Sermons about Character

When Evil Seems to Triumph

Date: August 11, 2024 | Speaker:

Does it ever feel like the odds are stacked against you? Despite your faithfulness, do the wicked seem to thrive while you struggle to survive? Remember this: though evil may triumph temporarily, God’s justice will ultimately prevail. Trust in His timing and sovereignty, knowing that even in the darkest moments, He is at work, weaving together His perfect plan. Though the righteous may face threats from the enemy, rejection by friends or family, and even persecution in this life, a day is coming when every wrong will be made right, and the scales will be balanced once and for all.

The Significance of Our Skills & Experience

Date: January 7, 2024 | Speaker:

God has given each of us particular abilities, but He has done so for a reason. He wants us to develop these abilities into skills in order to use them for His purposes. There are good works God has prepared for us to do which require these skills. Not only that, but our experience with these skills, and our life experiences in general, will be quite valuable. Join us as we consider the significance of our skills and experience.

Living for God in a Godless World

Date: December 10, 2023 | Speaker:

In the tapestry of our lives, every thread woven by God serves a purpose, even the dark and difficult strands that we wish weren’t there. God often places us in challenging circumstances to humble and refine us, so we must learn to embrace His purifying work, whatever it may be. As we stand firm in our faith, God’s purpose will be perfected in us, and His glory will shine like a beacon of hope to the lost world, guiding them to Him. Remember, our battles here are only temporary, and we have the bright promise of an eternal future in His presence where everything will be made new!

Preparing Today for Tomorrow’s Trials

Date: December 3, 2023 | Speaker:

What godly character traits and spiritual disciplines are you ‌building into your life today ‌that will enable you to ‌withstand the fiercest storms and finish strong for God? Unwavering resolve is not a result of spontaneous courage but a day-by-day commitment to walk in righteousness and integrity. Pay close attention to your daily choices, because that’s where character is formed. As you devote yourself to prayer, cultivate integrity, and foster discipline, you are laying the groundwork for a faith that refuses to bow in the face of temptations and trials. Start this transformative process today, because tomorrow’s trials are unpredictable, but your commitment to godly living can be unwavering if you have laid the right foundation.

Giving Thanks When Life Is Hard

Date: November 26, 2023 | Speaker:

Ever find it challenging to muster gratitude when life throws you curveballs? The Bible tells us to give thanks in all circumstances, but the only way that’s possible is when we realize that thankfulness is a choice, not a mood or a feeling. This isn’t about denying hardships; it’s about embracing a perspective that transcends them. You can discover the power of cultivating a heart of gratitude, not just when life is smooth sailing, but especially when the storm clouds gather. Learn how giving thanks, even when it seems counterintuitive, can anchor your faith and redirect your focus from the struggles to the sovereignty of a loving God.

You may find this sermon on a similar topic helpful: “Broken But Blessed”

The Significance of Our Words – Part 2

Date: November 12, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever considered what God thinks about our words? There are numerous scriptures in the Bible concerning this topic, but often we use words carelessly and give little attention to them. Should we reconsider this? Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about the significance of our words.

The Significance of Our Words – Part 1

Date: October 29, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever considered what God thinks about our words? There are numerous scriptures in the Bible concerning this topic, but often we use words carelessly and give little attention to them. Should we reconsider this? Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about the significance of our words.

The Way to True Greatness

Date: October 8, 2023 | Speaker:

To one degree or another, we all strive to be ‌the uncontested ruler of our own world. We are constantly told to get ahead and acquire as much as we can along the way. But building our own empire and seeking personal acclaim will ultimately lead us to a life of emptiness. Everything we have selfishly accumulated or achieved will one day slip through our fingers like sand. Instead, let us focus on building God’s kingdom, where we find genuine fulfillment, purpose, and lasting significance. It is in surrendering to His divine plan and inviting Him to rule over us that we discover the path to true greatness and a legacy that endures beyond our own lifetime.

Thriving in a Culture of Compromise

Date: October 1, 2023 | Speaker:

We are constantly bombarded with societal pressures and temptations that seek to undermine our faith. The world around us often encourages us to abandon our godly principles for momentary pleasures or worldly success. In those moments, remember that your identity is not defined by the opinions or expectations of others. It is rooted in your relationship with God and His unwavering love for you. When faced with pressure to compromise, choose righteousness over conformity. God will equip you with everything you need to remain faithful amidst any intimidation or trial!

The Significance of Our Work

Date: July 30, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever considered what God thinks about work? There are quite a few scriptures in the Bible concerning this topic, but often we don’t associate our daily work to our relationship with God. Should we reconsider this? Join us as we take a look at what the Bible has to say about the significance of our work.

Your Past Can Become God’s Future

Date: May 21, 2023 | Speaker:

“It’s not my fault. I had a difficult childhood! If you only knew how hard my life has been, you’d understand why I am the way I am!” Have you ever heard anyone say things like that, or maybe you’ve said similar things yourself? It’s so easy to blame our circumstances or blame other people for our behavior, attitudes, or failures. But here’s an important truth — our environment doesn’t have to determine our destiny! God can free anyone from the chains of their past and give them a future that is filled with promise and purpose! If you are still trapped in an endless cycle of blame, you can be set free today. Don’t let your past keep you from God’s future!

The Blessing of Being Humbled

Date: July 17, 2022 | Speaker:

The refining furnace that God sometimes puts us in is both necessary and beautiful. He places us there because—simply put—we need it. Being humbled tests us, proves us and drives us to God; and ultimately, anything that does that is a blessing! Don’t resent those times when God is breaking you of yourself. Thank Him for it and trust in His unfailing wisdom and goodness.

Prior to bringing this second sermon in the Unravel Part 4 series, pastor Phil was away for several months recovering from a heart attack and open-heart surgery. That is the reason for the time gap between the first and second sermon in this series.

You can watch the first sermon from Jonah chapter 1 entitled: “God’s Mercy in Our Failures” by clicking this link.