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When Victory is Followed by Defeat

Date: October 4, 2020 | Speaker:

Throughout history, many victories on the battlefield have been immediately followed by crushing defeat. This is a syndrome called Victory Disease. It is brought on when the euphoria of winning dulls the senses and creates a feeling of invincibility. The same thing happens in the Christian life. We’re standing one day and crawling the next. We must never let down our guard, especially in moments of triumph.

You Can’t Follow God by Accident

Date: October 18, 2020 | Speaker:

How would God rate our service to Him right now? Is it a sincere, fully-devoted service, or are we still holding onto things that displease Him? Living a life of faithfulness to God will not happen by accident. It will only happen if we choose to put Him first every single day of our lives, and put to death every “idol” that is taking His place. Is there anything God has told you to get rid of that you are still allowing to reside in your heart?

The Call to Discipleship

Date: October 25, 2020 | Speaker:

When Jesus calls us to follow Him and become His disciple, He requires nothing less than a total commitment. He said that everyone who would follow Him must deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Him. We cannot negotiate the terms of this call. We must be willing to sign a blank contract and let Him fill in the terms later. Are you following Jesus with this kind of total commitment, or are you still holding some areas of your life back from Him?

The Spiritual Collapse of a Nation

Date: November 8, 2020 | Speaker:

How is it possible for a nation to be founded upon the Word of God, yet end up completely corrupted by sin and wickedness? The Book of Judges says this happens when everyone begins doing what is right in their own eyes. Any nation that abandons the moral absolutes of God will soon drift off course and become foolish in their thinking, and this will ultimately lead to their downfall. Has this already happened to America, and if so, how can we correct our course before it’s too late?

God’s Light of Hope in Dark Times

Date: November 15, 2020 | Speaker:

Sometimes when life is at its worst and dark clouds are all around, you can be tempted to wonder if God has abandoned you. It was during a period just like this when a young pagan woman named Ruth put her faith in God and chose to follow Him. God drew her out of the darkness by His grace and literally changed the course of history through her. God is still looking for people who are willing to stand up for Him when no one else will. Are you that person?

You may also find this series on the Book of Ruth helpful: “Ruth – A Story of God’s Grace”

God Has Not Forgotten You

God Has Not Forgotten You

Date: November 29, 2020 | Speaker:

After a year like 2020 it’s easy to have moments of anxiety, fear and panic, and even to wonder at times if God has forgotten you in the midst of all the chaos. Noah must have felt the same way during that long year when he was closed off inside the ark. Yet during that terrible trial, we read the beautiful words, “But God remembered Noah,” and we discover that he had never been out of God’s care for a single day! Whatever struggle you may be facing right now, take heart in knowing that God has not forgotten you!

Christmas: The Wonder of WHO

Date: December 6, 2020 | Speaker:

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the rush of the Christmas season. We get caught up in shopping and decorating and cooking, and if we’re not careful, the true meaning of Christmas will get lost in it all. That’s why we must always stay focused on that baby in the manger and remind ourselves just who He is. Everything that matters in life emanates from Him, for He truly is God with us!

Christmas: The Wonder of HOW

Date: December 13, 2020 | Speaker:

If you and I had planned the birth of Jesus, we would have made sure He was born into a royal family, that He had the best medical care, the most comfortable surroundings, and that His birth was announced to famous, influential people. But God chose for His Son to be born into the lowliest of conditions, surrounded by poverty and hardship, and overlooked by almost everyone. In doing this, God was teaching us a life-changing lesson that will forever change the meaning of Christmas!

Preparing for What’s Ahead

Date: December 27, 2020 | Speaker:

Most will agree, this past year was a challenge. No one could predict the kind of events and trials many have faced. But thankfully, none took God by surprise. Even before Jesus came into this world, God made it clear the kind of Savior He would be. It was His mission to save us and provide everything we need to not only survive but thrive among the trials and tribulations of this darkening world. Join us as we recognize the battles that wage war around us, and the weapons and strategies available to us to not only stand firm but even take back ground that may have been lost.

God is Not Your Good Luck Charm

Date: January 24, 2021 | Speaker:

A spare tire. An insurance policy. A fire extinguisher. These are things we keep around somewhere in case of an emergency. Usually they’re out of sight gathering dust because we never think about them until something goes wrong. Sadly, some people treat God this way. They have no time for Him, but the minute trouble comes, they run and grab God like He’s some kind of good luck charm, begging Him to fix their problems. If this has been your view of God, there is a much better relationship he desires to have with you!

Exchanging God for Other Things

Date: January 31, 2021 | Speaker:

Did you ever demand to get your own way, even against the advice of others, only to end up suffering the consequences of that poor decision later on? Sometimes we do the same thing with God. Instead of following His Word, we demand to go our own way, which always ultimately leads to trouble and heartache. Today’s message reveals what’s really driving us to act like that, and helps us learn how to avoid the mistake of exchanging God’s ways for our own.

Learning to See How God Sees

Date: February 14, 2021 | Speaker:

Have you ever met someone for the first time and then discovered later that you had unfairly misjudged them based solely on what you saw? We tend to judge people by what we see on the outside, but God warns us that this is wrong. What matters most to God is on the inside, because who we really are flows out of the condition of our heart. So, are we more concerned with how we look on the outside than how we look on the inside?