Sermons about Time

Another Year of Grace

Date: January 13, 2013 | Speaker:

As 2012 falls from the calendar and we stand on the threshold of a brand new year, one thing we can all say for sure is that God has given us another year of grace! We’ve had another 12 months to live for Him, to grow in Him, to bear fruit for His kingdom… but what have we done with those opportunities? Are we closer to Christ today than we were this time last year, or has our relationship with Him drifted apart? Each new year God gives us to live is another year we don’t deserve — another year of grace. What will we do with this one?

How to Conclude Your Life Well

Date: April 1, 2012 | Speaker:

Solomon had everything a person could ever want, yet despite all his wealth and learning, he chose to live for the pleasures of this world and failed to consider the end of his life until it was too late. 1 Kings 11 says, “Solomon’s heart was not fully devoted to the Lord.” Although he knew the Word of the Lord very well, he failed to put it into practice in his own life, and so his life ended in heartache and regret. What about you? Are you living life with the end in view, making choices now that will keep your heart focused upon God so that you can conclude your life well?

Remember Your Creator While There is Still Time

Date: March 25, 2012 | Speaker:

Solomon started out his life so well… following God with all his heart and choosing wisdom over riches, fame and pleasure. But somewhere along the way, he got his focus off of God and began pursuing other things, and because of this, Solomon’s life ended in misery and regret. Although he had everything his heart desired, he described the conclusion of all his pursuits are being empty and meaningless. As an old man, realizing the error of his ways, he urges all of us reading his words to remember God while we are still young, and keep our eyes upon Him all the days of our life.

Trusting God in the Hard Seasons of Life

Date: January 29, 2012 | Speaker:

We all go through many different seasons in life. Some seasons bring laughter and comfort, while other seasons bring sorrow and pain. It is natural for us to pray and ask God to get us out of the difficult seasons as quickly as possible… but when we do, we fail to realize this vital principle: Whenever we choose to change God’s timing, we’re choosing to depart from God’s plan. Does God have you in a season of life right now that you wish He would hurry up and get you out of? If so, we pray that this message will be a great encouragement to you!

Are You Living Life With the End in View?

Date: November 6, 2011 | Speaker:

Life is busy. In the rush of work, school, raising children, paying bills, making plans… when is the last time you thought about heaven? It is so easy for us to get swamped under the demands and pursuits of this life, that all our attention and energy becomes focused entirely on earthly things. As followers of Christ, we must intentionally allow the reality of eternity to impact the way we live our lives today. Rather than getting wrapped up in the things of this world, we must have the wisdom to live life with the end in view!

Seeing Your Future Through God’s Eyes

Date: September 12, 2010 | Speaker:

How many of our plans for the future revolve around OUR goals, OUR ambitions, OUR needs, OUR comfort? Why is it that we are so preoccupied with our own agenda when, as followers of Christ, we have clearly been called to live our lives for God’s mission in this world? Could it be that we think our salvation was for our benefit alone, rather than for the sake of others? It is time for God’s people to wake up and realize that Christ didn’t save us just so we could miss hell… He saved us because He has a mission for us to accomplish!

Trusting God in the In-Between Times

Date: August 22, 2010 | Speaker:

Nobody likes to see the sign: “Detour Ahead – Expect Delays.” It means we’ll have to take a route we didn’t plan on, and we’ll arrive later than we wanted to. In the Christian life, God often uses delays to make us wait on Him, and detours to take us on a different course of life than we had ever planned. But if we see life through God’s eyes, we will learn to trust the delays and detours, knowing that God’s ways are always best!

Waiting for God to Show Up

Date: May 3, 2009 | Speaker:

Nobody likes to wait, especially when you feel like God doesn’t hear your prayers and that He is never going to show up! But the first command Jesus gave His followers just before He ascended to heaven was to… WAIT. Does God have you in wait mode right now? If so, just hold on and know that He has not forgotten you. His timing will prove to be perfect!