Preparing for What’s Ahead

Most will agree, this past year was a challenge. No one could predict the kind of events and trials many have faced. But thankfully, none took God by surprise. Even before Jesus came into this world, God made it clear the kind of Savior He would be. It was His mission to save us and provide everything we need to not only survive but thrive among the trials and tribulations of this darkening world. Join us as we recognize the battles that wage war around us, and the weapons and strategies available to us to not only stand firm but even take back ground that may have been lost.

Sermon Title Date Speaker
Preparing for What’s Ahead December 27, 2020

Divine Interruptions: Trusting God’s Plans

Date: March 16, 2025 | Speaker:

God’s plans often come as interruptions to our carefully constructed lives. Zechariah, a faithful priest, and Mary, a humble teenager had two starkly different responses to divine intrusions. Zechariah, wearied by years of unanswered prayer, struggled to believe God’s promise of a son in his old age. Mary, however, received the unimaginable call to be the mother of the Messiah, yet she responded with awe and surrender. Both were called to trust God in ways that defied human logic. Their stories remind us that faith isn’t about having all the answers but about surrendering to God’s purposes, even when they seem impossible. Are you prepared to let God disrupt your plans? True faith means saying, like Mary, “I am the servant of the Lord, may it be to me according to your word,” and then stepping into the unknown, confident that His ways are always good.

Guard Your Faith

Date: March 9, 2025 | Speaker:

Scripture tells us that faith is a treasure more valuable than gold. And like any treasure, it’s something we should guard and protect. Our faith is a target that this world and the kingdom of darkness is constantly trying to destroy. We must stay awake, be alert, and keep watch for the dangers seeking to shipwreck our faith. Join us as we highlight some of the Biblical reminders of how we can guard this precious treasure within us.

A Caring Healer and a Faithful Friend

Date: February 23, 2025 | Speaker:

In Luke’s carefully researched Gospel, you encounter not just historical facts, but the compassionate heart of both the physician and the Christ he portrays. Luke presents Jesus as one who cares for the outcast, the sick, and the downtrodden—who notices the overlooked and touches the untouchable—revealing a Savior who heals both bodies and souls. His precise investigation offers more than intellectual certainty; it invites you to witness a Savior who meets you where you are—in your mess, your doubts, your ordinary days. Luke himself had this same compassionate heart, demonstrated by being the only one who stayed with the apostle Paul in prison right up until his execution. Luke’s introduction is not just an opening statement, but a call to be certain that what you believe about Jesus is undeniable truth.

Recognizing the Savior in a World That Won’t

Date: February 16, 2025 | Speaker:

One of the most tragic scenes in all of Scripture is when Jesus, the very architect of creation, entered His own world, only to be met with cold indifference. He wasn’t just ignored by strangers; He was rejected by His own people. They had the prophecies, the covenants and the history, all pointing to Jesus, yet they turned away because He didn’t fit their misguided expectations. We often do the same—wanting a God who fits neatly into our plans, who blesses but never disrupts. But true faith means trusting Him completely as both Savior and Lord of all. When you do, you’re not just forgiven; you become a child of God and an heir to His kingdom!

More Than Alive: Finding True Life in Christ

Date: February 9, 2025 | Speaker:

At some point, every person wrestles with life’s deepest questions: Where did I come from? Why am I here? What happens when I die? Yet, no amount of self-reflection can uncover these answers. Apart from Christ, we may be physically alive, but we remain spiritually dead—separated from the eternal life only He can give. No amount of education, success, or worldly wisdom can illuminate the darkness of our souls. But in His mercy, Christ came as both life and light—not to merely make us better people, but to restore the very life of God that was lost in Eden. When we receive Him by faith, His light shatters our darkness, leading us into true understanding and the unshakable promise of eternal life.

The Answer to Your Deepest Longing

Date: February 2, 2025 | Speaker:

To discover who Jesus truly is, we must start at the beginning, before creation, before time, where we are introduced to Him as the Word—the “Logos.” Ancient philosophers considered the Logos to be the mysterious, unknowable entity that brought order and reason to the universe. But John reveals that the Logos is not merely a concept or a force; it is Jesus, the One who walked among us, who touched the untouchable, and who died to save you from your sin. The meaning of life is not a mystery to be endlessly contemplated, but a Person to be known. Your deepest longing for purpose finds its resolution in Him! The question is no longer whether Jesus is real, but whether you will believe in Him, follow Him, and allow His life to redefine yours.

Undeniable Design: The Fingerprints of Jesus

Date: January 26, 2025 | Speaker:

When you pause to consider the intricate complexity of creation, you’re faced with the reality that every detail, no matter how small, gives evidence of a Designer. From the mathematical precision of the galaxies to the astonishing arrangement of human DNA, creation reveals something far greater than random chance—an intentional, loving intelligence that crafted every molecule with purpose. Yet, the most awe-inspiring truth of all is this: the Creator who spoke stars into existence and orchestrated the dance of electrons stepped into human history, took on flesh, and willingly died for your sins so that you could be forgiven and have eternal life. This revelation doesn’t just shift our perspective; it redefines the very purpose of our existence, anchoring our lives in a hope that stretches far beyond the limits of this world.

Can We Trust the New Testament? (Part 2)

Date: January 19, 2025 | Speaker:

Can the New Testament withstand the barrage of accusations leveled by critics who claim its authors fabricated events, distorted truth, or contradicted themselves? We confront these challenges head-on, examining whether the Bible is truly the inspired Word of God or a cleverly concocted myth. In a world where truth is often buried under layers of skepticism, this journey is your chance to rediscover the rock-solid foundation that has stood for thousands of years—challenged, questioned, and yet unshaken. Are you ready to wrestle with doubt and emerge with a faith built on evidence, conviction, and unshakable hope?

Can We Trust the New Testament? (Part 1)

Date: January 12, 2025 | Speaker:

Can the New Testament withstand the barrage of accusations leveled by critics who claim its authors fabricated events, distorted truth, or contradicted themselves? We confront these challenges head-on, examining whether the Bible is truly the inspired Word of God or a cleverly concocted myth. In a world where truth is often buried under layers of skepticism, this journey is your chance to rediscover the rock-solid foundation that has stood for thousands of years—challenged, questioned, and yet unshaken. Are you ready to wrestle with doubt and emerge with a faith built on evidence, conviction, and unshakable hope?