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Getting Everything but Having Nothing

Date: June 6, 2021 | Speaker:

If you could pray one prayer and instantly have everything you’ve ever wanted, would you do it? Most of us think we would be happier if we just had a little more, but is that really true? King Solomon had more money, possessions and fame than anyone in the world, but he hated life and was overcome with emptiness and frustration. If your search for meaning and happiness has led you to a dead end, this message will show you the only path to true joy and fulfillment.

Life’s Most Profitable Loss

Date: May 4, 2014 | Speaker:

When the Titanic was sinking, many wealthy passengers left money, priceless jewels, and artwork behind as they fled to the lifeboats. What had been so valuable to them just minutes before was now worthless in comparison to saving their lives. There are things we sometimes place high values on that we think will make us right with God — good works, being a church member, etc. — but the Bible says all these are worthless compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ. Discover the secret Paul knew and see why he could truly say that Christ was his greatest treasure.

The Thorns of Life

Date: December 31, 2017 | Speaker:

God gave Paul a thorn in the flesh to keep him humble and to teach him valuable truths that he would never otherwise have learned. When Paul accepted this hardship, God used it in powerful ways. God also allows trials to come into our lives to stretch our faith, to deepen our love for Him, and to make us more cognizant of the needs of others. Are you allowing this process to take place in your life?

What Would You Not Give Up for God?

Date: July 14, 2019 | Speaker:

When we give clothing, furniture or other items to charities, we typically give things that are old and worn; items that have lost their value to us. But what if a charity asked people to give their most valuable possession in the world? They probably wouldn’t receive a single donation. Today we look into an event where God asked Abraham to sacrifice the most beloved treasure he had. Abraham’s response is both shocking and inspiring, and it raises the question, “What would you not give up if God asked you for it?”

God Can Rewrite Your Story!

Date: February 25, 2024 | Speaker:

Have you ever felt trapped by your past or current circumstances, like you’re destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over? It may seem as though the deck has been stacked against you because of your upbringing, but there is a way to break free from those shackles. Don’t believe the lie that your past has already written the script for your future and you have no way to change it! Through Christ, you can rise above whatever has enslaved you and create a new legacy of faith for yourself and future generations. The choice is yours. Will you turn to the Lord and discover the life and freedom that await you?

Leave Yesterday Behind and Move On!

Date: December 31, 2023 | Speaker:

Driving a car always looking in the rearview mirror will inevitably lead to disaster. While we would never do such a foolish thing on the road, we often do just that in our spiritual journey. Memories of our past sins can weigh us down and immobilize us. Don’t waste time wallowing in your past failures or coasting on past successes. Leave yesterday behind and focus on the goal Christ has set before you. Fix your eyes on the prize that awaits, and run the race with purpose. Is there anything hindering your journey to the finish line? It’s time to break free and press on in the victory of Christ!

What to Do When God is Against You

Date: April 23, 2023 | Speaker:

God’s judgment is coming to this world one day, even though for now He is being incredibly patient with us. When that day comes, what promise or guarantee do you have that you will be spared? Do you think you’ve been a good enough person; you’ve given enough money to the church; you’ve helped enough needy people? The truth is, none of those things will save you from what is coming! There’s only one way you can know with total certainty that you will not be judged for your sin. The Bible says that the wicked will by no means go unpunished, but those who are righteous will go free. Are you numbered with the wicked or with the righteous today, and are you willing to stake your life on it?

How to Stand When the Enemy Attacks

Date: March 5, 2023 | Speaker:

Did you ever obey God and do the right thing, ‌but the results didn’t turn out like you thought they would, ‌so you started to wonder if ‌doing the right thing was really the right thing to do? It is a mistake to think that if you faithfully live for God, your life will be trouble free as a result. The truth is, when we do choose to live for Him, the forces of hell will be unleashed against us. So what do you do when those attacks come? How do you stand strong when your life seems to be crumbling around you? Today’s message will help you know exactly how to face the enemy, and it will encourage you to press on in this battle we all fight every day.

Christmas: The Wonder of WHY

Date: December 20, 2020 | Speaker:

For many people, Christmas is just another holiday. It has no more significance to them than New Year’s Day or Valentine’s Day. But the fact is, Christ’s coming into the world has eternal consequences for every one of us. Our sin had forever cut us off from God and put us under His wrath, and we had no way of rescuing ourselves. Christ came to save us from our sin and free us from the judgment of God, and that’s why we celebrate Christmas.

Five Fools in America

Date: October 11, 2020 | Speaker:

No one likes to be called a fool. Sometimes that word is used in a hurtful sense to simply belittle another person, but there are five kinds of people that God actually does identify as fools. In the world’s eyes, these people may be successful, powerful, admired and influential; but in God’s eyes they are fools. Do you know what thoughts, attitudes and actions qualify a person as a fool, so that you can make sure you are not listed in that category?

The Cost of the Incarnation

Date: December 11, 2022 | Speaker:

Imagine how shocked we would be to hear that all the world’s richest, most powerful people had abandoned their fortunes and moved into the worst part of town without even a penny to their name! We simply couldn’t imagine anyone doing that, and yet, someone actually did. When Jesus came to earth to rescue mankind from sin, He had to lay aside His glory and splendor, and He had to exchange His royal title as the Son of God to be called a lowly Son of man. He lived a life of poverty, ridicule and rejection, and in the end was put to death like a criminal. It cost Him everything to die for us… is it costing us anything to live for Him?

Out With the New, In With the Old

Date: February 26, 2023 | Speaker:

These days people are quick to throw out old things and replace them with the newest version. Sadly that viewpoint has made its way into the church. Leaders are constantly scrambling to find the latest and greatest techniques, believing that they will somehow make the gospel more effective. The Bible says the opposite. Revival doesn’t come by introducing something new. It comes when we return to the things God has already told us in His Word. King Hezekiah led the nation back to God’s old ways and revival swept the land. What might happen if Christians stopped searching for new things in churches, and instead, simply realigned their hearts and lives to the truth of God’s Word?