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Don’t Forget Who’s in Charge!

Date: January 27, 2019 | Speaker:

In our country, citizens can vote leaders in or out of office, but in days of old when kings ruled, they had absolute authority over their entire domain. Everyone who lived within the king’s domain were his subjects. The Bible begins in Genesis 1 with an amazing display of God’s power and authority, letting us know that He is King over everything. From the smallest ant to the biggest galaxy, all creation obeys His voice. But do we? Do our thoughts, our words and our actions give evidence that God is the ruler of our lives, and that we are living in subjection and obedience to Him?

Free from the Power and the Penalty of Sin

Date: July 1, 2012 | Speaker:

When a prisoner is pardoned and set free, he doesn’t live the rest of his life hanging around the prison yard and sleeping in his old cell at night. He lives in freedom! When a person receives Jesus as his Savior, he is forgiven and set free from his sin, but unfortunately, many Christians cannot believe they are really free, so they continue to live each day trapped by the power of sin. The Bible tells us that because of Christ, we have been set free from the power and the penalty of sin. This is great news! Listen to today’s message and learn how to live in the freedom you’ve been given!

In the Beginning, God…

Date: January 20, 2019 | Speaker:

To believe anything in the Bible, you must believe the very first verse in the Bible. A person who does not believe Genesis 1:1 will never believe the rest of the Bible. This opening statement declares boldly that there is, in fact, one true God who has existed forever, who created everything, and who therefore owns everything, including our lives. This single sentence, β€œIn the beginning, God created…” makes it clear that we are not here by random chance; that our lives do have extraordinary meaning, value and purpose, and that there actually is a higher Authority to whom we must answer. Have you ever come to terms with this truth?

Responding to God’s Blessings

Date: November 13, 2016 | Speaker:

There’s no denying it β€” God has blessed us beyond belief! We have received so much from His hands. But why? Why has He blessed us and what are we supposed to do with those blessings? Are we supposed to keep them all for ourselves, or does God have a bigger purpose in mind? Once we learn this important principle, we will discover the real definition of what it means to be blessed.