Sermons about Trust

Breaking the Grip of Fear

Date: November 3, 2024 | Speaker:

One of the enemy’s most effective tactics is sowing seeds of fear in our minds to dishearten us and bring God’s work to a halt. You will inevitably face moments when opposition closes in and threatens to erode your courage. The question is, will you allow fear to control you, or will you rise above it by remembering that God is greater than every circumstance? When you cultivate a moment-by-moment awareness of God’s power and presence, the fears that once held you captive begin to lose their grip. True freedom is not found in the absence of fear, but in fearing the Lord above all else. So, what fears do you need to bring to Him today?

From Prayer to Action: The Path of Obedience

Date: August 4, 2024 | Speaker:

At times, we all face challenges so immense that they drive us to our knees. Seeking the Lord in prayer is always the best place to begin, but prayer without action is not obedience. Once we have committed the situation to God, we must then step out in faith and obey what He has called us to do. This step of obedience often leads us into the unknown, and that’s when we must remain keenly attuned to His still, small voice guiding us along the way. Whether you’re in a season of waiting, stepping out, or listening for God’s direction, trust Him with the outcome, knowing that He is orchestrating every detail for His glory and your good.

Unwavering Faith in Troubled Times

Date: July 21, 2024 | Speaker:

It’s easy to stand in a worship service surrounded by other Christians and sing, “Lord, I trust in you alone,” but is that really true of us in life’s hardest moments? When unexpected and unwanted circumstances come our way, are we immediately flooded with fear, or have we learned to rest in God’s sovereignty, fully assured that He is in control of it all? God’s Word can transform our perspective and deepen our trust in Him, giving us a firm foundation on which to stand even as the world around us seems to be falling apart.

God May Be Silent, But He is Not Absent!

Date: July 7, 2024 | Speaker:

Does it ever feel like God is absent during life’s chaos? Have you wondered if He is involved in the mundane details of your existence? God often moves in ways we cannot perceive or understand, but always remember that just because God is silent, it does not mean He is absent. The question is, can we trust Him even when we don’t see Him? Our faith is proven in those moments when it seems that God is nowhere to be found. When today looks like just another series of random events, can our eyes of faith see beyond the circumstances, knowing with certainty that God is silently at work in it all?

Finding Hope When Hope is Gone

Date: March 24, 2024 | Speaker:

As the prophet Jeremiah stood amidst the smoldering ruins of his beloved city, he was overcome with grief and hopelessness. What made it even more painful is that he knew this devastation could have been avoided if the nation had only listened to God. But at his lowest point of despair, he remembered God’s faithfulness, and calling this to mind renewed his faltering hope. When your world seems to be crumbling around you, and you feel overwhelmed by the struggles and pain of life, shift your focus back to God’s goodness, trusting that He is ruling over it all and that your hope should rest in Him alone.

Preparing Today for Tomorrow’s Trials

Date: December 3, 2023 | Speaker:

What godly character traits and spiritual disciplines are you ‌building into your life today ‌that will enable you to ‌withstand the fiercest storms and finish strong for God? Unwavering resolve is not a result of spontaneous courage but a day-by-day commitment to walk in righteousness and integrity. Pay close attention to your daily choices, because that’s where character is formed. As you devote yourself to prayer, cultivate integrity, and foster discipline, you are laying the groundwork for a faith that refuses to bow in the face of temptations and trials. Start this transformative process today, because tomorrow’s trials are unpredictable, but your commitment to godly living can be unwavering if you have laid the right foundation.

Unmasking Your Deceitful Heart

Date: August 27, 2023 | Speaker:

Deep within every person lies a danger so sinister that it has the power to destroy us! This hidden enemy is our heart, described in the Bible as being deceitful and leading us astray at every opportunity. On our own, we are incapable of subduing this cunning beast. Healing and freedom can only come when we humbly ask God to search our hearts and uncover any hidden motives or false assurances. He alone can see the real us on the inside and provide cleansing from the sins that enslave us. Have you invited God to give you a spiritual EKG to assess your true condition and give you a pure heart?

Unwavering Joy in Uncertain Times

Date: August 20, 2023 | Speaker:

It is all too easy to derive our joy and contentment from our circumstances, our possessions, or our relationships, but that path eventually leads to disappointment. True contentment and unwavering confidence can never be found in the ever-changing situations of life, but rather by placing our trust in God alone. When we ground our faith in His character and faithful care, our peace and joy remain unshaken, even in the midst of adversity, pain, or loss. Are you still looking to the fleeting things of this world for security, or have you put your trust fully in God’s promises?

Waiting When You’re Tired of Waiting

Date: August 13, 2023 | Speaker:

In the midst of life’s trials, our impatience often nudges us towards immediate answers and quick fixes, but it is in these moments that we are called to wait on the Lord’s timing and tune our hearts to His guidance. Just as a masterpiece unfolds with each stroke, so our journey of faith gains meaning and value in patiently waiting for the Master to finish His work in us. Walking by faith without having all the answers can be daunting, but doing so affirms our trust in God. So, if your life is in a holding pattern right now, be still before the Lord and listen for His voice. Even though He often seems slow, He will show up right on time!

Where is God When You Need Him?

Date: August 6, 2023 | Speaker:

You have probably experienced times when God seems silent or absent like He is no longer aware of your struggles. When uncertainty clouds your vision, and you question whether God is at work, be comforted by the truth that His hand is always active, shaping circumstances in ways you may not perceive. Just as the sun continues to shine behind the clouds, so does God’s providence persist even when we are surrounded by shadows. Rejoice in knowing that He can use any means necessary to fulfill His purpose, and when all is said and done, you will be amazed to see just how near He was to you the entire time, even when you didn’t know He was there!

How Will You Be Remembered When You Die?

Date: February 12, 2023 | Speaker:

Every day we live, every choice we make, every thought we think and word we speak, we are making contributions to the legacy that we will leave behind after we die. Out of all the kings who reigned over Jerusalem, king Ahaz is remembered for being the worst of them all. Why? Because he lived a sinful life and led the people away from God… and 2,700 years later, his wicked legacy still lives on! Ahaz was given every opportunity to live for God and do what was right, but he repeatedly chose to go his own way, and in the end he wrecked his own life and destroyed the entire nation. God has promised that anyone who rejects Him will eventually come to ruin, but those who obey and trust Him will be blessed. If you honestly evaluate your own life right now, what kind of legacy do you think you’re writing? Choose today to live for God, and leave a legacy that will bring glory to Him!

Are God’s Judgements Fair?

Date: October 30, 2022 | Speaker:

Some people think that God is being unfair when He dispenses justice and judgement, yet they also think it’s unfair when justice and judgement are not handed down to someone who has wronged them. God has put certain unbreakable physical laws in place, and He has also put immutable spiritual laws in place… break either of them and you will suffer the inevitable consequences. Is there something you feel that God has been unfair about? Always remember that His law is perfect and His judgements are always right, even if it doesn’t feel that way. Be assured that you can trust Him, regardless of how things look today.