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Are You Committing Spiritual Adultery?

Date: June 21, 2020 | Speaker:

Imagine a married couple saying how committed they are to each other, but then asking if they can still date other people. How disturbing that would be! Yet we often do the same thing as followers of Christ. We declare our total allegiance to Him while our hearts pursue idols of every kind. He has made it clear that He will not accept anything less than our total commitment. Are there any areas of your life that you still have not surrendered completely to Him?

Destroying the Idols in Your Heart

Date: July 5, 2020 | Speaker:

When God sent His people into the Promised Land, the first thing they had to do was to locate and completely destroy every place of idol worship. God knows that any temptation we leave intact in our life will entice us away from pure worship to Him. Are there any “idols” that you have set up in your heart that are disrupting your true worship of God?

The Part of Worship We Tend to Ignore

Date: July 12, 2020 | Speaker:

Out of all the commands God gives in the Bible, there is one in particular that people have a hard time hearing. Sermons about love, grace and mercy are welcomed, but any talk about money in the church is often met with resistance. God’s instructions about giving are not designed to constrain us. They will actually bring us freedom and joy! Are we willing to hear what God wants to teach us?

Our Refuge from the Storms of Life

Date: July 26, 2020 | Speaker:

If you’ve ever been caught in a blinding rain storm while driving, the first thing you want to do is find shelter. Mountain climbers trapped by blizzards stand very little chance of surviving in sub-zero temperatures unless they can locate a place of safety and warmth. But where do you go when the storms of life overtake you? Do you have a place of refuge you can run to where you will always find strength and hope?

The Choice of a Lifetime

Date: August 2, 2020 | Speaker:

During our lifetime we make thousands of choices. Some choices, like which shirt to wear, have little or no significance; while other choices, like who to marry, will affect the rest of our lives. But the Bible says there is one choice every person on earth has to make, and the result will either bring you life or death. The decision seems simple, but many people choose wrong every day. How will you answer this choice of a lifetime?

Trusting God to the Very End

Date: August 9, 2020 | Speaker:

Imagine being told that you only had a few days to live. That would be very difficult for anyone to hear! That’s exactly what happened to Moses, and we can learn some crucial lessons from the way he responded to that news. Do we know what it takes to trust God so much that, like Moses, we will trust Him right up to the very end?

An Extraordinary Response to an Intentional Encounter Part 1

Date: August 16, 2020 | Speaker:

As a tax collector, Levi was an unlikely candidate for the gospel. However, Jesus had a plan to further His Kingdom and that plan included Levi. When Christ came calling, Levi trusted Christ and obeyed Him. In these uncertain times, God is still calling unlikely candidates to trust and obey Him so that His name might be exalted. How is God calling you today?

An Extraordinary Response to an Intentional Encounter Part 2

Date: August 23, 2020 | Speaker:

Levi had left everything to follow Jesus and subsequently held a great banquet to introduce his friends to Jesus. Although Matthew may not have known everything about following Jesus, Matthew did understand that who he knew (Jesus) was more important than what he knew. Matthew found a way to bring hope to his friends. Are there people in your life who need to know the hope that Jesus brings?

Following God in Days of Uncertainty

Date: August 30, 2020 | Speaker:

What do you do when some traumatic event has left you shaken, broken, and filled with worry? What do you do when the future looks so overwhelming that fear paralyzes you from moving forward? The same help that God gave to Joshua is available to you right now. Yes, you can continue following God, even in days of uncertainty!

Don’t Wait for a Better Time to Follow God

Date: September 13, 2020 | Speaker:

It’s easy to follow God when you don’t have to risk anything; when you’re healthy; when you’ve got money; when there’s no trouble in sight. But God calls us to follow Him when our strength is failing; when there’s no money; when the path ahead is filled with obstacles. Has God already called you to obey Him in some area, but you’re waiting for a better time? Right now is the time to step out and follow Him by faith!

The Danger of Living in Disobedience

Date: September 20, 2020 | Speaker:

“It’s just a small sin… it’s no big deal!” We are so quick to convince ourselves that God is willing to tolerate our sin, as long as we are still going to church, giving some money, and doing religious things. But even the smallest amount of known sin in our lives contaminates our entire relationship with God, just as a small amount of poison contaminates an entire glass of water. Are there areas of disobedience in your life that you have been tolerating? Bring them to God today!

Seek the Lord While He May Be Found

Date: September 27, 2020 | Speaker:

How long can a person continue ignoring God and pursuing sin before judgement comes? Throughout the Bible we see the incredible patience of God towards those who keep turning away from Him. He gives them many opportunities to repent, but the clock is ticking on His patience, and one day it will end. Are you still running from God? Call on Him today before it’s too late!