Sermons about Missions

Why Aren’t We Excited About Jesus?

Date: April 26, 2015 | Speaker:

Why do Christians have no trouble talking with great excitement about sports, movies, vacations, sales at the mall… but those same people never talk about Jesus? Lots of excuses can be given, but it’s time to stop pretending and admit that we are just not excited enough about Jesus to share Him with anyone. The church doesn’t have a missions problem, it has a heart problem, and until we get serious and ask God to break our hearts, we will never fulfill our part in the Great Commission.

Carrying Out an Impossible Mission

Date: April 19, 2015 | Speaker:

When you consider the odds that were stacked against the mission of the early church, it is literally nothing short of miraculous that it ever succeeded at all. Jesus sent a handful of trembling followers into a hostile world to proclaim an unbelievable story to people who hated them. On their own, these weak, broken followers had no chance whatsoever of accomplishing this task. How, then, were they able to carry out this mission with such astonishing power, and what must we learn from them?

The Heartbeat of God

Date: April 12, 2015 | Speaker:

As the church today, we have become professionals at gathering. We spend millions on massive buildings, hi-tech sound and video productions, even pyrotechnics in some cases! We have become experts at putting on performances that rival Disney and Hollywood, all in an effort to meet the ever-growing demands of our members so they’ll be happy and keep coming back. In so doing, we have completely missed the heartbeat of God and have entertained ourselves into irrelevance.

Ministry Celebration 2014

Date: June 22, 2014 | Speaker:

God has a purpose in His mission of redemption for every one of us, and it is exciting to see people stepping out to follow their purpose in so many creative ways! Today we hear about some of the ministries of LifePoint Church that God is using to impact people both young and old, not only right here in Greenville, but around the world.

The Church is Not the Destination

Date: April 29, 2012 | Speaker:

For far too long Christians have believed that if we could just get the people “out there” to come to our church, then we have accomplished the mission of the church. The more people who show up on Sunday, the more we think we’re winning. Nothing could be further from the truth! In this powerful message, Reggie McNeal shows us that we’re using the wrong scorecard, and reminds us that the church is not the destination, but rather the “connector” to get people where God really wants them to go.


Date: April 27, 2008 | Speaker:

Talking about “Giving” should not be something that we, as followers of Jesus Christ, should dread. The truth is, God has given us the incredible opportunity of partnering with Him in the greatest adventure of a lifetime — being involved in His Kingdom work! Jesus said that the location of our treasure indicates the location of our heart, and if we are investing our treasure into eternal things, our heart will be there also. This encouraging sermon will give you a fresh perspective on giving!


Date: April 20, 2008 | Speaker:

As LifePoint begins to take our first step towards world missions, there are three key words that will define our entire focus… PRAY, GIVE, GO! We must always remember that the starting point is prayer. Today’s message is a reminder to everyone of the incredible power that comes through prayer, and a challenge for us all to begin this journey on our knees.