Sermons about Self

Recognizing the Savior in a World That Won’t

Date: February 16, 2025 | Speaker:

One of the most tragic scenes in all of Scripture is when Jesus, the very architect of creation, entered His own world, only to be met with cold indifference. He wasn’t just ignored by strangers; He was rejected by His own people. They had the prophecies, the covenants and the history, all pointing to Jesus, yet they turned away because He didn’t fit their misguided expectations. We often do the same—wanting a God who fits neatly into our plans, who blesses but never disrupts. But true faith means trusting Him completely as both Savior and Lord of all. When you do, you’re not just forgiven; you become a child of God and an heir to His kingdom!

Obeying God Despite the Consequences

Date: July 28, 2024 | Speaker:

Researchers estimate that we make nearly a billion decisions in our lifetime. While most of these are subconscious and minor, some decisions have the power to alter the course of our lives. As followers of Christ, we face daily choices to either surrender to God’s will or assert our own. Often we’re afraid to obey because the outcome is uncertain, but our obedience should never be swayed by the prospect of gain or loss. Is there anything holding you back from obeying God because you’re afraid of what it might cost you? Pray that your love for Him will deepen so profoundly that surrendering to His will becomes your heart’s desire and greatest joy!

God May Be Silent, But He is Not Absent!

Date: July 7, 2024 | Speaker:

Does it ever feel like God is absent during life’s chaos? Have you wondered if He is involved in the mundane details of your existence? God often moves in ways we cannot perceive or understand, but always remember that just because God is silent, it does not mean He is absent. The question is, can we trust Him even when we don’t see Him? Our faith is proven in those moments when it seems that God is nowhere to be found. When today looks like just another series of random events, can our eyes of faith see beyond the circumstances, knowing with certainty that God is silently at work in it all?

Does the Most High God Rule Over You?

Date: October 22, 2023 | Speaker:

Deep within our human nature lurks a sinister force so powerful that, if left unchecked, will eventually take control of our life. It is deceptively easy to become entangled in the web of worldly attachments, be it possessions, relationships, ambitions, or social standing. We cling to these earthly treasures with such devotion that they can eventually occupy the throne of our heart. If this happens, God will have to strip away everything that is keeping us from Him; not to destroy us, but to humble and redeem us. By releasing our pride and yielding to God, we can find genuine fulfillment in His boundless love and goodness. Is there anything you are holding onto that is preventing God from being the only true King of your life?

The Way to True Greatness

Date: October 8, 2023 | Speaker:

To one degree or another, we all strive to be ‌the uncontested ruler of our own world. We are constantly told to get ahead and acquire as much as we can along the way. But building our own empire and seeking personal acclaim will ultimately lead us to a life of emptiness. Everything we have selfishly accumulated or achieved will one day slip through our fingers like sand. Instead, let us focus on building God’s kingdom, where we find genuine fulfillment, purpose, and lasting significance. It is in surrendering to His divine plan and inviting Him to rule over us that we discover the path to true greatness and a legacy that endures beyond our own lifetime.

Unmasking Your Deceitful Heart

Date: August 27, 2023 | Speaker:

Deep within every person lies a danger so sinister that it has the power to destroy us! This hidden enemy is our heart, described in the Bible as being deceitful and leading us astray at every opportunity. On our own, we are incapable of subduing this cunning beast. Healing and freedom can only come when we humbly ask God to search our hearts and uncover any hidden motives or false assurances. He alone can see the real us on the inside and provide cleansing from the sins that enslave us. Have you invited God to give you a spiritual EKG to assess your true condition and give you a pure heart?

Keep Fighting! God Will Win the War!

Date: March 12, 2023 | Speaker:

As followers of Christ we would all have to admit that we have often given in to Satan’s attacks and allowed him to have the victory. At times we may even feel overwhelmed by our sin and wonder if anything good will ever come out of our battles in this life. Be encouraged! God will take even our worst failures and ultimately use them for His glory. Believers throughout history have fallen again and again, but none of their failures have disrupted God’s plan. Keep fighting, and when you fall, get back up. Satan may win some battles over us, but God will win the war!

The Blessing of Being Humbled

Date: July 17, 2022 | Speaker:

The refining furnace that God sometimes puts us in is both necessary and beautiful. He places us there because—simply put—we need it. Being humbled tests us, proves us and drives us to God; and ultimately, anything that does that is a blessing! Don’t resent those times when God is breaking you of yourself. Thank Him for it and trust in His unfailing wisdom and goodness.

Prior to bringing this second sermon in the Unravel Part 4 series, pastor Phil was away for several months recovering from a heart attack and open-heart surgery. That is the reason for the time gap between the first and second sermon in this series.

You can watch the first sermon from Jonah chapter 1 entitled: “God’s Mercy in Our Failures” by clicking this link.

What Do You Want from God?

Date: April 11, 2021 | Speaker:

If God said you could ask Him for any one thing and He would give it to you, what would you ask for? Solomon was actually given that opportunity, and he chose the wisest thing anyone could ever ask for — wisdom. We’re later told that all the people in Israel could see the wisdom of God in Solomon. As you and I go about our daily lives, can other people see God’s wisdom in our decisions, our pursuits and our words? We should ask God for wisdom so that His glory can be on display through us.

Highlights From a Wasted Life

Date: February 7, 2021 | Speaker:

King Saul had it all. He was tall, handsome, popular and powerful. But while he may have looked like the perfect king on the outside, everyone soon discovered that he had no substance on the inside. His pride and lack of self-discipline caused him to ignore God’s commands and follow his own desires. Sadly, this became his downfall and led him to a life of rebellion and destruction. He should serve as a warning to all of us about the danger of disregarding God’s Word and going our own way.

You Can’t Follow God by Accident

Date: October 18, 2020 | Speaker:

How would God rate our service to Him right now? Is it a sincere, fully-devoted service, or are we still holding onto things that displease Him? Living a life of faithfulness to God will not happen by accident. It will only happen if we choose to put Him first every single day of our lives, and put to death every “idol” that is taking His place. Is there anything God has told you to get rid of that you are still allowing to reside in your heart?

Christmas Addresses Our Biggest Need

Date: December 22, 2019 | Speaker:

We were created to glorify God with every thought, every word and every action. But our sin has caused us to glorify other things more than we glorify God. As a result, we have lost peace with God, which robs us of peace within, which destroys our peace with others. That baby in the manger came to restore this broken peace with God so that we could once again have peace within and peace with others. and to give us a new heart that would desire to glorify Him above everything else. (Audio difficulties on this recording)