Sermons about Guilt

Don’t Let Your Past Ruin Your Future

Date: September 28, 2014 | Speaker:

We all have regrets and wounds in our past. They are a part of life. But if those things are not dealt with in the right way, they can become toxic over time, damaging our relationships, hindering our decisions, and destroying our effectiveness for Christ. The truth is, if we don’t deal with our past, it will dominate our present and dictate our future. We learn from the life of Joseph that if we are willing to surrender our past hurts to God’s control, those chains will be broken, and we will be empowered to live out the mission He has for us.


Date: September 21, 2014 | Speaker:

If someone bought you a new car, paid for it in full, and gave you the title, would you go to the dealership every month to make payments on it? Of course not! And yet that is exactly what we often do as Christians. Our sin debt has been paid in full and our record has been wiped completely clean, but we continue to live as though we’re guilty in God’s eyes. Once you understand the truth about God’s forgiveness, you will see your standing before Him in a whole new light, and you will be free to live your life for Him without being crippled by the guilt of your past!

Trading Your Past for God’s Future

Date: May 18, 2014 | Speaker:

“If God has forgiven me, why don’t I feel forgiven?” Have you ever asked that question? As Christians, we know that God has forgiven all our sin and He has promised to never remember it again. Why, then, do we so often still feel haunted and condemned by things in our past? If you’ve ever wrestled with this issue, today’s sermon will help you understand why that happens and how you can move beyond your past into the future God has for you! (Audio problems at the beginning will clear up within the first few minutes)