Sermons about Hell

Don’t Be Called a Fool by God!

Date: July 3, 2011 | Speaker:

The Bible tells a story about a man who acquired great wealth, retired financially independent, and spent his life doing whatever he wanted to do. Today we call this the “American Dream,” and anyone who achieves it is looked upon as a success… but God called this man a fool. What were the blind spots in his life that brought such a harsh judgement from God, and how can you be sure you avoid making the same mistakes?

Seeing Your Future Through God’s Eyes

Date: September 12, 2010 | Speaker:

How many of our plans for the future revolve around OUR goals, OUR ambitions, OUR needs, OUR comfort? Why is it that we are so preoccupied with our own agenda when, as followers of Christ, we have clearly been called to live our lives for God’s mission in this world? Could it be that we think our salvation was for our benefit alone, rather than for the sake of others? It is time for God’s people to wake up and realize that Christ didn’t save us just so we could miss hell… He saved us because He has a mission for us to accomplish!

A God Worth Sharing

Date: February 3, 2008 | Speaker:

All of us know someone who has been impacted by cancer. What if you discovered the cure for this devastating disease… would you hide the formula in a drawer at home, or would you share it with everyone you knew? As Christians, we have the cure for something far worse than cancer. Through Jesus Christ, we have been given the cure for sin, the cure for a meaningless life, and the cure for eternity in hell! Why is it, then, that so few Christians ever share this “cure” with others who need it? Today we see why God truly is a God worth sharing!