Sermons by Phil Pike

Everlasting Father

Date: December 18, 2016

In the deepest part of our hearts, we all long to find endless love. Songs and books have been written about it, movies have been made about it, and yet none of us have ever known a perfect, unbroken endless love from another person. But the Bible tells us about a love that will never come to an end, not even when we die. Have you ever received this gift of everlasting love?

Mighty God

Date: December 11, 2016

Exactly who was that baby born in Bethlehem? Was He really sent from heaven, or was He just an ordinary man, and what difference does it make either way? The Bible calls Him the Mighty God. If that’s true, then the consequences for not believing in Him are enormous! What decision have you made about that baby in the manger?

Wonderful Counselor

Date: December 4, 2016

The stress of our daily lives and the uncertainties of the world in which we live can leave us filled with fear and despair, and even the best counselors will admit they don’t have all the answers. But Jesus, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas, was called the Wonderful Counselor. He not only cares about all our troubles, but He knows exactly what to do about them because He is the very embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. Have you talked with this Wonderful Counselor lately?

Responding to God’s Blessings

Date: November 13, 2016

There’s no denying it — God has blessed us beyond belief! We have received so much from His hands. But why? Why has He blessed us and what are we supposed to do with those blessings? Are we supposed to keep them all for ourselves, or does God have a bigger purpose in mind? Once we learn this important principle, we will discover the real definition of what it means to be blessed.

Remembering God’s Blessings

Date: November 6, 2016

Humans are forgetful by nature. We forget where we put our car keys, we forget birthdays, appointments, people’s names… but far too often we also forget God’s blessings to us. We either complain about what we don’t have or we become complacent with what we do have. The Bible instructs us to always remember God’s blessings and goodness to us, and to give Him thanks, regardless of our circumstances. How often do you remember?

Recognizing God’s Blessings

Date: October 30, 2016

How many blessings have you been given? Our first reaction to that question might be to think, “Compared to whom?” But regardless of our circumstances, we are the recipients of more blessings than we could possibly imagine. God’s goodness to us never ends. He continuously blesses us with countless physical and spiritual blessings in every area of our lives. If we would just open our eyes, we would see that we truly are blessed beyond belief!

Are We Broken?

Date: October 16, 2016

It is far too easy for us as Christians to be so occupied with Christian activities and to surround ourselves with other Christians that we actually forget about the lost people all around us. But if we are living like Christ, we will not only be a friend of sinners like He was, but we will have a broken heart for the lost like He did. What is it that breaks our heart? Is it ever broken for the lost?

Are We Faithful?

Date: October 9, 2016

We all know about the Apostle Paul and the astounding ways God used his life, but do we know the man who stood up for Paul when no one else wanted him, and who actually put Paul in a position to be used by God? The truth is, God’s work is not sustained and enriched by the prominent people in the spotlight, but by the mostly unknown men and women serving faithfully behind the scenes. Are we willing to be that person?

Are We Led by the Spirit?

Date: October 2, 2016

“Don’t worry, I know where I’m going!” Have you ever said that to anyone in the car, and then you ended up getting lost? It’s one thing to be on the wrong road while driving, but it’s a far more serious thing to be on the wrong road in life. How do we find direction for daily decisions? Is there anything more reliable to go on than just our feelings or how things look, and if so, how do we discover it?

Are We Praying?

Date: September 25, 2016

What is the greatest resource the church has? Is it gifted preachers? Entertaining programs? Abundant finances? Best-selling books? No, it is none of those things. When the early church was facing threats from the powerful Jewish leaders and the mighty Roman empire, they used the only resource they had — prayer, and that one resource alone was more powerful than every tool the church uses today!

Are We Bold?

Date: September 18, 2016

Have you ever wondered why people use the name of Jesus as a curse word 2,000 years after He lived and died? Why do they never curse using anyone else’s name? It’s because all the powers of darkness are trying to stamp out the very name of Jesus! In fact, they are trying to rid the world of Him completely. In a time when the voices of evil are growing louder and stronger, we need to stand boldly for Jesus!

Are We Devoted?

Date: September 11, 2016

Ask people to describe their church and see how many different answers you get. “We have a beautiful building… we have awesome programs… it’s a lot of fun!” But when we look at the very first thing the Bible says about the church, we see a totally different description. They were people who were devoted to the right things. So the question is, are we also devoted to the right things?