Sermons about Obedience

Refusing to Conform

Date: October 10, 2010 | Speaker:

There was a time in our nation’s history when Christians were respected by the general public, but now Christians are are portrayed either as extremists or as complete idiots by the media, with no real “respect” at all. Is it perhaps because we have lost our Godly influence by conforming to the world’s standards instead of truly standing out and making a difference? God’s Word calls us to transform our culture rather than being conformed by it. Are you a conformer or a transformer?

Don’t Settle Where You Are

Date: October 3, 2010 | Speaker:

History tells us that a lot of people who made commitments to become pioneers actually ended up becoming settlers before they ever reached their destination. When the journey got rough, many chose to stop and find a place of comfort instead of pressing on towards their goal. The same will be true of us as followers of Christ unless we are willing to surrender everything that is holding us back. Is there anything in your life keeping you from following God wherever He is calling you to go?

Seeing Your Future Through God’s Eyes

Date: September 12, 2010 | Speaker:

How many of our plans for the future revolve around OUR goals, OUR ambitions, OUR needs, OUR comfort? Why is it that we are so preoccupied with our own agenda when, as followers of Christ, we have clearly been called to live our lives for God’s mission in this world? Could it be that we think our salvation was for our benefit alone, rather than for the sake of others? It is time for God’s people to wake up and realize that Christ didn’t save us just so we could miss hell… He saved us because He has a mission for us to accomplish!

A God Worth Trusting

Date: January 13, 2008 | Speaker:

As we go through life, we all experience what it’s like to have our trust broken — in relationships, in business deals, through false advertising — and the list goes on. We quickly learn that trust is a very fragile thing that is as easily broken as a spider’s web. All those experiences teach us to become cautious, even skeptical of others. And then along comes God, and the very first thing He asks us to do is to put our trust in Him! But how can we know for sure that God is worth trusting; that He won’t let us down like others have?