In Luke’s carefully researched Gospel, you encounter not just historical facts, but the compassionate heart of both the physician and the Christ he portrays. Luke presents Jesus as one who cares for the outcast, the sick, and the downtrodden—who notices the overlooked and touches the untouchable—revealing a Savior who heals both bodies and souls. His precise investigation offers more than intellectual certainty; it invites you to witness a Savior who meets you where you are—in your mess, your doubts, your ordinary days. Luke himself had this same compassionate heart, demonstrated by being the only one who stayed with the apostle Paul in prison right up until his execution. Luke’s introduction is not just an opening statement, but a call to be certain that what you believe about Jesus is undeniable truth.

Facing a Shaky New Year with an Unshakeable Faith
2009 and 2010 have been years of dramatic economic decline, collapsing financial institutions, staggering job loss and shrinking retirement accounts. People’s hearts are filled with fear and anxiety, wondering what the future holds. As we step into 2011, is it possible — even thinkable — that we could face this shaky new year with an unshakeable faith?