Sermons from Acts

Colossians – Part 3

Date: February 13, 2022 | Speaker:

Paul’s letter to the believers in Colossae is packed full of encouragement for them, warnings about false teachings, and instructions on relating to one another. Join us as we step through this powerful letter and apply the truths found here to our own lives, church, and relationships.

What Is Baptism All About?

Date: January 2, 2022 | Speaker:

To people outside the church, baptism seems like a strange ritual. Why dunk people under water? What does that mean, and what does it accomplish? Does getting baptized mean you’ll go to heaven? Can anyone be baptized? In this brief message we’ll answer those and other important questions by seeing what the Bible actually says about baptism.

Raise Up Spiritually Passionate Followers of Christ

Date: June 27, 2021 | Speaker:

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought challenges for churches around the world, and we have certainly felt the effects of it here at LifePoint. Despite the challenges, God has been stirring our hearts. We have a sense that God is preparing us (along with all of His true followers) for even greater effectiveness in the months and years ahead. This has brought with it a sharpening of our focus and purpose as a church. This message is not only for LifePoint Church, but for all who are ready to put their hands to the plow and never look back.

Turning and Trusting – Part 2

Date: May 9, 2021 | Speaker:

The Bible tells us that those who trust in God are “blessed”. However, trusting in God during uncertain times can be difficult. Jeremiah 17 reminds us that God has provided us with everything we need to trust in Him and when we stay connected to Him during challenging times, God uses us to impact the lives of those around us and to ultimately bring Him glory. God is worthy and able to carry us through whatever journey we are on. Are you trusting in Him today?

Easter Fool or Easter Faith?

Date: April 12, 2020 | Speaker:

Some people find it difficult to believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. To them, it fits in the same category as the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. So as followers of Christ, are we fools for believing that He actually rose from the dead and that He is still changing lives today, or is there solid evidence for the resurrection?

Finding What You’ve Been Searching For

Date: September 15, 2019 | Speaker:

Many people spend their lives searching for something to fill up the empty ache they feel inside. They look for fulfillment in relationships, career, money, status… yet they soon realize that those things are not the answer. That emptiness every person feels inside is there for a reason, and that’s because sin separated us from God and left us incomplete. There is only one way to satisfy that empty longing forever, and today’s message tells us exactly how.

Don’t Stop Short of God’s Call

Date: April 28, 2019 | Speaker:

Growing up we were all taught the importance of finishing what we started. This is certainly good advice to live by, but it is even more important in our walk with God. Sometimes we leave things undone that God’s Word has already told us to do, simply because we don’t want to deal with them. We follow where God calls us, but only as long as we’re comfortable. A life lived this way will never see all that God has in store, but will, instead, have to be content with hearing the stories of great faith from those who chose not to settle for less.

What Happens When the Church Prays?

Date: March 18, 2018 | Speaker:

Prayer… Christians talk about it, preach about it and write books about it, but how much time do we actually spend praying? We have so many resources at our disposal that prayer has become a last resort. The early church prayed like their lives depended on it, and as a result, God moved in powerful ways! The church today has lots of activity, but very little power, and we will never have that power until we get back on our knees.

Our God of Restoration

Date: February 11, 2018 | Speaker:

Do you wonder if God could ever forgive you for what you’ve done? Do you think His calling on your life has surely been revoked considering the mistakes you have made? Are you convinced God has rejected you forever? Scripture gives us a clear understanding on questions such as these. A broken and repentant heart, God will not reject. Listen as we bring into focus God’s desire to restore His children who have gone astray.

Are We Faithful?

Date: October 9, 2016 | Speaker:

We all know about the Apostle Paul and the astounding ways God used his life, but do we know the man who stood up for Paul when no one else wanted him, and who actually put Paul in a position to be used by God? The truth is, God’s work is not sustained and enriched by the prominent people in the spotlight, but by the mostly unknown men and women serving faithfully behind the scenes. Are we willing to be that person?

Are We Led by the Spirit?

Date: October 2, 2016 | Speaker:

“Don’t worry, I know where I’m going!” Have you ever said that to anyone in the car, and then you ended up getting lost? It’s one thing to be on the wrong road while driving, but it’s a far more serious thing to be on the wrong road in life. How do we find direction for daily decisions? Is there anything more reliable to go on than just our feelings or how things look, and if so, how do we discover it?