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Committed to Maturity

Date: July 26, 2009 | Speaker:

No one can go to the gym and get in shape FOR you. If you want to get fit, you have to exercise yourself. The same is true when it comes to your spiritual growth. You will never become spiritually mature simply by listening to the pastor teach every Sunday. If you want to grow in Christ, you MUST pursue God yourself by regularly spending time reading His Word. The reward will be that you will hear God speak directly to you, and you will begin to grow spiritually mature.

Jesus Can

Date: September 18, 2022 | Speaker:

Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee with his disciples and encountered a man possessed with demons. Jesus loved this man and displayed his power over the enemy by commanding the demons out of him and setting this man free. This passage reminds us that there is always hope for the hopeless and that when Jesus moves in our lives, then He gives us a message to carry to the world. Is your hope in the Jesus Who Can?

When Trust Turns Into Trials

Date: May 12, 2019 | Speaker:

Have you ever stepped out to follow God, only to discover when you got to where you were going, that it didn’t look anything like you thought it would? Has your obedience ever been followed by trials and testing? This is exactly what happened to Abram after he obeyed God’s call. It all started out very different than he must have imagined, but at just the right time, God fulfilled every one of His promises. If you are faithfully following God, but your life isn’t what you hoped for, keep trusting Him. He will not steer you wrong.


Date: September 14, 2014 | Speaker:

Imagine yourself being chained in a dark, gloomy dungeon, kept as a slave by a cruel master, with no hope at all of ever being set free. That is exactly the condition we were all in before Christ! We were slaves of Satan and bound by the chains of sin, with absolutely no way to buy our own freedom. But God loved us so much that He paid the price for our ransom by sacrificing His Son on the cross. Christ paid for us with His own precious blood, and because of this, we have been redeemed!


Date: September 21, 2014 | Speaker:

If someone bought you a new car, paid for it in full, and gave you the title, would you go to the dealership every month to make payments on it? Of course not! And yet that is exactly what we often do as Christians. Our sin debt has been paid in full and our record has been wiped completely clean, but we continue to live as though we’re guilty in God’s eyes. Once you understand the truth about God’s forgiveness, you will see your standing before Him in a whole new light, and you will be free to live your life for Him without being crippled by the guilt of your past!


Identity Recovery (Embracing the Truth)

Date: November 23, 2014 | Speaker:

The world puts all kinds of labels on us to define who we are: smart or dumb, pretty or ugly, popular or unpopular, successful or failure. The truth is, all of those labels are lies! We are not defined by any of those things. Jesus met many people whose lives were shaped and limited by the negative labels society had placed on them, but His transforming power set them free from those lies and gave them a brand new identity in Him. Don’t allow other people to define you. Find your identity in Christ alone!

How the Bible Defies the Odds

Date: January 13, 2019 | Speaker:

Take 40 people to the library and tell them to choose any books they want. Some people must choose more than one so that there are 66 books in all. What are the odds that all 66 books would be in agreement and form one continuous story? It is statistically impossible! The 66 books of the Bible were written by 40 authors from diverse backgrounds, living over a period of about 1,500 years, and yet when all 66 books are brought together, they form one complete, unified story from beginning to end. This is just more evidence confirming the Divine authorship of this amazing Book.

The Faith that Sustains You to the End

Date: October 13, 2019 | Speaker:

It has been said that we will never truly know how to live until we have learned how to die. This simply means, unless our faith for what happens to us after death is firmly anchored in the truth of God’s promises, we will live our entire life filled with uncertainty and fear. So what are you counting on to get you through death? Your accomplishments, your money, your friends won’t do you any good when that time comes. There is only one thing you can trust in completely when life is over, and you either have it right now, or you don’t!

What More Does God Have to Do?

Date: January 19, 2020 | Speaker:

“If God would just show me a miracle, then I’d believe!” So many people throughout the years have said these very words, but history has proven that even if God did show them a miracle, they probably still wouldn’t believe in Him. Have you ever demanded that God do something to prove His love for you? Do you find it harder to trust God and praise Him when life is difficult than when life is easy? If so, you may be basing your devotion to Him on your circumstances rather than simply on who He is. God has already shown us more than enough to know that He is good and that we can trust Him. Are you still asking for more?

Don’t Stop Short of God’s Call

Date: April 28, 2019 | Speaker:

Growing up we were all taught the importance of finishing what we started. This is certainly good advice to live by, but it is even more important in our walk with God. Sometimes we leave things undone that God’s Word has already told us to do, simply because we don’t want to deal with them. We follow where God calls us, but only as long as we’re comfortable. A life lived this way will never see all that God has in store, but will, instead, have to be content with hearing the stories of great faith from those who chose not to settle for less.