Sermons about Joy

Are You Headed Toward Spiritual Excellence?

Date: July 19, 2020 | Speaker:

If you were given the choice of living a mediocre life versus living an excellent life, you would most likely choose excellence. None of us want to live a mediocre life, but do we feel the same about our spiritual life? The Bible gives us some simple things we can begin doing that will lead us toward spiritual maturity and excellence, and you can start building them into your life today!

Blessed are Those Who are Persecuted

Date: August 26, 2018 | Speaker:

There are many wonderful promises in the Bible that we should all become familiar with, but there is one promise that none of us really want to think about. Jesus promised that everyone who followed Him would be hated and persecuted by the world. While most of us have never been subjected to any kind of physical persecution, if we are truly living for righteousness, we will most certainly experience rejection, slander, and even hatred at times for our faith. This is one of the marks of a true believer. Is it evident in your life?

Blessed are Those Who Mourn

Date: July 15, 2018 | Speaker:

We do everything we can in life to avoid sorrow and grief, but there is a certain kind of mourning the Bible tells us we ought to do. We are called to take the reality and wickedness of sin seriously and mourn over it. Our hearts should be broken over our sin, knowing that it grieves the heart of God. This kind of godly sorrow is good and right because it leads us to repentance, which in turn, leads us to joy and comfort and peace with God.

Living in View of God’s Love

Date: January 14, 2018 | Speaker:

Life is short and the world is filled with trouble as a result of man’s sin, and we all feel the impact of that. Is there somewhere we can turn to find true, lasting love and satisfaction that can actually make us rejoice and be glad regardless of what is going on around us? The world promises satisfaction, but it never lasts. Only the Bible has the answer. Have you found it yet?

Giving Thanks for God’s Goodness

Date: November 26, 2017 | Speaker:

We use the word “good” to describe all kinds of things from food, to events, even the weather. It has become such an overused and common word that when the Bible describes God as being good, it doesn’t really impact us. Yet if we stop to truly consider all the ways God’s goodness has transformed our lives, we will be overwhelmed with thankfulness for who He is and for all He has done for us!

Remembering God’s Deliverance

Date: November 5, 2017 | Speaker:

We humans are very good at forgetting things, and the more time that passes, the easier it is for old memories to fade away. This is why God told His people constantly to stop and remember what He had done for them, and to pass those memories on to future generations. When is the last time you intentionally stopped to remember and celebrate something good God had done for you or your family? Why not do it today?

The Joy That Only God Can Bring

Date: October 22, 2017 | Speaker:

Whenever Satan rules a city, or a family, or a heart… it is always filled with darkness, sorrow, brokenness and despair. But the moment God steps in, it is transformed into light and joy and wholeness and hope! God takes our ruins and restores them; He takes our rags and clothes us in His robes of righteousness. Have you ever experienced this amazing transformation in your life?

Finding Hope When Life Hurts

Date: July 23, 2017 | Speaker:

It is often hard to see beyond the struggles and heartaches of this life to imagine that anything good could actually be at work in them behind the scenes. Why would God allow these things to happen if I’m honestly trying to follow Him, and how can I find any hope in the midst of such deep sorrow? Take heart, God is in control, and you truly can find hope when life hurts!

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Date: January 29, 2017 | Speaker:

Let’s face it, life can sometimes be very hard. Suffering and pain can leave us wondering whether God really cares about us at all. Surely if He loved us, He would never let this happen! So how do we navigate our way through trials? How do we make sense of suffering? Today’s message provides some truths that will be anchors for you the next time the storms of life blow your way.

The Rewards of Giving

Date: November 15, 2015 | Speaker:

There are many preachers who say that if you send money to their ministry, God will give you ten times more money in return because He wants you to be rich. But is that really true? The Bible does say that we will be rewarded and blessed for giving joyfully to God, but what exactly are those rewards, and is there anything that will prevent us from receiving them?

Contentment in the Unfailing Provision of God

Date: February 22, 2015 | Speaker:

We are constantly bombarded with advertising designed to make us discontent with what we have so that we will always feel compelled to pursue something more. This can easily send us on a never-ending quest for happiness and fulfillment; always thinking, “I’ll be happy when…” or “I’d be happier if…” In stark contrast to this, the Bible calls us to live a life of contentment, but is that even possible? Today’s message reveals the secret of being content, even in a world that isn’t.

The Secret of Contentment

Date: June 8, 2014 | Speaker:

Have you ever known someone who seemed to have it all, and yet it wasn’t enough? On the other hand, have you ever known someone who had very little, and they were bitter and resentful because others had more than they did? But the real question is, how content are you? Once you learn the secret of contentment, God’s power will be alive in you, and your life will be a blessing and an inspiration to others.