Sermons about Grace

The Christmas Attitude

Date: December 15, 2013 | Speaker:

Christmas, as a season, is full of many emotions and attitudes. It is the one time of year when it is acceptable to talk about Jesus. Knowing the reality of the circumstances surrounding Christmas, we also find that the truth cannot be silenced. It is far too easy to be caught up in the commercialism, materialism and worldliness that is so evident this time of year; either being swept away in its current or being embittered towards it. Which attitude do you currently own?

The Spiritual Man

Date: December 8, 2013 | Speaker:

God has a plan and a purpose that He is bringing to pass. Through the ages, there are different degrees to which the world has experienced God; Innocence, Conscience, Human Government, Promise, Law. Living in the age of grace now, our experience with God is dependent upon our cooperation with the Spirit of God. We cannot gain true wisdom, knowledge, understanding, or counsel without the Holy Spirit. We must learn to trust Him over our own senses and understanding. We will only begin to trust Him over our own senses if we know who He is. We will only know who He is, when we choose to read His word, trusting His Spirit to reveal to us who He is.

Are You Clean?

Date: November 3, 2013 | Speaker:

Jesus washed the twelve disciples feet; it seems even the feet of Judas Iscariot. Jesus does however state that “not all of you are clean”, speaking of Judas. Even though Judas was one of the twelve, he was not counted clean by Jesus. Are you clean? If so, are you still clean? Jesus also spoke to Peter saying “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me”. Even though most of the twelve were already made clean, they needed a little washing to stay clean. Are you still clean?

The New Covenant

Our Covenant Keeping God

Date: August 11, 2013 | Speaker:

Covenant. It’s how God relates to man. There was an old covenant, as described in the Old Testament, and we should learn about it to know more about who God is. It was holy and good. Unfortunately, man was unfaithful to his side of the covenant. But God, out of mercy and love for us, has initiated a new covenant, and He has replaced the old covenant with the new. It is this new covenant that we refer to as the Good News; the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is described to us in the New Testament, and God has invited each one of us to accept and commit to His new covenant. When we do, He promises cleansing from our sins, and the blessing of new life. One that will last for eternity. Be encouraged as we reflect on the good news of God’s new covenant.

The New Covenant

The New Covenant

Date: August 4, 2013 | Speaker:

Covenant. It’s how God relates to man. There was an old covenant, as described in the Old Testament, and we should learn about it to know more about who God is. It was holy and good. Unfortunately, man didn’t hold-up his side of the covenant. But God, out of mercy and love for us, has initiated a new covenant, and He has replaced the old covenant with the new. It is this new covenant that we refer to as the Good News; the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is described to us in the New Testament, and God has invited each one of us to accept and commit to His new covenant. When we do, He promises cleansing from our sins, and the blessing of new life. One that will last for eternity. Be encouraged as we reflect on the good news of God’s new covenant.

Work Out Your Salvation

Date: June 23, 2013 | Speaker:

What higher priority could there be in our lives than that of our own salvation? Yet, many are confused, deceived, or indifferent when it comes to this vital topic. Scripture teaches us how to avoid these errors, and we must be diligent in making sure our claim of salvation is in agreement with the description of salvation found in God’s Word.

As You Have Obeyed

Date: June 16, 2013 | Speaker:

When Christ gave His life for us, He also set an example for us to follow. It was an example of humble obedience to His Father’s will, even to the extent of death on a cross. Claiming faith in God without obedience to His commands is nothing more than wishful thinking. It’s a hollow claim. Scripture is very clear on this, and Jesus warned of many who will deceive themselves because they fail to understand this truth.

Walking in the Humble Steps of Jesus

Date: June 9, 2013 | Speaker:

It is staggering to think of everything Jesus left behind to come to earth and save us! He set aside all His kingly rights, made himself nothing, and became a humble servant to show us what sacrificial love really looks like. However, it is not enough for us to admire His humility from a distance. The Bible calls us to humble ourselves in exactly the same way and to love others as Jesus loved us.

Will God Ever Give Up On Me?

Date: April 14, 2013 | Speaker:

Paul opens his letter to the church in Philippi with incredible words of love and encouragement, thanking them for their faithful partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now. Then he tells them that it was God who saved them, and it will be God who carries their salvation on to completion. He is reminding them that there is nothing they can do through their own efforts to earn salvation or to keep their salvation secure. If you ever worry about losing your salvation, these are great verses to help you settle this matter once and for all.

Another Year of Grace

Date: January 13, 2013 | Speaker:

As 2012 falls from the calendar and we stand on the threshold of a brand new year, one thing we can all say for sure is that God has given us another year of grace! We’ve had another 12 months to live for Him, to grow in Him, to bear fruit for His kingdom… but what have we done with those opportunities? Are we closer to Christ today than we were this time last year, or has our relationship with Him drifted apart? Each new year God gives us to live is another year we don’t deserve — another year of grace. What will we do with this one?

God Chose You for His Team!

Date: November 11, 2012 | Speaker:

Remember being on the playground at school when the kids would choose teams for kickball? Did you ever have the awful experience of being the last one chosen, or maybe not being chosen at all? Sadly, many people go through their entire life feeling that God would never want them on His team because they see themselves as having no value at all. If you feel weak, ashamed, broken, overlooked or useless in life, you need to know that God sees great value in you! In fact, you are exactly the person He is looking for to show His greatness through. Listen and be encouraged by today’s message!

Free from the Need to Earn God’s Love

Date: July 8, 2012 | Speaker:

Some people grow up without ever hearing their father say, “I love you,” and consequently they spend their entire life doing everything they can to try and earn his love. Often, we as Christians do the same thing with our heavenly Father. We feel like we have to meet certain standards and do enough good things in order to earn God’s love and acceptance. If you are living that way, you are believing a lie! The Bible says we are already fully loved and accepted by God because of what Christ has done, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us more. Come discover what the Bible says about God’s amazing love for you, and learn to live in the freedom and joy of that relationship!