Sermons from Acts

The Significance of Our Testimony

Date: March 10, 2024 | Speaker:

A testimony can be a powerful thing, and the use of a testimony goes right back to God, Himself, when He wrote His testimony of entering into covenant with His people, Israel. God also did this in His New Covenant, and though there are similarities, His New Covenant is far better than the old. Jesus is the mediator of this New Covenant, and through Him, we can experience all that God has provided for us. Join us as we look at the significance of our testimony.

Living for God in a Godless World

Date: December 10, 2023 | Speaker:

In the tapestry of our lives, every thread woven by God serves a purpose, even the dark and difficult strands that we wish weren’t there. God often places us in challenging circumstances to humble and refine us, so we must learn to embrace His purifying work, whatever it may be. As we stand firm in our faith, God’s purpose will be perfected in us, and His glory will shine like a beacon of hope to the lost world, guiding them to Him. Remember, our battles here are only temporary, and we have the bright promise of an eternal future in His presence where everything will be made new!

Does the Most High God Rule Over You?

Date: October 22, 2023 | Speaker:

Deep within our human nature lurks a sinister force so powerful that, if left unchecked, will eventually take control of our life. It is deceptively easy to become entangled in the web of worldly attachments, be it possessions, relationships, ambitions, or social standing. We cling to these earthly treasures with such devotion that they can eventually occupy the throne of our heart. If this happens, God will have to strip away everything that is keeping us from Him; not to destroy us, but to humble and redeem us. By releasing our pride and yielding to God, we can find genuine fulfillment in His boundless love and goodness. Is there anything you are holding onto that is preventing God from being the only true King of your life?

Going Public with Your Faith

Date: October 15, 2023 | Speaker:

Join us for our baptism service where we witnessed the beautiful act of faith as 12 people publicly declared their devotion to Christ through the waters of baptism. It was a day of celebration and obedience to the Lord’s command as these believers made their faith known to the world, and it was a reminder to each of us that our faith isn’t meant to be private, but a shining light for everyone to see. May their commitment inspire us all to live out our faith boldly and without reservation as we follow Christ each day.

Overcoming Discouragement

Date: September 24, 2023 | Speaker:

Have you ever taught a Sunday School class, led a Bible study, or participated in an outreach endeavor, only to witness what appears to be a total lack of results? It can be disheartening to invest so much and reap so little. Even the prophet Jeremiah, a man of steadfast faith, found himself in the depths of discouragement. But in his darkest hour, when he contemplated giving up, it was the unshakable Word of God that brought him back from the precipice of despair. We must remember that even in the midst of apparent fruitlessness, God’s purposes are still at work in ways we cannot see. If you are in a similar place right now, you can find renewed strength and hope in the unfaltering promises of God’s Word!

Your Last Chance to be Saved

Date: July 16, 2023 | Speaker:

On May 18, 1980, the volcano inside Mount St. Helens erupted. For two months, authorities had warned everyone in the vicinity to evacuate, and everyone did, except for one man. Harry Rainel Truman refused to leave his small cottage at the base of the mountain, and on that fateful day, he was buried beneath 150 feet of debris. He heard the repeated warnings, but he chose to ignore them. Many people are just like Truman. They hear God’s invitation to be saved before judgment comes, but they refuse to listen. Tragically, a day is coming when they will hear that warning for the final time, and then the door of opportunity will close forever. Today, while you hear God’s voice, respond to Him before it’s too late!

Saying Yes to a Costly Call

Date: January 22, 2023 | Speaker:

God called Isaiah to spend the rest of his life preaching to a rebellious nation, and was told that no one would listen to his message. That was a difficult assignment! God also calls us to step out and obey Him in various ways throughout our life, and those calls are seldom convenient or easy. Saying yes to God always comes with a cost. It requires laying aside our own desires and plans, and even being willing to suffer and die, if necessary. The call may be hard, but there is no safer, more rewarding place to be than right where God is leading you! Will you be ready to answer God’s calls when they come?

The Comfort of the Incarnation

Date: December 18, 2022 | Speaker:

The good news of Christmas is for those who are tired of seeing sin and bad news everywhere, especially in themselves. It’s easy to become weighed down and discouraged by the constant battles of this life, but having the assurance that—because Christ came the first time, He is most certainly coming again—fills us with comfort and hope. We can look beyond the unrest that we see around us and that we sometimes see within us, and we can be comforted by the guaranteed promise of His return and the eternal life that awaits all those who have trusted in Him as their Savior! Do you have this comfort today?

Colossians – Part 6

Date: March 13, 2022 | Speaker:

Paul’s letter to the believers in Colossae is packed full of encouragement for them, warnings about false teachings, and instructions on relating to one another. Join us as we step through this powerful letter and apply the truths found here to our own lives, church, and relationships.

Colossians – Part 3

Date: February 13, 2022 | Speaker:

Paul’s letter to the believers in Colossae is packed full of encouragement for them, warnings about false teachings, and instructions on relating to one another. Join us as we step through this powerful letter and apply the truths found here to our own lives, church, and relationships.

What Is Baptism All About?

Date: January 2, 2022 | Speaker:

To people outside the church, baptism seems like a strange ritual. Why dunk people under water? What does that mean, and what does it accomplish? Does getting baptized mean you’ll go to heaven? Can anyone be baptized? In this brief message we’ll answer those and other important questions by seeing what the Bible actually says about baptism.