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Abandoning Our Towers of Significance

Date: April 7, 2019 | Speaker:

Every person ever born spends some portion of their life searching for significance, status, peace, identity, belonging, and a long list of things that they know are missing from deep within them. Sadly, we often try to build those things into our life through career advancement, relationships, pleasure, prominence and possessions, only to realize later that all the towers of significance we have constructed are empty. But there is one place where all of these things can be found in abundance, and you can discover that place today!

Fears That Hide Our Faith

Date: May 19, 2019 | Speaker:

It sometimes seems easier to trust God with the big issues in life than it does to trust Him with our daily needs. When trials and fears build up, they often loom so large that they blind us from seeing the truth of God’s promises. In those moments, our faith crumbles and we rush to find immediate solutions rather than resting in God’s timing. Are there any areas right now where you are allowing fear to hide your faith and overshadow God’s truth?

Can We Trust the Bible?

Date: January 6, 2019 | Speaker:

Do you believe the Bible is really a supernatural book inspired by God? If so, why do you believe that? Is it just because that’s what you were taught growing up, but you’ve never examined it for yourself? Are you absolutely certain that the Bible is true and trustworthy? Today we explore some of the amazing historical and scientific evidence that demonstrates the Divine authorship of this incredible Book, and you’ll have even more reasons to know that you really can trust the Bible!

Flirting with Temptation

Date: February 17, 2019 | Speaker:

God created the perfect world for man and woman to enjoy, along with everything they could ever want. But He also gave them the freedom to choose whether or not they would obey Him. Sadly, they abused this privilege by choosing to sin, and soon found their entire world collapsing around them. We, too, have the choice of following God’s commands and enjoying His pleasure, or pursuing temptation and suffering the painful consequences. What choices are you making today?

Free from the Need to Earn God’s Love

Date: July 8, 2012 | Speaker:

Some people grow up without ever hearing their father say, “I love you,” and consequently they spend their entire life doing everything they can to try and earn his love. Often, we as Christians do the same thing with our heavenly Father. We feel like we have to meet certain standards and do enough good things in order to earn God’s love and acceptance. If you are living that way, you are believing a lie! The Bible says we are already fully loved and accepted by God because of what Christ has done, and there is nothing we can do to make God love us more. Come discover what the Bible says about God’s amazing love for you, and learn to live in the freedom and joy of that relationship!

What If We Lived Like Forgiven People?

Date: October 11, 2015 | Speaker:

If a prisoner served his time and was set free, it would be unthinkable for him to go back and live in his prison cell. Yet many Christians who have been set free by Jesus continue to live as prisoners to their past. Jesus said if we know the truth, it would set us free, and we would be truly free. Are you saved, but still living under a cloud of guilt and fear because of your past sin? Jesus invites you to be set free today!