Sermons from Acts

Carrying Out an Impossible Mission

Date: April 19, 2015 | Speaker:

When you consider the odds that were stacked against the mission of the early church, it is literally nothing short of miraculous that it ever succeeded at all. Jesus sent a handful of trembling followers into a hostile world to proclaim an unbelievable story to people who hated them. On their own, these weak, broken followers had no chance whatsoever of accomplishing this task. How, then, were they able to carry out this mission with such astonishing power, and what must we learn from them?

The Heartbeat of God

Date: April 12, 2015 | Speaker:

As the church today, we have become professionals at gathering. We spend millions on massive buildings, hi-tech sound and video productions, even pyrotechnics in some cases! We have become experts at putting on performances that rival Disney and Hollywood, all in an effort to meet the ever-growing demands of our members so they’ll be happy and keep coming back. In so doing, we have completely missed the heartbeat of God and have entertained ourselves into irrelevance.

What Part Do We Play in the Gospel?

Date: August 31, 2014 | Speaker:

As followers of Christ, we have been entrusted with the greatest mission on earth, but do we know what that mission is, and do we understand our role in it? Being a Christian is more than just saying a prayer and then waiting for heaven when we die. It means being an active part of the Body of Christ and allowing the good news of the gospel to live out through our lives each day.

Are We Ashamed?

Date: August 10, 2014 | Speaker:

As we trace the spread of the gospel through the book of acts, we learn that as it was preached it would cause two results; salvation for some who heard the message and persecution to those who brought the message. How is it that the Gospel can be considered “good news” if the people who share it are always getting beat up? So when Paul says that he’s not ashamed of the gospel, does he have in mind just the extrinsic fact of it, or the intrinsic effects of it on his own life?

Good News for a Dying World

Date: July 27, 2014 | Speaker:

Bad news — we’re bombarded with it every day. Even a quick glance at the headlines reminds us that we live in a world plagued with violence, war, crime and greed. Is there any truly good news that could right all this wrong, and if so, where do we find it? Lasting good news will never come from better government, peace treaties or any other efforts of man. There is only one source of good news, and it has already been made available to us. Have you discovered this good news?

Life’s Most Profitable Loss

Date: May 4, 2014 | Speaker:

When the Titanic was sinking, many wealthy passengers left money, priceless jewels, and artwork behind as they fled to the lifeboats. What had been so valuable to them just minutes before was now worthless in comparison to saving their lives. There are things we sometimes place high values on that we think will make us right with God — good works, being a church member, etc. — but the Bible says all these are worthless compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ. Discover the secret Paul knew and see why he could truly say that Christ was his greatest treasure.

Living By Faith – Pt.1

Date: April 6, 2014 | Speaker:

Paul continues in Gal. 2:20 to explain that the life he now lives, he lives by faith. What does it mean to live life, and how is it that Paul now lives it by faith. What is faith? When we say that Christians belong to “the faith” what is being said? What is it about living a Christian life that separates that life from anyone else? How do we live by faith?

Idolatry or Worship?

Date: February 9, 2014 | Speaker:

When we look at other religions and cultures of the world, we recognize that they worship their god. For Christians, we know that their worship, whether image-worship or spirit-worship, is idolatrous because they are not worshiping the one true and living Holy God. Is their a difference in the worship aside from the object being worshiped? What is at the heart of idolatry?

The Strange Leading of the Holy Spirit

Date: April 7, 2013 | Speaker:

The great church in Philippi began, not through clever planning and brilliant strategy, but because of “failed” plans by a missionary team. They had planned to take the Gospel into Asia, but the Holy Spirit would not allow them to go there, and sent them instead to the city of Philippi where they were severely beaten and thrown into prison. Surely this could not be God’s will for them! Yet out of that hardship came a beautiful church. Are you learning to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading, even when His plans don’t make sense?

Power from on High

Date: March 24, 2013 | Speaker:

Jesus left us with a great commission. We are to take His message into all the world. But He didn’t expect us to attempt it in our own strength and abilities. He promised us another Helper who would guarantee our success. Listen as we uncover this incredible promise Jesus still offers to every follower who asks to receive.

Blessed To Be A Blessing

Date: June 10, 2012 | Speaker:

No one has to teach little children to pull a toy out of another child’s hand and say, “Mine!” We’re all born with that selfish nature in us. And even as adults, we struggle with the same problem. God blesses us with so many things — not only material things, but salvation too — and our tendency is to hold on tightly to those blessings and say, “These are mine!” But the truth is, God blesses us, not only for our benefit, but so we can invest those blessings into the lives of others for His glory. When a church learns to start releasing God’s blessings into the mission of Christ, it will unleash His power and see lives impacted for all eternity!