Sermons about Worship

Idolatry or Worship?

Date: February 9, 2014 | Speaker:

When we look at other religions and cultures of the world, we recognize that they worship their god. For Christians, we know that their worship, whether image-worship or spirit-worship, is idolatrous because they are not worshiping the one true and living Holy God. Is their a difference in the worship aside from the object being worshiped? What is at the heart of idolatry?

What is True Worship?

Date: February 2, 2014 | Speaker:

Idolatry is essentially falling down before someone or something other than God. Pride is knowing God, and refusing to fall down before Him. True Worship begins with both knowing God, and falling down before him. In knowing Him, we begin to understand how valuable He is. It must be significant to true worship then, how valuable God is to us.

Requirements For True Worship

Date: January 12, 2014 | Speaker:

To paraphrase Mark 7:6-7 & Matt. 15:8-9 Jesus says that people attempted to honor God with their lips but because their hearts did not belong to God their worship was in vain. They placed a high value on following their traditions that they had set in place, but the very traditions replaced the object of their worship; not intentionally I’m sure, but this is the case. There are two specific requirements that must be met for worship to be genuine, or true; Knowing God, and Falling Down before Him. If these two prerequisites are not met, worship of God is in vain. Do you know God? Have you fallen down before him?

The Wise Men Fall Down

Date: December 24, 2013 | Speaker:

The events surrounding Jesus birth are so amazing when we pause and meditate on what took place. Specifically to focus our thoughts on the wise men and compare them with Harod and the Jewish Scribes, some interesting facts pop out. The wise men came to fall down before an infant; Harod was not willing to. What’s so significant about falling down? Have we fallen down before Jesus?

Pausing to Give Thanks

Date: September 30, 2012 | Speaker:

As a church family, we decided to pause this week to thank God for just a few of the many things He has already done for us. Join us as we hear and follow the example set forth in Scripture of expressing our thankfulness to God, regardless of our current circumstances.

Truth or Tradition – What are We Fighting For?

Date: June 3, 2012 | Speaker:

There are many issues in the church that have caused heated debate and division over the years. Surprisingly, most churches don’t argue over major doctrinal issues, but over far less important matters like what type of music is right or wrong, which instruments are acceptable in the church and which ones are worldly, whether suits and ties are more pleasing to God than casual clothes, etc., etc. If we don’t learn to put these issues into their proper categories, we will end up confusing tradition with truth, and we will be guilty of exactly what Jesus warned us about — trading in the commands of God for the traditions of men!

Stand in Awe of God

Date: February 12, 2012 | Speaker:

Have you ever noticed how Sunday mornings can be the most frantic time of the week? After rushing to get the kids ready, cleaning up the spilled orange juice, leaving the house late (again) and racing across town just in time for the service to start… the first few songs go by and you realize you haven’t given any thought to God at all. In this fast-paced world it’s easy to allow our worship to become just another event, but God warns us that He despises heartless worship! Today’s message is a reminder of the awesome God we serve, and that we must never allow our worship of Him to be treated casually.

Exchanging God for Lesser Things

Date: October 2, 2011 | Speaker:

Quick, what images come to your mind when you hear the words, “idol worship?” Do you picture an ancient, pagan culture bowing down before statues carved from wood or stone? The problem is, when we think about idol worshipers, we never think about ourselves! But according to the Bible, idolatry is setting up substitute gods in our heart. So often we exchange God for other things — we allow other things to become more important to us, and when we do, we have become idol worshipers. Yes, idolatry is alive and well today, even in our churches!

God on the Throne: A Picture of Holiness, Part 1

Date: January 30, 2011 | Speaker:

How do you picture God? Is He an old man with a long white beard trying to keep up with everything in the universe? The Bible says God is a consuming fire; that He dwells in unapproachable light; that anyone who encounters His holy presence falls on their face in fear. Once we catch even a glimpse of God’s holiness, we are made utterly aware of our sinfulness, and that is the place where true revival can begin. Do you have a right view of God’s holiness?

Jesus — There’s Something About That Name

Date: March 14, 2010 | Speaker:

Was Jesus really who He claimed to be—the Son of God sent to save the world? Can simple faith in Jesus truly change a person’s life and their eternal destiny? Join us as we embark on an amazing journey through the Gospel of John to explore the life of this man named Jesus who has become the central figure in all of human history. Come discover what difference Jesus really makes!

Committed to Worship

Date: July 19, 2009 | Speaker:

It’s easy to show up at a church service on Sunday morning and worship… but how many people are merely going through the motions? God does not accept worship if our hearts are far from Him and if our lives are not fully committed to Him. Do you know what God is looking for in your life before your worship will be pleasing to Him?

You’ve Been Invited into God’s Presence

Date: September 21, 2008 | Speaker:

For centuries, God’s followers were never allowed to enter His presence, except through the High Priest once a year. But when Jesus died on the cross, all believers were given full access into His presence. What an amazing thought that we have been invited into the presence of God!