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Covered by the Mercy of God

Date: February 23, 2020 | Speaker:

No matter how well you did in school, there is one test you will never pass, even if you spend a lifetime trying. Because of our sin, none of us will ever be able to pass the standard of God’s perfect Law of holiness, and failure to do so brings death! We were doomed without hope until Christ came and fulfilled the Law perfectly on our behalf, and then He willingly took the judgement for our sins upon Himself. What amazing love! If you are still trying to earn your way to God, why not receive His mercy today instead?

What is True Worship?

Date: February 2, 2014 | Speaker:

Idolatry is essentially falling down before someone or something other than God. Pride is knowing God, and refusing to fall down before Him. True Worship begins with both knowing God, and falling down before him. In knowing Him, we begin to understand how valuable He is. It must be significant to true worship then, how valuable God is to us.

Reactions to the Resurrection

Date: April 21, 2019 | Speaker:

The followers of Jesus all had different reactions to hearing the news that He had risen from the dead. One wanted to hold onto a feeling to be sure it was true. Others had to see it for themselves or be given physical proof before they would believe. We still struggle with similar reactions in our own Christian walk. Often our faith fluctuates based on how we feel, or by what we can see, but we must be sure our faith is anchored in something much deeper.

When Will We Ever Learn?

Date: June 7, 2020 | Speaker:

We have all probably experienced moments in life when we catch ourselves saying and doing certain things exactly the same way our parents did. It’s nice to know that we can pass down good traits, but none of us want to pass down sinful habits and destructive patterns. Today’s sermon challenges us to make sure we never repeat the sins and the failures of the past, but that we step out by faith and trust God into the future.

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Date: July 2, 2023 | Speaker:

God created us in His image to have fellowship with Him forever, and to seek Him alone for joy, meaning, and fulfillment. When we disconnect ourselves from Him, we begin an endless search for other things that we hope will satisfy us. These may include money, lust, power, career, relationships, acceptance, and addictions. Those things may satisfy us for a while, but they always leave us empty and thirsty, forcing us to start the search all over again. Have you been looking for life, love, and satisfaction in anything or anyone other than God, yet you’re still exhausted and empty? You need to reconnect your heart to the only true Source of life and living water. When you drink from the water He offers, you will never thirst again!

What Kind of Baggage Are You Passing Down?

Date: May 22, 2011 | Speaker:

The power that parents have to shape and influence their children for a lifetime is astounding. While our parents pass down many good things to us, they also pass down a certain amount of baggage, which, if not dealt with, will be carried through our entire life and passed on to our children. Are there any hurts or destructive patterns you are still carrying through life? Jesus invites you to lay that baggage down at the cross and find the strength to be the agent of change for your family.

It’s Time to Stop and Build an Altar

Date: March 31, 2019 | Speaker:

The first thing Noah and his family did when the flood ended was to build an altar and give thanks to God for delivering them. Altars were piles of rocks that also served as reminders of God’s faithfulness to future generations. When is the last time you stopped and “built an altar” in some way to give God thanks for His goodness to you, or to serve as a memorial to your family of God’s faithfulness? Why not make time to do it this week. You’ll be amazed at the impact it will have on your life and on the lives of those around you!

Does Our Worship Please God?

Date: January 1, 2023 | Speaker:

If God gave us a worship checkup, how well would we do on that test? Our worship services may attract big crowds, may be exciting, and may even be the talk of the town… but does our worship actually please God? After all, His opinion is the only one that counts! Are we worshipping from the heart or simply out of routine? Are we worshipping with sin in our lives and assuming it doesn’t matter? Our worship is a direct reflection of the condition of our heart, so let’s ask God to show us what it really looks like through His eyes, and then be willing to surrender anything that is hindering us from offering pure worship to Him.

Allowing Suffering to Reveal God’s Glory

Date: April 14, 2019 | Speaker:

When we go through painful times of struggle or suffering, the one thing we want most from God is answers. We think that if He would just explain why He is allowing us to hurt so badly, things would be better. But the truth is, God’s explanations would only raise more questions. Answers are not what we need. Instead, we should pray for a fresh revelation of God’s greatness, because once we catch a glimpse of His greatness and glory, all of life and its struggles will be put into perspective, and we will be able to see that He is indeed in control and He knows what He is doing, even when we don’t understand.

All Roads Do Not Lead to God

Date: March 3, 2019 | Speaker:

Someone once said all roads lead to God, and it doesn’t matter what we believe as long as we are sincere. That is not true at all. The Bible says there is only one way to God, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. If we try to attain a right standing with God by any other means, even by doing things like worship, praying, or giving money, we will be rejected if our heart is not right with Him. We must first come to God by faith, trusting in the blood of Christ for salvation. So, have you ever come to God the way He has said we must come?

Your Past Can Become God’s Future

Date: May 21, 2023 | Speaker:

“It’s not my fault. I had a difficult childhood! If you only knew how hard my life has been, you’d understand why I am the way I am!” Have you ever heard anyone say things like that, or maybe you’ve said similar things yourself? It’s so easy to blame our circumstances or blame other people for our behavior, attitudes, or failures. But here’s an important truth — our environment doesn’t have to determine our destiny! God can free anyone from the chains of their past and give them a future that is filled with promise and purpose! If you are still trapped in an endless cycle of blame, you can be set free today. Don’t let your past keep you from God’s future!

Fully Committed to God’s Will

Date: March 15, 2015 | Speaker:

Have you ever had a task before you that you dreaded so much, you tried to find ways to delay it or to keep from having to do it at all? Maybe it was a difficult exam, a dentist appointment, or a meeting with your boss. But none of those events come close to the crushing pressure that Jesus faced as He made His way to the cross. So then, what caused Him to pick up the pace and walk boldly towards Jerusalem, straight into the suffering that awaited Him, and what can we learn from His example?