in your life keeping you from following God wherever He is calling you to go?

Refusing to Conform

Date: October 10, 2010 | Speaker:

There was a time in our nation’s history when Christians were respected by the general public, but now Christians are are portrayed either as extremists or as complete idiots by the media, with no real “respect” at all. Is it perhaps because we have lost our Godly influence by conforming to the world’s standards instead of truly standing out and making a difference? God’s Word calls us to transform our culture rather than being conformed by it. Are you a conformer or a transformer?

Coming to Grips with the Real You

Date: October 17, 2010 | Speaker:

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Be honest. The truth is, most people–even Christians–don’t like what they see. They are haunted by past failures or present weaknesses, and often see themselves as useless in God’s eyes. Moses had such a low view of himself that he almost missed God’s greatest mission for his life, because when we fail to see ourselves as God sees us, we will fail to fulfill the purpose for which we were created. Don’t let a wrong view of yourself cause you to miss God’s mission for you!

The Power of Friendship

Date: October 24, 2010 | Speaker:

Even though people have more ways to connect and communicate than at any other time in history, studies show that people feel less connected by real relationships than ever before. Loneliness has been called the new American epidemic. How many true friends do you have who will stick with you and point you to God in the tough times? Are you being that kind of friend to anyone else? Today’s message shows us the importance of friendship in helping us live a faithful and effective Christian life.

Don’t Die with Rocks in Your Hand

Date: October 31, 2010 | Speaker:

No matter how righteously we live or how devoted to God we are, evil, injustice, and betrayal will happen to all of us sooner or later. The question is: how do we as followers of Christ respond to the evil aimed at us? We can choose to hold onto the rocks of revenge and carry them through life… or we can choose to let them go and forgive as Christ has forgiven us. Who has wounded you, abandoned you, or betrayed you so badly that you’ve never been able to let it go? God is inviting you to come to the cross and lay your rocks down.