Sermons about Contentment

The Glorious Future That Awaits You!

Date: June 16, 2024 | Speaker:

What gives you certainty in such an uncertain world? How do you keep your fire for God alive when weariness or doubt set in? The Bible paints a vivid picture of a day when Christ will return to eradicate evil and rescue His people. Until then, we must live in this broken world, and the waiting can leave us weary and discouraged. Yet, no matter how dark things seem now, this glorious future is the certainty that inspires us to persevere, remain passionate for God, and find joy in knowing that we will be with Him forever. All tears will be wiped away, and all things will be made new. This is the promise that should fuel an unshakable hope in the heart of every believer!

Unwavering Joy in Uncertain Times

Date: August 20, 2023 | Speaker:

It is all too easy to derive our joy and contentment from our circumstances, our possessions, or our relationships, but that path eventually leads to disappointment. True contentment and unwavering confidence can never be found in the ever-changing situations of life, but rather by placing our trust in God alone. When we ground our faith in His character and faithful care, our peace and joy remain unshaken, even in the midst of adversity, pain, or loss. Are you still looking to the fleeting things of this world for security, or have you put your trust fully in God’s promises?

The Best is Yet to Come

Date: April 30, 2023 | Speaker:

Why does it seem like evil men prosper and get away with everything, while Christians who are living for God seem to suffer and struggle without relief? It’s dangerously easy to become disillusioned with life when we get our eyes off God and begin looking at people instead. Our natural tendency is always to compare ourselves with others and conclude that everyone else has it easier than we do, but there’s a vital truth we must never forget. By turning our focus back to God and the truth of His Word, things will become clear once again as we remember that the pleasures and possessions of this world are only temporary. The joys and glories that await true believers cannot be compared to anything in this life, so when you’re tempted to think God is being unfair, just remind yourself that the best is yet to come, and everything will be made right in the end.

Surrounded by Truth but Living a Lie

Date: October 3, 2021 | Speaker:

We have all had the awful experience of seeing a news story about a Christian ministry whose leaders were charged with embezzlement or some other crime. It’s a reminder of how close we can be to the truth, but still be living a lie. We can worship and pray and serve in the church, but have hearts that are far from God. What about you? Is Christ your highest pursuit, or are you just going through the motions?

It Shall Be Well

Date: September 19, 2021 | Speaker:

History is filled with the accounts of men and women whose lives were overwhelmed with suffering, pain and loss, yet because of their faith in Christ, they could still say with confidence that all will be well. How is it possible for someone to go through such devastating trials and still know that God is good? Trouble and heartache will visit us all in this life. Do you know how to stand firm when the storms begin to blow?

Getting Everything but Having Nothing

Date: June 6, 2021 | Speaker:

If you could pray one prayer and instantly have everything you’ve ever wanted, would you do it? Most of us think we would be happier if we just had a little more, but is that really true? King Solomon had more money, possessions and fame than anyone in the world, but he hated life and was overcome with emptiness and frustration. If your search for meaning and happiness has led you to a dead end, this message will show you the only path to true joy and fulfillment.

The Secret to Being Fully Satisfied

Date: April 25, 2021 | Speaker:

If you’ve just finished your favorite meal and dessert and you’re completely full, the last thing on your mind is to go out looking for another meal. There’s no need to because you’re already satisfied. One reason we so often choose to sin is because we’re actually trying to fill an emptiness inside of us; an emptiness we believe will be filled by that sin. But there is only one way for us to ever be fully satisfied, and once you discover that, your life will never be the same!

The Blessing of Being Thirsty

Date: May 17, 2020 | Speaker:

Have you ever had to learn the same lesson more than once? Sometimes we fail to remember God’s blessings and provision from the past, and so new trials can cause us to doubt His faithfulness and provision. Our human tendency is to complain when we are in desperate need, but let’s learn instead that those very times are blessings in disguise. It’s in those moments that God has our full attention, because the struggles He has allowed to come our way cause us to run to Him!

What More Does God Have to Do?

Date: January 19, 2020 | Speaker:

“If God would just show me a miracle, then I’d believe!” So many people throughout the years have said these very words, but history has proven that even if God did show them a miracle, they probably still wouldn’t believe in Him. Have you ever demanded that God do something to prove His love for you? Do you find it harder to trust God and praise Him when life is difficult than when life is easy? If so, you may be basing your devotion to Him on your circumstances rather than simply on who He is. God has already shown us more than enough to know that He is good and that we can trust Him. Are you still asking for more?

Finding What You’ve Been Searching For

Date: September 15, 2019 | Speaker:

Many people spend their lives searching for something to fill up the empty ache they feel inside. They look for fulfillment in relationships, career, money, status… yet they soon realize that those things are not the answer. That emptiness every person feels inside is there for a reason, and that’s because sin separated us from God and left us incomplete. There is only one way to satisfy that empty longing forever, and today’s message tells us exactly how.

Getting Back on the Right Path

Date: May 26, 2019 | Speaker:

When we fail God, our first tendency is to hide from Him. But He graciously invites us to come back to Him so that He can restore us by His grace. When our relationships with people become strained, we prefer to avoid them, too. Days can turn into years, where even family members refuse to speak to each other, all because no one is willing to take the first step toward peace. Let’s follow Abram’s example. He humbled himself in order to resolve conflict so that God would be glorified through the situation.

Are You Really Depending on God?

Date: February 25, 2018 | Speaker:

When our refrigerators are stocked with food, our closets are full of clothes, and we receive a steady paycheck, it’s hard for us to believe that we are totally dependent on God to provide our daily needs. But the Bible reminds us that everything we have comes from Him. Remembering this is vital to maintaining a healthy dependence on Him and being content with what we have.