Sermons about Holiness

Jesus — There’s Something About That Name

Date: March 14, 2010 | Speaker:

Was Jesus really who He claimed to be—the Son of God sent to save the world? Can simple faith in Jesus truly change a person’s life and their eternal destiny? Join us as we embark on an amazing journey through the Gospel of John to explore the life of this man named Jesus who has become the central figure in all of human history. Come discover what difference Jesus really makes!

Passionately Pursue God

Date: January 10, 2010 | Speaker:

Our lives are so consumed by urgent things that we seldom have time for the important things. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 that our pursuit of Him should be our number one priority. As you think about your life and your relationship with God, are you personally pursuing Him during the week? God longs to speak directly to you through His Word. Are you willing to make “pursuing God” your first priority?

A God Worth Worshiping

Date: January 27, 2008 | Speaker:

Did you know it is possible to worship God and have all the right elements in place, to do and say all the right things, but to actually be worshiping Him in vain? The Bible tells of times when God’s people were going through the motions of worship, but their hearts were far from Him, and it describes how much this broke God’s heart and angered Him. If we could ever catch a glimpse of who God really is — how powerful and holy and awesome He is — our worship would never be the same again! All other things would disappear from view, and we would worship God as He truly deserves.