Sermons about Suffering

Trusting God in the Hard Seasons of Life

Date: January 29, 2012 | Speaker:

We all go through many different seasons in life. Some seasons bring laughter and comfort, while other seasons bring sorrow and pain. It is natural for us to pray and ask God to get us out of the difficult seasons as quickly as possible… but when we do, we fail to realize this vital principle: Whenever we choose to change God’s timing, we’re choosing to depart from God’s plan. Does God have you in a season of life right now that you wish He would hurry up and get you out of? If so, we pray that this message will be a great encouragement to you!

Trusting God in the In-Between Times

Date: August 22, 2010 | Speaker:

Nobody likes to see the sign: “Detour Ahead – Expect Delays.” It means we’ll have to take a route we didn’t plan on, and we’ll arrive later than we wanted to. In the Christian life, God often uses delays to make us wait on Him, and detours to take us on a different course of life than we had ever planned. But if we see life through God’s eyes, we will learn to trust the delays and detours, knowing that God’s ways are always best!

Persevering When Life Doesn’t Make Sense

Date: August 15, 2010 | Speaker:

How is it that two people can go through a terrible hardship and one will come out the other side bitter, while one comes out better? How is it that the Apostle Paul wrote his most joyful letter while in chains as a prisoner? Are you facing hard times right now? Do you sometimes think that God is being unkind? If so, this series will help you learn to see life through God’s eyes, which makes all the difference in how we respond to life.

Your Life — God’s Purpose

Date: May 9, 2010 | Speaker:

Jesus makes an almost unthinkable statement in John 9, that a certain man had been blind from birth for one reason — so that God could be glorified through it. How do we view the pain and struggles that come into our lives? Do we get angry at God for being unfair and allowing them to happen, or do we consider that perhaps God has a higher purpose He wants to bring about through our suffering?

The Strange Plans of God

Date: June 21, 2009 | Speaker:

As the first church began to explode with growth and unlimited possibility, one of its brightest and best young leaders–a man named Stephen–was brutally murdered for his faith. Who would have thought that something so awful and unfair would have ever been part of God’s plans for the church? And yet God used this event to scatter the church and spread the Gospel to other places. Often in life God’s plan seem so strange, even unkind, yet we must trust His plans and hold to the promise that God knows what He is doing.