Sermons about Temptation

Breaking the Grip of Fear

Date: November 3, 2024 | Speaker:

One of the enemy’s most effective tactics is sowing seeds of fear in our minds to dishearten us and bring God’s work to a halt. You will inevitably face moments when opposition closes in and threatens to erode your courage. The question is, will you allow fear to control you, or will you rise above it by remembering that God is greater than every circumstance? When you cultivate a moment-by-moment awareness of God’s power and presence, the fears that once held you captive begin to lose their grip. True freedom is not found in the absence of fear, but in fearing the Lord above all else. So, what fears do you need to bring to Him today?

Thriving in a Culture of Compromise

Date: October 1, 2023 | Speaker:

We are constantly bombarded with societal pressures and temptations that seek to undermine our faith. The world around us often encourages us to abandon our godly principles for momentary pleasures or worldly success. In those moments, remember that your identity is not defined by the opinions or expectations of others. It is rooted in your relationship with God and His unwavering love for you. When faced with pressure to compromise, choose righteousness over conformity. God will equip you with everything you need to remain faithful amidst any intimidation or trial!

Surrounded by Truth but Living a Lie

Date: October 3, 2021 | Speaker:

We have all had the awful experience of seeing a news story about a Christian ministry whose leaders were charged with embezzlement or some other crime. It’s a reminder of how close we can be to the truth, but still be living a lie. We can worship and pray and serve in the church, but have hearts that are far from God. What about you? Is Christ your highest pursuit, or are you just going through the motions?

God’s Faithfulness in Our Failures

Date: July 25, 2021 | Speaker:

Behind every victory and every success lies a hidden danger. These euphoric experiences tend to lull us into a false sense of security, causing us to let down our guard and coast on the momentum of those mountaintop moments. It’s then that we become vulnerable to attacks from the enemy and often find ourselves plunging from the highest peak of triumph to the lowest valley of despair. Learn how tenderly God deals with us in our worst times of defeat and discouragement, and find the hope and renewal you need in Him.

Not All Prophets Are True Prophets

Date: June 20, 2021 | Speaker:

How do you know if the sermon you’re listening to is the true Word of God and not false teaching? Are you able to spot counterfeit Christianity? Not everyone who says they have a word from the Lord actually has a word from the Lord. So be alert and pray for discernment! Satan often uses false prophets to draw people away from the truth and ruin their lives. Don’t be one of them!

Words That Will Save Your Life

Date: May 23, 2021 | Speaker:

If a sketchy person approached you on the street one night and asked you to go with him down a dark alley, would you go? Probably not! Why is it that we recognize that kind of danger immediately, but we so often get fooled by temptation? If only we had some kind of guidebook to give us the wisdom we need to make the best choices in life. Well, we do! It’s the Book of Proverbs, and today we discover how to use it to steer us away from sin and keep us on the path of life.

The Secret to Being Fully Satisfied

Date: April 25, 2021 | Speaker:

If you’ve just finished your favorite meal and dessert and you’re completely full, the last thing on your mind is to go out looking for another meal. There’s no need to because you’re already satisfied. One reason we so often choose to sin is because we’re actually trying to fill an emptiness inside of us; an emptiness we believe will be filled by that sin. But there is only one way for us to ever be fully satisfied, and once you discover that, your life will never be the same!

The Fall of a King and the Mercy of God

Date: March 28, 2021 | Speaker:

David started out as a great king. He led the people with kindness and discernment, and he put all of his trust in the Lord. But none of that lasted. Like all of us, David was unable to live up the perfect Law of God, and his kingship was eventually tarnished by sin. Thankfully his sin did not mark the end of his legacy, because David threw himself on the mercy of God and he was forgiven. Where do you turn when you fall?

When Victory is Followed by Defeat

Date: October 4, 2020 | Speaker:

Throughout history, many victories on the battlefield have been immediately followed by crushing defeat. This is a syndrome called Victory Disease. It is brought on when the euphoria of winning dulls the senses and creates a feeling of invincibility. The same thing happens in the Christian life. We’re standing one day and crawling the next. We must never let down our guard, especially in moments of triumph.

Instructions for Life

Date: June 14, 2020 | Speaker:

Did you ever try to assemble a complicated piece of furniture without using the instruction manual? When you’ve got five screws and a hinge left over, you realize you should have followed the directions. Messing up a home project may be bad, but it’s nothing compared to messing up your life! God has given us the Instruction Manual for life, and if we choose to ignore it, we don’t stand a chance. So, what are you using for your directions?

Trusting God’s Word to the Very End

Date: August 25, 2019 | Speaker:

As we have studied the lives of Abraham and Sarah, we have learned many lessons from both their failures and their faith. But despite every setback and every obstacle, God’s plans prevailed, and ultimately they trusted God’s Word right to the very end of their lives. Can the same be said of us? Is our faith in God so secure that regardless of the problems that may arise, our trust in His Word will stand firm to the very end?

Are You Still Hiding from God?

Date: February 24, 2019 | Speaker:

Satan enticed Adam and Eve to sin against God, and the first thing they became aware of was their nakedness. Their shame forced them to cover themselves and go into hiding from God’s presence. Sin still causes us to do the very same thing today. It strips us bare and leaves us feeling shame and guilt, so our first instinct is to hide from God. But just as God came calling for Adam, He is calling for us to come and be forgiven and clothed by Him. Are you willing to come out of hiding into His presence?